Monday, September 5, 2011

THERE'S A PLACE FOR US - Chapter No.3 - "Me & My Radio"

“There’s a Place For Us” - Danny Saucedo and Eric Saade fanfiction story written by Nika H, the admistrator of “Danny Saucedo Fans” at facebook:
Please, do not repost, copy, and/or change any part of this material without asking permission and crediting ME and “Danny Saucedo Fans”.
All events described here are purely fictional, unfortunately :(

Copyright © by Nika H, “Danny Saucedo Fans”.

Chapter Three – Me & My Radio

While driving back home from my studio, I was preparing myself mentally (and physically) to the reception I was about to get when I will show up. Molly will defenitely be angry, no, not angry – very angry.

I was considering my options. What to say? What not to say? How to act? I asked myself. I have decided to keep it honest as much as I can. Tough...

Sigh. I hate this part right here. I hate lying, I hate pretending.
Especially when knowing that Molly is right, and it is me being an asshole. She has got all the reasons in the world to literally loathe me – yet, only because she loves me for some unknown reason, she chose to stay with me and suffer. Great.

The worse part of it is that right now, when I am losing her, I have realised how important she is to me, and how much I love her. Yes, I love her. Truly, I do.
But this love cannot be compared to the love I feel for... Danny.

Is it right? Is it wrong? I thought, and tried to find the answer.
Yes, it is right – and it is damn wrong, I realised and sighed.

I finally arrived home. My heartbeat rose with every step I took.   
Calm down, Eric I ordered myself, as I openned the door, and found out that... there’s nobody in. Damn. It is 4 in the morning! Where’s Molly? I asked myself, and began to worry.
I grabbed my phone, and realised that Molly had already called me 20 times. I felt a twitch of guilt and shame, when I realised that I was simple ignoring her.
I called her. She did not pick up her phone. I called her again. She did not pick up her phone again.

I felt horrible. I felt so sorry. I felt regret.
What should I do? I asked myself, and in the first time ever I found the answer. I should choose. I should choose between Molly and Danny. Otherwise it will late. Sigh.

Those thoughts brought up the “Right or Wrong?” dilema again.
What’s right? What’s wrong? What is love? I questioned myself.
Tears streamed like rivers down my face. I sat on the floor – all alone, just me and my radio, wishing everything would already end. Wishing I would somehow disappear.

Molly’s face popped up in my mind, and brought up some memories.
The memory of how we met, of our first date, of our first kiss... I could not help myself but smile, tought the pain rose as I have realised that I might lose her.

Afterwards, Danny’s face popped up in my mind, and brought up some memories aswell. The memory of how me and Danny met, of our first kiss, of our first date, of our nights full of love and passion we spent... Sigh. I could not bear the thought of losing him. It killed me. It took away my oxygen, my life...

My heart was bleeding, and breaking in pieces when I realised that I will never be able to chose between them. I love the two of them, I need the two of them, I want the two of them. I’m such a cruel and selfish bastard , I realised.

I can’t do this! I can’t! can’t! can’t! I realised. I will never be able to chose between Molly and Danny.

So, what am I supposed to do? I asked myself, and started to consider my options again. Something interrupted me.
The door was openned, and Molly arrived home.

-“Eric! Eric!” She shouted, and sighed. Her face expression expressed nothing but a relief. –“Eric, where have you been? I... I called you, you did not answer! I was thinking something happened! Oh, Eric! Thanks God...” She said, and hugged me.
-“I’m so sorry Molly. I had a very low battery, so I turned off my phone. I did not thought you will worry about me so much. I am so sorry.” I apologized.
-“Where have you been?”
-“On my way home. I got hungry on my way, and stopped to eat and drink a bit. Then, I felt so fucking tired and I... fell asleep in the car.” I lied.
-“Oh, why didn’t you call me? I could have helped you!” She said, and kissed me.
Again. She believed my lies. She trusted me, she loved me. It was something I did not deserve at all. Sigh.
-“I did not want to worry you. I did not thought it is such a big deal. Sorry”
-“Oh, don’t be. It doesn’t matter as long as everything is alright, and you are here by my side.”
-“Yes, Molly. I missed you so much! I love you!” I said and kissed her.
Molly kissed me back, and smiled.
-“I love you too, Eric!” She said, and hugged me.  

1 comment:

  1. Brilliant work, my darling, as always. Please update's been nearly a week and I'm very sad:( I want Eric to meet EMD! Remember you have fans who count on you!
