Sunday, October 2, 2011

THERE'S A PLACE FOR US - Chapter No.7 - "Crash and Survive"

“There’s a Place For Us” - Danny Saucedo and Eric Saade fanfiction story written by Nika H, the admistrator of “Danny Saucedo Fans” at facebook:
Please, do not repost, copy, and/or change any part of this material without asking permission and crediting ME and “Danny Saucedo Fans”.
All events described here are purely fictional, unfortunately :(

Copyright © by Nika H, “Danny Saucedo Fans”.

Chapter Seven – Crash and Survive

-“No, Danny! No” I screamed, automatically, knowing he will never hear me.
-“No, Danny! Danny” I continued screaming, and realised it was too late for him, too late for me, too late for us.
-“Danny...” I whispered, and fell on my knees, and my eyes filled up with darkness, pain, dust.
I could not even cry, I just tried to search for the light – but I failed to find it.
I waited for the end to come, and take me away – I silently thanked God for the fact that right now, nobody saw me.

Everybody around me was screaming, -“Call an ambulance... He’s bleeding! He is loosing tons of blood” someone shouted, after few seconds I recognized the voice – it was Erik Segerstedt.

-“Get Danny out of his car!” Erik said, -“Let’s take care of him until professional help arrives” He ordered.
Alongside with Mattias Andréasson, and the rest of Danny’s dancers they pulled Danny out of his car.
He was unconscious, bleeding.
His face expressed agony.

I couldn’t take it anymore.
It was all my fault.
Yes, my fault.

-“I’m sorry, Danny” I whispered quietly into the silence, knowing no one is hearing me right now.

Why? Danny? Why? I asked him in my might all over, knowing he will never answer me. All I wanted was to fide a way, and dissappear.
It not fair, I told to myself. It’s not fair, selfish, cruel, and impossible to run away from what I have done now.

I walked toward Danny, meanwhile the ambulance had finally arrived.
Thanks God! I though, and sighed.
The doctors begun to take care of Danny, I slowsly turned away.
I couldn’t look at him. It hurted way too much – especially when realising that I was literally the reason why he is like that, broken open, bleeding, hardly alive.
No, No, No it can’t be true! I must be dreaming! I tried to convice myself, while tears streamed down myself.
What if he will d...? I was about to ask myself, but I couldn’t take it anymore.
So, I ran away and stood by Erik’s and Matte’s side.

-“Eric, what happened to him?” Erik asked me.
-“I... I really don’t know.” I lied.
-“How we are going to tell this to Janna? Oh, no!” Matte said, and looked at Erik, and then at me. –“I can’t do this!”
-“And to his parents, imagine what will it to them! At first, it was Dave*, now Danny....” He said, looked at us again, and repeated –“I can’t do this!”.
We all looked down, and for a long moment – we said nothing.

We quietly got in the car, and I drove to the hospital.
Meanwhile, Erik had called Janna and Danny’s parents.
It was hard to listen as he was explaining to them what has happened with Danny. It was even harder knowing I was the one responsible for what has occured to him.
I swear, that if I could – if that could save him, I would give my life now for him.
I was the one who was supposed to be there, in his place.
It was all my fault.
-“Eric!” Matte suddenly called me.
-“Eric, please, watch the road – and if you can’t drive, let’s call a taxi – it is the best option. I don’t want us to...”
He was right. I was definitely not in the condition to drive.
Honestly, I did not mind crashing, furthermore, I deserved it – but it was not Erik and Matte’s fault.
I stopped the car, and said –“Call the taxi. You are right, I can’t drive!” as some tears fell streamed down my cheeks, I quickly wiped them away.
-“Eric, it’s alright... calm down.” Matte told me, and Erik put his arm on my shoulder.
-“Danny will be alright!” Erik has said, as Matte ordered taxi.
-“What if...?” I was beginning to ask, but then closed my mouth.
What if he will not? What if he will...  I wasn’t even able to think about it.
Tough, in my heart, I knew what I would do if... if...
-“You don’t even know how important he is to me, he is... more than a friend to me.” I said quietly.
-“Yes, yes, we do... he is more than a friend for us aswell. He is like a brother for us. I can’t even...” Erik said.
-“Let’s not speak about it, boys...” Matte suggested, and we got quiet.
We were sitting in silence until the taxi had finally arrived.
The silence continued as we got in the hospital.

The receptionist informed us about Danny’s location, and we followed her instructions and got there. There was a doctor there. For a moment, we stood quietly looking at each other with hesistation in our eyes. Afterwards, Matte sighed – and went toward him.
-“Hello, excuse me...” He said, -“My friend, Daniel Saucedo is hospitalized here. Can you please tell me about his condition?” Matte asked the doctor.
-“Oh, the guy that has commited a suicide?”
-“Yes, will he....?
-“I don’t know. Besides his broken bones, he also demaged his brain – and lost lots of blood. We are doing everything to save him – But I can’t....”
This was enough for me. I was unable to be present in this conversation.
I had simply walked away, feeling Erik and Matte’s look on my back.
-“Call me if whenever there’s news, I’ll be outside.” I said to them, before I disappeared.

I was sitting in the banch near the hospital for a while, for the first time in my life – I have smoked. Until now, I never did it – moreover, I hated it. As of now, I just needed to calm myself – no other option was know to be but that one.
-“Hello...” A female voice said, clearly to me – since there was nobody else there. I conitued starring down, pretending I don’t hear  –“Hello Eric...” She said again, as I haven’t reacted in anyway.
This time I looked up, and frooze.
I was Janna Lundh Gränesjö, Danny’s girlfriend.

-”Oh, Hi...” I said to her, trying to sound polite.
-“I’m Janna.” She introduced herself to me, tough it was needless – I already know who she was, eventough I haven’t formally met her until now.
-“I’m Eric.” I said, failed to find something else to say.
Janna sat by my side, -“Since were you smoke?” She asked me.
-“Since now.” I answered, and noticed the lifeless, the cold tone of my voice.
-“Oh, I understand...” Janna said.
We sat in silence few minutes, then, Janna suddenly asked me the question I feared the most.
-“Eric, can you please tell me the truth – what has happened to him? What has happened to Danny?” She asked me.
-“I... I don’t...” I was beginning to say, but she interrupted me.
-“You do. Eric, don’t lie to me. I already know about you both.”

-“You what?” I said, in shock.
-“I know you and Danny are... lovers. Don’t deny it, just tell me the truth, please. I’m asking you as a friend...” Janna said, looking straight into my eyes.
-“What? How?” I asked, shocked – almost jumping on the banch.
-“I begun to notice the change in Danny long time ago.
His behaviour, the tone of his voice, the look in his eyes, the fact he was frequently telling me is off to meet Erik, Matte, or any other friend of his – but when I called them, they did not know what I was talking about... it was clear to me he has found someone else, only I wondered who it was.
Then, I noticed the change in him whenever you appeared on the TV. I noticed the change in him, and the frequency you guys called each other...” She said to me, and smiled. I understood she was not hating me, and sighed in relief.
Tough, it might change soon I realised.

-“You are smart!” I said to her. Danny wasn’t lying when he told me how clever she is.
-“No, it was just 1+1, and I know how to add. Besides, I knew Danny prefers me to all the female around here – only I was not sure about the males. You know, he was...”
-“... Into guys once.” I completed the sentece.
-“Yes, I see you are informed. Now back to the topic. Eric, please, tell me what happened. I’m begging – I swear I will keep your secret just... let me know.” She said, and looked at me.
-“Alright!” I said, and sighed.

–“Danny had introduced me to Erik and Matte. After E.M.D’s concert, Danny was absent while me, Erik, and Matte were making jokes in the locker room.
I... I have kissed Erik, it was just a joke – I had no idea Danny was there. I had no idea he would take is so seriously. No, it’s not an excuse of what I have done.
I admit it is my fault, I should have thought of what I was doing – I should have thought about its’ consequences, I know. I’m taking full resposibily for this.
But I swear I had no freaking idea. I’m so...”
-“It’s not your fault.” Janna said, interrupting me.
I turned to stare at her, not believing my eyes and ears. I excepted hearing dirty words, and being killed, and... she was trying to make me better – when I was responsible for the suicide her boyfriend has commited.
-“From all the people in this world...” I begun to say,
-“I am the one to comfort you.” She completed my sentence.
-“Why?” I questioned her.
-“First – because it really isn’t, Eric, you meant no harm. Second – if I was to blame you, would it help? Would it change something? Would it save Danny? The answer is ‘No’, then, what’s the point?” She said, and sighed.
I was speechless, I did not know what to answer her. As a result, I found myself strarring with shame at the ground.
-“It doesn’t change anything, Janna. What is done is done, nothing else but the results matters.” I managed to say finally.
-“Eric, Danny is going to forgive you. I’m sure he doesn’t want you to feel this way...”
-“Danny might forgive me, if he....” I was beginning to say, then I noticed how Janna’s face twitched with pain –“Sorry, nevermind, of course he will but... Look, Janna, I will not be able to forgive myself – never!”.
-“Eric, you...” She was beginning to say, as my phone rang – and interrupted her speech.
I picked up the phone and looked at the number. It was Matte, he was calling me, and I aswered, obviously.
-“Hello Matte.” I greated him, trying to sound normal.
-“Hello Eric.” He greated me, and I noticed a slight of relief in his voice.
-“How is Danny’s condition? How is he?” I asked him with burning curiousity.
-“Danny is alright. He is awake.”
-“Thanks God! How is he feeling?”
-“I don’t know yet, haven’t had a chance to speak with him. Eric, listen up, where you at? What are you doing?” Matte questioned me.
-“I’m sitting at the banch nearby the hospital and talking to Janna.” I informed him.
-“Oh, Janna is here?” He asked, a bit surprised.
-“Yes, she is.” I answered.
-“How is she doing? Is she alright? Why isn’t she here?”
-“She is doing fine. I don’t know why she isn’t up, ask her!” I responded.
-“Oh, good. Well, Eric – Danny wants to speak with you. He wouldn’t talk to anybody else now, can you come up?” He asked.
-“Sure, I’m on my way!” Danny wants to talk with me? I asked myself, in complete shock. I thought he will not want to see me at all.
-“Goodbye Eric, see you soon!” He said.
-“Goodbye Matte!” I said, and ended the conversation.

A relief of happiness filled up my mind. Danny is alright. Danny is alive.
My lover, my life – is alright. Nothing else mattered to me at this point.
-“Go on, Eric. Settle thing up with him. He is going to forgive you, I know it. Danny loves you more than you ever know!” Janna said, and my jaw dropped out in shock. This is the kind of phrase you don’t except to hear from the girlfriend of your boyfriend, whom you steal from her.
-“Danny loves me more than I deserve.” I said to her, she openned her mouth to protest but I interrupt her, by not letting her to speak –“Janna, thank you for everything. You’re an amazing woman. I must say you deserve Danny more than I do. Also, it’s clear you even love and care for him more than I do.” I said, and smiled to her.
If before, I did not like Janna – it all changed today.
She was so different from what... I thought she was.
Don’t judge a book by it’s cover they say?
-“Thanks Eric” She thanked me. –“But it doesn’t change anything. He loves you more than he loves me. This is it. Now, let’s go up – you have to settle thing up with Danny.”
-“Yes!” I said, as we both stood up, and headed to the room Danny was in.

*Dave Lepard R.I.P – The former lead singer of the Swedish sleazy metal band called Crashdiet. Dave was a drug addict, suffered from depression, and has commited a suicide. He was Danny Saucedo’s cousin – they were really close to each other.
Dave was Danny’s inspiration, “Genious” as he called him...


  1. Oh dramatic and sad! I hope Danny's going to be okay. And I'm glad Janna's nice. Good for her for seeing what Molly didn't. Lovely characterization. As always, looking forward to updates!

  2. Hm I didn't really buy the whole suicide thing. I also don't buy that Janna doesn't even get emotional. It's Danny, her boyfriend of many years and she's not mad? What? Sorry but I would get pissed myself.

    And you can't write that he has committed suicide if he's not dead. Then he has just tried it, suicide attempt not suicide. And I really thought it was an accident. I am sorry for my honesty. I'm not trying to pull you down it's just some well intended criticism so you can get better at writing. I have practiced a lot and I will continue reading yours. Sorry if you got this as something wrong.
