Sunday, September 25, 2011

THERE'S A PLACE FOR US - Chapter No.6 - "Undo It"

“There’s a Place For Us” - Danny Saucedo and Eric Saade fanfiction story written by Nika H, the admistrator of “Danny Saucedo Fans” at facebook:
Please, do not repost, copy, and/or change any part of this material without asking permission and crediting ME and “Danny Saucedo Fans”.
All events described here are purely fictional, unfortunately :(

Copyright © by Nika H, “Danny Saucedo Fans”.

Chapter Six – Undo It

It was the beginning of the end.
It was after E.M.D’s concert.

I was waiting for Danny at the looker room, meanwhile – I watched the boys performing, and let the thoughts to float around my mind.

-“Hi Eric!” Someone suddenly said, I turned around and saw Erik Segerstedt.
-“Oh!” I said, quiet surprised. I excepted to see Danny.
-“Did I scared you off?” He asked me, and hope could be heard in his tone.
-“You wish!!!” I said, and laughed.
-“Damn!” He said, and laughed aswell.

-“So, where’s Danny?” I asked Erik, and meanwhile, Mattias Andréasson walked in, and replied me before.
-“At the toilette, where else he can be?!” He said, and we all laughed.
-“He does it frequently...?” I asked, and bite my lip.
-“All day, all night...” Erik replied.
-“What the fuck?” I said, and grinned.
-“El chico esta muy loco!”* Matte said, and laughed. I joined him.
I was surprised about how natural I felt with them.
I was surprised about how free I was with them.
I had to admit that I really liked Erik and Matte, Erik especially. Sigh.

Erik sat by my side, put his hand on my shoulder, and smiled. While Matte sat next to me, and smiled as well. I smiled to both of them in return.
-“So, did you enjoy the our concert?” Erik asked me, and winked.
Matte laughed quietly. –“Be aware, Saade. Bunnies might be small, but they are dangerous and quick as hell!” He had warned me, we all laughed.
-“Sure!” I said, in response to Erik’s question, -“ I was at the toilette all the time, just chilling, if you know what I mean...”
-“But of course!” Matte said, and Erik added –“Did you learn it from Danny?”
-“Aha!” I said, and nodded, -“Who else could teach me that?”
-“Hmmmm... What else did Danny teach you?” Erik asked me.
-“He had taught me how to kiss better!” I said, noticing I wasn’t lying.
-“Oh la la! Was that a french kissing course?” Matte asked me.
-“Yes!” I said, and felt their eyes on me.
-“For free?” Erik asked me.
-“Aha!” I nodded.
-“You boys had lots of fun during the Melodifestivalen, no?” Matte pointed, and laughed a bit. –“Wish we where there!” He said, and Erik nodden in agreement.
-“Damn! You are lucky! I want it aswell! Can you show me, please?” Erik requested me, catching me off guard.
-“WHAT?!” I said in shock, and jumped on my chair.
-“Don’t worry, boy – I am not trying to rape you or something like this. Relax, take it easy, shut up and kiss me...” Erik said, and laughed.
-“If that’s what you want then... let it be!” I said, and sighed. Thanks God Danny wasn’t there, otherwise Bunny would not make it with his two ears.
To my surprise, Erik Segerstedt was completely serious about the kiss.
He was getting closer to me, or more correctly – to my lips. Matte was looking at us, with curiousity burning in his eyes.
We kissed. The kiss itself was fine, but it could not be compared to Danny in anyway.
-“Ehhh Eric!” I said as the kiss was over –“You have so much to learn from Danny!” I admited.
Matte had almost fallen from his chair out of laughter, and we both joined him.
-“Practice makes perfect!” Matte said, already red from laughter.
-“Great, Eric – be my professor!” Erik said, and winked at me.
-“Trying to seduce me, huh?” I said, and winked back at him.
-“Will your girlfriend mind?” Erik asked me, in a worried tone.
-“Who cares?!” Matte noted.
-“Nobody!” We said together, and continued to make jokes – all way, all day, all night long.
I totally admired Erik and Matte’s attitude, I really enjoyed being with them.
When we where together, we always had fun – everything was so simply, so easy. Like things should be.
Tough, this time, something was missing here. Someone wasn’t here.
I grabbed my phone, dailed Danny’s number – no answer.
I sent him a text message, pressed “Send” – time passes, still no answer.
-“Hmmmm... boys, where’s Danny?” I asked them, as time had passed and Danny just did not appear or/and replied to me.
We all looked at each other, and it was clear none of us knew the answer.

But where is mi amor?** Where is Danny? I asked myself. Afterwards, I picked up my phone again – and re-called Danny. I sent him an SMS later, he did not reply to me. Things were getting weird.
A voice inside was telling me something is wrong.
Unexcepted, sudden, irrational and unexplained worry filled up my brain.

-“Excuse me...” I said to Erik and Matte, almost whispering. Afterwards, I quickly stood up on my legs – and left the room, followed by their questioning eyes.
-“What’s wrong with him?” Erik asked Matte, and pointed at me when I was leaving.
I couldn’t hear what Matte replied to him, and being honest – I did not bother much. All I cared at the moment was Danny. I must find him I ordered myself.

At the road, Danny was waiting for me. He was looking straight into my eyes.
He said nothing, he had done nothing when I reached him, and greated him.

-“Hi Danny! You guys were so amazing at the concert!” I said, and hugged him.
Silence. It was the first time Danny did not hug me back.
-“Danny...? What’s wrong?” I asked him.
Silence. He said nothing, just kept starring at me with his blue eyes.

Something changed in his eyes, something I could not decode.
Something strange could be heard in his voice, something I did not understood.

-“Congratulation on your new boyfriend!” He shouted suddenly, in a voice full of venom, full of disgust.
I continued to gaze at him which shock.
I honestly did not understood what he was about.

-“Goodbye, Eric. This time it’s the end of our road!” Danny said, his face red from anger, his eyes full of sadness, his voice... lifeless.
He did not say anything else, he did not even looked my way.
He simply went away – to the car – that belonged to his driver.

Not able to think, to breath, to move, to do something – I stood in the road, looking with eyes full of tears, fears, vain, and pain – toward when he headed to.
What the hell had happened? I asked myself, looking for an answer.
But when I realised, it was already too late.

Danny did not disappear.
Danny wasn’t missing as I thought.
He have heard every single word of our conversation.
He have seen every single move in our conversation.
Oh, and he also misundrestood everything.
Danny had seen me kissing Erik, and vice versa.
Danny had heard me flirting with Erik, and vice versa.
He, Danny, has misunderstood everything.
No, no, no!

-“Danny, wait!” I screamed. He did not reply.
-“Danny!” I called him again. He ignored me, again.
Meanwhile, Danny got in the car – and started driving in full speed.
What the hell is he doing? I thought, as I knew the guy has no driver liscence.
He had lost control over the car, over the road – he was about to crash.
-“No!” I screamed in panic. –“No” I repeated.

* The guy is really crazy, SPANISH.
** My love, SPANISH.

SPOILER ALERT!  below, you may read a spoiler for the upcoming chapter, seventh by number, called "Crash and Survive". 

-“No, Danny! No” I screamed, automatically, knowing he will never hear me.
-“No, Danny! Danny” I continued screaming, and realised it was too late for him, too late for me, too late for us.
-“Danny...” I whispered, and fell on my knees, and my eyes filled up with darkness, pain, dust.
I could not even cry, I just tried to search for the light – but I failed to find it.
I waited for the end to come, and take me away – I silently thanked God for the fact that right now, nobody saw me.

Everybody around me was screaming, -“Call an ambulance... He’s bleeding! He is loosing tons of blood” someone shouted, after few seconds I recognized the voice – it was Erik Segerstedt.

-“Get Danny out of his car!” Erik said, -“Let’s take care of him until professional help arrives” He ordered.
Alongside with Mattias Andréasson, and the rest of Danny’s dancers they pulled Danny out of his car.
He was unconscious, bleeding.
His face expressed agony.

I couldn’t take it anymore.
It was all my fault.
Yes, my fault.

-“I’m sorry, Danny” I whispered quietly into the silence, knowing no one is hearing me right now.


  1. Oh my God...very dramatic. I was worried something like this might happen! God, I cannot WAIT for an update--you're very good at creating suspense, you know. Awesome work!

  2. srly.
    how do you dare ending this chapter like this.
    why are FF's always so addictive ?!

  3. Yeah awesome work! I really liked it too! Keep it up...

    if you want to read mine:

    I have tried to post it on the otp site but it's not happening
