Wednesday, December 14, 2011

FALLING RAIN: Chapter Seven - "Over The Rainbow"

“Falling Rain” - Danny Saucedo and Eric Saade fanfiction story written by Nika H, the admistrator of “Danny Saucedo Fans” at facebook:
Please, do not repost, copy, and/or change any part of this material without asking permission and crediting ME and “Danny Saucedo Fans”.
All events described here are purely fictional, unfortunately :(

Copyright © by Nika H, “Danny Saucedo Fans”.

Chapter Seven – Over The Rainbow

I wish there was a way to stop all my tears.
I wish there was a way to wash all my fears.
I wish there was simply another place to live... for me.

I wish the dreams I dreamt would not be wasted.
I wish the voice hope within me would be raised.
I wish simply to follow my own path of life.

I wish my little prayer would be heard at the time.
I’ve done no faults, commited no crime.
Why am I supposed to be the one left behind?

After some time the darknest that seemed to be eternal to me have begun to fade away, slowly, step by step.
My vision was far away from being clear, all I could see was in blur – as a result I could not even tell what it was.
My head was spinning around like a record, and aching – as if somebody was hitting me with a baseball bat.

-“Oh...” I sighed. It was sigh of relief, for being a live. It was a sigh of pain, for being hurt. It was sigh of surprise, for not knowing what is going on.
My vision was still blury, but as time passed some memories ran across my mind.
I clearly remembered the fact I was in the middle of a cold, rainy street – and now, here I am, in a warm, dry sofa.

The blury image confused and annoyed me, so I simply closed my eyes.
Letting myself daydream a bit, waiting for the sanity to find him.
The only thing I could take for granted was me being alive.
What? Why? How? When? I left all the questions for... later.

-“Danny, are you alright?” I heard someone saying, asking me, and interrupting my thoughts. In ages and ages hence, no matter in what condition I am – I would recognize this voice.
-“Eric?” I asked, hesistantly – feeling my heartbeat rising through my skin.
-“Yes, are you alright?” He replied, re-asking his question.
-“Well... more or less.” I said, trying to avoid the question – since I was a bit worried by Eric’s worried tone. I did not want him to suffer because of me.
-“Don’t lie.” Eric said, in a sharp tone. I was about to argue, but his face expression and voice tone was enough for me to understand he knew it all.
I was neither brave, nor strong enough to speak –  I remained silent.

His beautiful face; those wonderful dark brown eyes – deep like an ocean, full of love and care, those pink lips that tasted like paradise. Everything, everything in him, like a wave – destroyed the shied a built for myself.

-“Why, Danny, tell me, why?” He asked me, in a broken voice.
-“There was no other way for me. You know it yourself.” I answered, trying to sound cooler than ice, yet feeling the sorrow burning under my skin.
-“It can’t be true, Danny. There is always a way. There must be another way.” He said, protesting.
-“Please, do me a favour and stop sounding like a fairytale! We are both grown up adults, we all not that life is not like a movie with an happy end!” I replied, angrily.
-“Yes, life is not like a movie with an happy end, but one always has a choice! You choosed the wrong road-“ He continued arguing.
Why was he trying to proove me there is still a hope where infact there wasn’t?
-“I chosed the right direction for me. Now, I’m following it. What if I told you I want it that way? What if I told you I want to be lost?” I protested, furiously.
-“One says they are lost, when one wants to be found. Really, Danny, who do you think you are fooling now?” He said, and I, I wanted to answer.
But there was nothing I could add, knowing he was right.

Really, who do I think I am fooling now?
I was not angry with Eric for trying to change my mind, and telling me what to do, I realised. I was angry with Eric for the same reason, the same reason that almost lead me to the end of the road.

Again, I caught myself simply scared admiting my own feeling, my own emotions, scared of believing – in whatever it is.

I thought I lost my faith in everything, infact – It was nothing more than what I made myself believe in. I was wrong, mistaken.
I wanted to lose myself, that’s true, only my real intention was to be found.

-“Myself, probably.” I said, and looked down.
-“Most likely. This discussion will get us nowhere. Why cannot we simply talk things over?” Eric asked me, softly.
-“Why indeed?” I replied, and smiled at him sadly.
-“What happened Danny?” Eric re-asked me.
-“Come on tell me the truth... Set your body free...” Eric adressed me, almost begging.
-“And the truth will set me free?” I responded, trying to sound sarcastic.
-“Yes, that’s correct!” Eric asnwered, happy of the change in me.
-“Haha, let’s see!” I answered him, and sighed.
-“Oh, now you sound familiar!” He replied and we both laughed.
It has been a long time since he came around.
It has been a long time, and this time, I am not leaving without him.

-“Do you know what is like when time is running out? Do you know what it’s like when you are in a race – against the time, against the world, against them all.
I gave my best, I swear I did... only it was not enough. It was never enough. Tell me a reason to hold on my tears? Tell me what could silence all my fears?
Tell me, is there a truth, or hope for me? Tell me, is there another world for me to live?” I said, and stopped, unable to continue talking.

-“Darling, there’s always a reason, there’s always a truth, and there’s always a hope. I know, your life seemed to be a like a falling rain, but dear, remember, after a falling rain always comes a rainbow.
After a fog, the horizon can be seen clearer than ever. Beyond the horizon, there’s no pain, there’s pain. There’s a world, for us, to be unite. Beyong the horizon, there’s only love, no hate. There we can be, complete, and shine.
I swear I understand you, I know how you feel but-“ Eric replied, and I interrupted him.

-“Do you know what it’s like when your in the dark, all alone, and all the doors are closed? No light, no life, no anything!” I said, emotionally.

-“The doors might be closed, but you have the key to open them. Even in the darkest room, there’s always a little light – that brings a little life.” He said, and put an arm on my shoulder.

His touch was so soft, so warm. It spread a light, all over me.
He was my kye, that could open all the doors – and bring me back to life.

-“I...” As much as I wanted to open up my heart to him, something always stopped me. This long fear, this thought I should always pretend...
-“There’s something more. What is it Danny? Even in our best periods, in our best moments – there was something.” Eric guesed right. There was.
-“It’s not you, it’s me.” I confessed.

-“It seems to be that as if you have walls surrounding your heart, to protect you from something, from what? Why are you afraid of? Why wouldn’t you let anyone inside?” He asked me.
-“Has anybody been inside your soul?” I asked, avoiding the question.
-“You did. I always told you everything. Right from the start.” He answered.
-“Oh.” Was all I could say – feeling guilty.

-“Set yourself free, Danny.” Eric requested, almost begging.
-“I can’t, Eric. I tried, and I can’t...” I admited.
-“It will not work this way, I’m sorry.” He stated.
-“What?” I asked shocked, sensing the upcoming heartbreak.

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