Wednesday, December 7, 2011

FALLING RAIN: Chapter Six - "Falling Rain"

“Falling Rain” - Danny Saucedo and Eric Saade fanfiction story written by Nika H, the admistrator of “Danny Saucedo Fans” at facebook:
Please, do not repost, copy, and/or change any part of this material without asking permission and crediting ME and “Danny Saucedo Fans”.
All events described here are purely fictional, unfortunately :(

Copyright © by Nika H, “Danny Saucedo Fans”.

Chapter Six – Falling Rain

It was just an other ordinary evening, me and Molly were quietly eating our dinner. Unspoken words filled with tension could be tasted in the air since Janna’s visit. None of us dare to mention Danny’s name, but it was still hanging in between the lines.

-“How was your day, Eric?” Molly has asked me.
-“Great.. and yours?” I asnwered, trying to sound natural, but failing.
-“Same here...” Molly said, in what was supposed to be a happy tone – but it ended up being dead.
-“Oh...” Was all I could say in response.

This was our usual conversation, repeated dozens of times daily.
I wasn’t strong enough to handle a conversation about Danny – when the wounds he had trapped deep inside me were still fresh. Molly on the other hand, was afraid of hurting me – knowing already to what it can lead.

But, it wasn’t about me any more. Danny was getting worse as I spoke.
I promised, I swore to both Janna and Peter to do something if they fail, and they did. It was my time, my turn now.
And I knew, deep inside me, that I have no right to fail.

Deep breaths, followed by sighs. I have found all the courage hidden within me, and raised up my voice.
-“Molly, what can I do about Danny?” I asked her directly, catching her off guard. This was clearly that one question she did not except to hear from me.
She looked in my eyes for a long moment silently, and then spoke:
-“Look, Eric – I understand you perfectly, I know how much pain it will cause you but I really thing there’s only one way left, I swear I would not mention it if I thought there is another solution but....” She said, and stopped for a moment.
-“But...?” I pressed her to continue.
-“I think you must speak to Danny.” She added.
Now it was her turn to catch me unprepared. I have to admit that I excepted this answer, but it still caught me off guard.
-“How...?” I asked.
-“Call Janna, arrange a meeting...” Molly suggested.
-“Alright.” I said in agreement and reached for my phone.

I dialed Janna’s number and waited for an aswer, that did not keep me waiting for a long time. Janna has quickly picked up the phone.

-“Hi Janna, look, I want to talk to Danny, now, can you-“ I begun to say, but Janna interrupted me.
-“I don’t know where he is...” She said, in a very... hopeless, lifeless voice that made me worry.
-“Oh, fine... Well, when he comes back, tell him that I-“ I could not finish this sentence aswell, for the same reason.
-“He will not comeback.” She said, in the same tone as before.
I managed hard to keep myself standing on my feet, and not dropping the phone.
-“What?! What do you mean ‘He will not comeback’?” I demanded Janna.
-“He has left me, he has simply walked away. Neither I, neither Peter know where he is. It has been hours. At first, I hoped he may go to you but... then I realised the chances are minimal. I planned to call you, but you were faster.” She explained me the situation, leaving me speechless.
How could this bastard to this? Has he lost his mind? I thought. Fuck you, fuck you Danny Saucedo!
-“I will find him!” I said.
-“How?” She questioned.
-“I don’t know how, but I will, I will find away.” I said, adding in my mind  No matter what it might cause us. I will reach him.

We ended the call, I said no more in addition – besides a promise I made to Janna – calling her whatever happens.
As I walked out the room, I caught Molly’s look on me – He has heard every single word I said, and from her face expression I could tell she understood what had happened.

Therefore, I decided not to waste time on explantions. I leaved my apartment, took my car, and begun to drive it in Stockholm’s streets.
It was cold. It was dark. It was rainy. The falling rain was the tears of sky.

At some point, I have decided it will be better if I search for him in those streets where no cars pass, where no light is seen.
I got out of the car, and simply started walking around the streets.
Dangers did not bother me at all.

I will catch a grenade for you.
I will jump in front of a train for you.
You know, Danny, I’d do anything for you.

Two endless hours passed.
I did not slow down.
I did not turn around.

All of a sudden, I saw a man – lying in the middle of the street. My vision was not enough to see his face, but I knew, I knew I have found him.

I found him. He was lying motionless on the sidewalk. At first, I did not know what to say, I did not posses the power of speech any longer.
What the hell have you done to yourself, Danny Saucedo? I wondered for sometime. Afterwards, a story told a long, long time ago popped in my mind.

“Dave was filling out of control, you know. He had the feeling time was running out, so much he wanted to do... yet he couldn’t. Twenty-four hours were not enough, he needed like... forty-eight. He became really depressed, and later got involved with drugs. Time passed, things got worse, he... locked himself in that God damned room and hanged himself... Oh God...”

“Dave did not have that special person who could hold him here. Unlike you, and unlike Danny.”

Then, I understood everything.
-“Oh, Danny!” I said, feeling my already bleeding heart breaking to piceces. –“Why have you done this to yourself? Why?” I asked him, realised he cannot hear me.
For a moment – I was lost, I did not know what to do.
I did not dare to call both Janna and Peter.
Janna would not handle it, and the memory of Dave still leaves in Peter.
I know what this will do to them, especially if the end will not be... an happy ending. I did not want to be the one to tell it, yet knowing if I, myself, can even handle it.

Also, Danny’s presence was like a knife stabbed straight into my heart – that was already incomplete. His presence effected me like an hurricane, tough he was clearly unconsicious. Suffocated, I was suffocated.

Everything I tried to hide in my self-denial period has droped on me, knocking me to the ground – no escape, no ability to move.
I realised how much love I have for Danny.
I realised that I simply cannot be without him.

What should I do with him? I questioned myself., and after some doubts, I have decided to take him to my studio. The only private place I ever owned in my life.

I lifted Danny carefully, thanking my coach deep in my heart for training me, otherwise I would never be able to do it.
I pulled him in my car, to the sit next to me.
He was still unconsicious – A travveler in another foreign world, far away from ours. A dreamer, seing perphaps sweet dreams or beautiful nightmares.

I caught myself wondering if he will ever comeback to us, or leave us behind – and continue his journey in between the stars, in between the planets...

-“Darling, you just looked for an escape from all the sorrow, from all the pain. All you ever wanted it to fly, fly again. I know it, darling...” I said to him, shedding some tears.
-“Please, Danny, don’t leave me in all this pain. Don't leave me out in the rain.
Come back and bring back my smile. Come and take these tears away....”

Surrounded by a wave of pain, washing me away like a zunami, I somehow have finded to strenght to go on – to keep on driving.
It was the longest, the most exhausting journey in my whole life.
It was the road of life, the road of hope.

When I finally arrived to the studio, I lifed Danny and carefully placed him on my sofa. For a moment, I wondered if I should have called an ambulance – the logical thinking told me I should, why my heart – told me I did just right.
And I? I listen to my heart. How could one’s feeling be wrong?

Danny was still unconsicious. Yet, I have noticed a slight change in his face. His previous expression of pain, that tore my heart has vanished away – and was replaced with a smile. He was dreaming.
-“Oh!” I sighed, with relief, realising he will be alright.
I thanked by name every single God known to me.

I could stay awake, just to hear his breathing.
Watch his smile while he is sleeping,
While he is far away, dreaming...

I simply was not strong enough to resist the smile on his face. He was so beautiful, once again, I stood – amazed by his beauty.
He was an angel. Angel Danny.
I pressed my lips to his forehad and kissed him softly.
-“Te amo...” I whispered in his ear.

No logical explantion for my behaviour has ever existed. I knew it was wrong, I knew I will pay off for it – in the pain that will follow.
But I simply did not care.

My weak resistance, of his flower,
Has gotten me effected,
Because I was so blind to see.
Everyone told me, but did I listen?

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