Sunday, September 18, 2011

THERE'S A PLACE FOR US - Chapter No.5 - "Best Friends"

“There’s a Place For Us” - Danny Saucedo and Eric Saade fanfiction story written by Nika H, the admistrator of “Danny Saucedo Fans” at facebook:
Please, do not repost, copy, and/or change any part of this material without asking permission and crediting ME and “Danny Saucedo Fans”.
All events described here are purely fictional, unfortunately :(

Copyright © by Nika H, “Danny Saucedo Fans”.

Chapter Five – Best Friends

The first thing I have done when I arrived was to call Danny. I dialed his number, but instead of Danny an unfamiliar voice answered me.
-“Hello?” Someone said.
-“Hello. It’s Eric Saade. With who am I speaking? Where’s Danny?” I introduced myself, and asked the person on the line.
-“Oh! Hi there Eric! I am Erik Segerstedt, Danny is having a dreat time in the toilette!” Erik Segerstedt, said and laughed.
Oh, great!  Now I was speaking with Mr. Erik The bunny!*
-“Look, Erik... when will he get out?” I asked him. I needed, and wanted to hear Danny’s voice – not his.
-“Errr, I don’t know. One thing for sure, not in the next few hours. Who knows what he is doing there!” Erik said, and laughed again.

I was supposed to laugh aswell, but I didn’t – not because it wasn’t funny, and besides, the guy was right – Mr. Danny perverted can do interesting stuff at the toilette in addition to the... obvious.
I didn’t laugh because I was annoyed, I was ridiculously jealous of that Erik. Ridiculously because I had no reason in this world to be jealous of him, he was Danny’s best friend – for Danny, he was like a brother.

-“You alive there?” Mr. Bunny asked me, since I haven’t reacted to his last sentence.
-“Yes, I am. Look, when Danny will finish whatever he does in the toilette and get out, please deliver him that I am in Uppsala, O.K?” I asked him, trying to sound polite.
-“You’re in Uppsala?!” He asked me, in a clearly surprised tone.
-“Yes, I am.” I confirmed.
-“Oh! That’s great! We are here too! Let’s have a meeting! I bet Danny will love it. I know you guys are BFFs. You know where we are?” He said.
-“No, this is actually the reason why I am calling.” I said.
-“Ah! At the same place you performed before, remember?” The bunny asked.
-“Oh, really? Of course I do!” I said.
-“Great! See you!” Erik said, and ended the call.

When I finally arrived, Danny was the one who waited for me outside and greated me.
-“Hello boy!” He said, gave me a warm hug, and a kiss on the cheek.
Erik Segerstedt and Mattias Andréasson appeared, and come toward us.
-“Amore Mío...” Erik Segerstedt said, and laughed alongside Mattias Andréasson.
-“Shut up!” Danny said to Erik, I rolled my eyes. Erik and Mattias laughed again.
-“What were you doing in the toilette?” I asked Danny.
-“Huh?” He said, raised an eyebrow, and looked at me with questioning expression.
-“Erik told me that you do interesting stuff at the toilette...” I informed him.
Danny laughed, and asked Erik:
-“What did you tell the manboy?” Oh great, I am a manboy again now.
-“Nothing besides the truth. I told him that you sit 2 hours in the toilette and do HellKnowsWhat. The manboy should now.” How dare that Bunny call me manboy? Only Danny can do that! I thought, and felt a sudden anger.
-“Guys...” Mattias Andréasson said, -“Let’s end this discussion... I am hungry, and you...” – He said and looked and Danny and Erik – “You ruin my apetit!” He said. An attempt to end the idiotic discussion. I thought.
-“I agree with what Mattias said!” I stated in agreement.
-“Call me Matte.” He asked, and smiled friendly toward me.
-“Alright, Matte.” I said and smiled at him.
-“Let’s eat something... I am hungry too.” I suggested.
-“Let’s!” Danny and Bunny said together.
All of us headed together to the locker room.

-“Eric, why you spell your name with a C?” Erik asked me.
-“Erik, why you spell your name with a K?” I asked in return.
-“How do you ever pronounce your last name? Like Saaaaaaaaaaaade?” Erik asked, singing my last name with an opera tone. Absurd.
-“Your last name is more complicated, rabbit!” I answered.
Matte and Danny laughed.
-“Erik, why do you always ask idiotic questions?” Danny asked him.
-“Because he is a dumb Bunny!” Mattias said, and they all laughed together.

I had to admit that I felt stage, and a bit uncomfortable in this discussion.
I did not recognize Danny at all. Everytime I saw him lately, I’ve got to know him as a lover... and now, I am getting to know him as a friend. It was weird.

-“Poor manboy, he probably doesn’t get our idiotic discussions...” Erik said, and looked at me. –“By the way...” – He begun to say –“Did you know that all the chicks in Sweden are crazy for you and think you are hot? Tell me, how many love letters/marriage proposals you get in 24 hours?” He asked, and laughed.
-“Too many to count.” I said, and laughed aswell.
-“I don’t blame them tough, have to admit that you look amazing...” Erik said.
I almost tripped off my chair, my jaw dropped out, and I starred at him with a shocked face expression. I wasn’t the only one, Danny had the same look as I did.
-“Planning to porpose to Eric?” Matte asked Erik and laughed.
Danny and I recovered from the shock, and the Bunny answered.
-“If I was a girl I would, but I am not.” He said.
-“Oh, that could be fixed, bunny!” Matte noted, and they laughed together.

-“Woo, we scared them off!” Erik said to Matte, and pointed at Me and Danny.
Matte laughed, and said –“You know, pretty boys is Danny’s wickness. He is worried that you are stealing his future boyfriend!” Matte said.
-“And the manboy...?” Erik asked Matte.
-“Scared of the thought that you will rape him.” Matte answered, and they laughed again.
-“Huh?” I said. –“Since when Danny has a thing for pretty boys?” I asked, trying to copy their tone, surprisingly – I succeeded.
-“Oh, he didn’t tell you?” Erik said, and laughed out loud.
-“I bet he was afraid to scare him off” - Matte explained –“Eric, Danny was uncertain about his sexual orientation during high school. Now, he says that he is into girl, but we all know that he still loves pretty boys – just like you.” Matte added.
-“Danny...?” I looked at him, with questioning eyes. Danny laughed, bite his bottom lip, and nodded.
I couldn’t help myself – I laughed out loud, the guys joined me.

Time passed, we continued to talk and joke around. However, something in me changed. I was no longer jealous, and no longer annoyed. I have to admit that I liked Erik and Matte. Liked very much.
Even tough we knew each other only for few hours, I have to say that we have already become great friends. They were the kind of guys I wanted to have as a friends, and never did until now.
Surprisngly, I no longer felt strange and uncomfortable in their discussion – but became part of it. Danny noticed the change within me, he winked, and smiled at me his biggest smile – I smiled back at him in return.

I would includ Danny in the list aswell, but things were different with him.
I did not want Danny as a friend, I wanted him as a lover.
He was my lover, not my friend.

*Danny calls Erik S. “Erik Segersprätt“ – What means “Erik Victory Bunny” in Swedish.


  1. Awwww! This was sooooooo cute! Well worth the wait. The Eric/EMD vibe is great...and Erik and Matte are hilarious. Fantastic work, as always. And and always...looking forward to more!

  2. Thank you for the post! Awesome job! Keep it up!

    Sorry to make commercial for my own fic but here's the link again!

  3. When will you update again? It's been a week ago since the last chap. ;( <3
