Sunday, October 9, 2011

THERE'S A PLACE FOR US - Chapter No.8 - "Rest In Sleaze"

“There’s a Place For Us” - Danny Saucedo and Eric Saade fanfiction story written by Nika H, the admistrator of “Danny Saucedo Fans” at facebook:
Please, do not repost, copy, and/or change any part of this material without asking permission and crediting ME and “Danny Saucedo Fans”.
All events described here are purely fictional, unfortunately :(

Copyright © by Nika H, “Danny Saucedo Fans”.

Chapter Eight – Rest In Sleaze

He was already awake as I entred the room. When I had walked in, he turned to stare at me with his blue eyes that seemed thoughtful, and expressed sadness.
I stood near the bed he was lying on, waiting for him to speak – but he continued looking at me silently.

-“Danny, I’m sorry.” I said finally, gazing straight into his blue eyes.
-“So am I, Eric.” He responded in a dead tone. I noticed how some tears streamed down his red cheeks – he did not even bother to wipe them away.
-“Danny, Danny, don’t... don’t cry.” I said, and looked down. It was the first time I have seen him shedding tears, and I prayed it would be last.
I coundn’t bear it. I coundn’t stand it – especially knowing it was all my fault, it was me – because of whom he was crying.
All I ever wanted was to see him happy, to see him smiling and...

Then, after few minutes of silence – of intolerable silence, I raised my head up – and looked at him. His expression was thoughtful, doubtful – it had seemed to me he was considering some serious things. He looked as if he was making a decision that might effect his whole life.
Danny had looked at me for few seconds, his expression changed – it was something I couldn’t decode. He sighed.

-“Eric, I... so many things I wanted to say to you now – but I am unable to. I just can’t! I can’t!” He said in a voice full of sadness and regret. He looked as if something has tore him apart, broken in pieces. It has reminded me the way he looked after... the crash.
The memory brought so much pain to me, I tried my best to hide it.
Danny does not deserve to see it. I thought to myself, and said:
-“It’s OK, Danny... There’s so much things I would like to tell you aswell.” I admited, and smiled at him.
-“Then do it.” He ordered, closed his eyes – and let some tears to fall down.
-“I’m sorry for everythig I have done. I know, I don’t deserve your forgiveness, neither your love, nor even the opportunity to speak to you. I only want you to know that I love you, and maybe one day – you’ll forgive me.” I said in a broken voice –“Sorry, Danny. I love you.” I added, and wiped away my tears.
-“You’re done?” He asked me. I noticed the change in his voice – now, he sounded sharp – mean.
-“Yes...” I said, a bit... shocked from his expression.
-“Then go the hell out of here!” He shouted at me, leaving me shocked – breathless.

I said nothing in return. I mean, what can I say? Especially knowing he was right. What else did I except but this reception? It was exactly what I have deserved.
I turned away, and walked out of his room. I felt dead, broken, torn apart.
All I wanted was to go away, far away from here – so I begun to walk fast toward the exit.

-“Eric!” Somebody called me, after few seconds – I regocnized the voice, it was Janna.
I turned around, she was few meters away from me – I walked toward her.
-“Eric, what happened?” She demanded.
I remained silent. No, it’s not that I did not want to tell her – I just couldn’t get the words out of my mouth. I felt to miserable, so helpless.
Janna was a smart girl, my silence was enough for her to understand everything.

-“Oh, I’m sorry...” She said, and touched my arm.
-“It’s not fault, Janna – don’t apologize to me. I am the one who should apologize to you, and i will do it now.” I said, -“I’m sorry, Janna.” I added.
-“Don’t be ridiculous. May I know what is your fault exactly?”
-“I stole your boyfriend and almost caused his death.” I confessed.
-“Danny overreacted. It’s not your fault.” She said, looking straight into my eyes.
What the hell was wrong with her? She was supposed to defend her boyfriend, she was supposed to hate me. Yet, here she stood – defending me.
-“Janna... tell me, why?” I said, -“Why are you defending me? Why are you trying to make me feel better?” I asked her, -“Tell me, I want to know.” I added.
-“Eric, look, I care – about both of you. I want you and Danny to be happy.” She answered me, and I was shocked, speechless I stood there.

Janna read my expression, smiled, and said:
-“You’re a good boy. I can see exactly why Danny had chosen you, and I understand perfectly his feelings toward you, Eric.
I’m not an idiot, neighter am I blind – I was Danny to be happy. I know that the only way for him to be happy, is being with you... and me.
He can’t choose, and I think you and I, we will not force it on him, right?” She asked, and I nodded, still unable to speak.
-“Eric, see, I don’t want him to end up like... Dave. You know the full story, right?” She questioned me.
-“To be honest with you, I don’t.” I confessed.
-“Dave was Danny’s cousin. He was depressed, life was way too much for him. He had done drugs, and then – one day – He was found dead, after he... hanged himself...” Janna said, and sighed. I understood from what she said, there was something more then – but the information was not for me.

-“I’m sorry, Janna.” I said, after a really long pause, when I lost the power of speech.
-“Eric, everything will be alright.” Janna said, and sighed. –“Go home, you deserve some rest. Don’t worry about Danny, I’m here – I’ll take care of him, and if there’s something important – I will definetely call you.
Also, he will forgive you – trust me. He loves you. I know it.”
-“Thank you for everything, Janna.” I said, and smiled.
Words were not enough to express how thankful I was to that girl.
-“You’re welcome, Eric.” She said, -“Goodbye! See you!” She added.
-“Goodbye, Janna! See you!” I said, and walked away.

Only I wasn’t going home.
There was something I needed to do. 

1 comment:

  1. Oh God...this made me tear up. Poor Danny! Poor Eric. I hope things work out in the end. And that story about Dave was really sad too. Wonderful writing per usual!
