Thursday, September 1, 2011

THERE'S A PLACE FOR US - Chapter No.2 - "I'm In Love With a Lover"

“There’s a Place For Us” - Danny Saucedo and Eric Saade fanfiction story written by Nika H, the admistrator of “Danny Saucedo Fans” at facebook:
Please, do not repost, copy, and/or change any part of this material without asking permission and crediting ME and “Danny Saucedo Fans”.
All events described here are purely fictional, unfortunately :(

Copyright © by Nika H, “Danny Saucedo Fans”.

Chapter Two – I’m In Love With a Lover

-“How long can you stay?” I asked Danny, when we got into my studio.
-“Well, tomorrow morning I must be in Uppsala. We have a concert there. Which means, that in few hours I will have to take a taxi and drive there in full speed.” He said and sighed.
-“Let’s not thing about it... It is just me and you tonight.” I offered.
-“Yes, you are right, boy. It is just me and you tonight. Nothing matters besides.” He said in agreement.

Suddenly, Danny stood up, reached his bag, and grabbed Handcuffs from there.
I quietly watched him, and raised an eyebrow. What the fuck? I thought.
-“Planning to arest me, Danny?” I asked him, and bite my lip.
In response, Danny smiled his naughty smile, and nodded.
-“Hell yeah, time for some S&M!” He said.
I raised an eyebrow, and starred at him with a shocked face expression. Tough, I did not protest when he tied my arms. Damn, he was serious! I thought, and sighed. This promises to be... interesting. Very interesting.

-“I hope you will not put a plaster on my mouth!” I said, and laughed.
Danny laughed with me, -“Not bad, your idea... I mean.”.
My jaw dropped out. I starred at him with wide openned eyes.
He laughed quietly, and bite his lip in a very sexy way.

He kissed me slightly on my lips – then he bite my bottom lip.
He draged me by my hair, and pulled me on the floor.
Slowly, he started to lick my neck with his tongue.
Suddenly, he stopped and... bite me.
-“Ahhh” I screamed. I didn’t scream from pain – I screamed from pleasure.
Danny took a knife out of his pocket, and cut my T-Shirt open.
He placed the knife near my throat, and slowly went all over my body with it.
Then, he kissed my lips very passionately. I did not want him to stop, but he did... and looked at me with a naughty smile.
Oh, no! I thought. –“Danny, what are you planning now? Bringing a pink XL dildo or putting an apple in my mouth?” I asked, and laughed.
He said nothing. He started touching  my chest, and licking my nipples. Suddenly, he bite my right nipple.
-“Ahhhh!” I screamed. –“Daniel Saucedo, fuck you!” I added.
Danny dropped on the floor, laughing out loud.
-“That’s not funny! I am not forgetting that!” I said. That bastard has a good memory, and a long criminal record! Ouch!
Danny laughed even louder.
-“Really? What if I will make up for this?”
-“How exactly....?”

He stood up, and pulled my off my jeans, alongside with my undearwear.
His lips were running up and down on me, he was tasting my penis. It felt like paradise. It was like a paradise to me.
-“Ahh” I said on repeat, sounding like a broken record.
Then, Danny took off his pants – and without wasting time – entered me so hard, that I almost exploaded straight away.
Damn, he is so good at this! I thought to myself, and moaned.

Danny continued fucking me until we both cummed, and droped on the floor.
We were lying by each other’s sides quietly, not saying anything – words weren’t wanted or needed.
We both smiled.
-“Eric, you know that I love you?” Danny asked me suddenly.
-“Yes, I do. Oh, you know that I love you too?” I asked him.
-“Yes, I do.” He answered, and smiled.

-“Soon, it will be time for us to go. You will go back home, where you truly belong. I will go back to work, and then back to home... where I am probably supposed to be. You will lie to Molly, I will lie to Janna. Again. They will believe us. Again. Even worse, we will both be apart from HellKnowsHowLong and miss each other. Love is always about being hurt and suffering 99% of the time. Love is always wrong. But hey, at least we have 1% of happiness... something is better than nothing, no?”

I wanted to interrupt him. I wanted to tell him that he is wrong, I wanted to tell him that everything will be alright soon. But I didn’t do it, because I knew that Danny is right.

-“Yeah...” I said, sighed – and felt sudden twitch of pain. –“But at least we love each other...” I added.
Danny smiled, and kissed me. –“I love you, Eric.” He said.
I kissed him back.

I might sound masochistic, but all the pain in the world is worth those moments of love and happiness with Danny.
I am in love with Danny Saucedo, I am in love with a lover. Sigh.
When he is by side, nothing else matters.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome as always! Please keep updating:) You have nooooo idea how excited I am for Eric to meet the full EMD!

    By the way, every time you post, my day gets one hundred times better.
