Sunday, August 28, 2011

THERE'S A PLACE FOR US - Chapter No.1 - "In The Club"

“There’s a Place For Us” - Danny Saucedo and Eric Saade fanfiction story written by Nika H, the admistrator of “Danny Saucedo Fans” at facebook:
Please, do not repost, copy, and/or change any part of this material without asking permission and crediting ME and “Danny Saucedo Fans”.
All events described here are purely fictional, unfortunately :(

Copyright © by Nika H, “Danny Saucedo Fans”.

PROLOGUE – “Life Goes On”

Life goes on, and on.

I was driving back home after another concert of my summer tour “Made of Pop”. I had planned to visit my family, and my girlfriend this evening. It has really been a while since I was home.

To be honest, in the first time ever in my life – I wasn’t excited or happy about this visit. Mainly because things got so complicated lately. Guess it was my fault.

Molly was angry with me for several things. She knew I was hiding something from her, so she was very dissapointed, and angry that I do not tell her.
-“Eric, what are you hiding from me?” Was what I heard from her everytime when I woke up by her side.
She could tell I do not cheat on her with another girl, since I only hang out with boys. The thought that I am cheating on her with a man called Danny Saucedo, would never cross Molly’s mind.

Also, she couldn’t understand how I simply forgave Danny – and let him back again in my life, after all he had done to me.
In addition to that, she guessed, and was right – that what I hide from her was related to Danny. Tough, again – She had no idea what exactly it was.
-“What’s happening between you and Danny?” Has lately became Molly’s usual way to say “Hello Eric”.

My family... sigh. My mom, she would not leave me alone about it. Instead of saying “Hello Eric!” when I come back home, I hear “What’s wrong between you and Molly?” and a lecture about how absurd, and idiotic is my behaviour toward Molly.

The worse was that I knew they both were right. I knew that I was wrong – I acted like a selfish, cruel asshole. But I there’s nothing I could do about it.

Home sweet home, I though and sighed.
I did not want to go home – and recieve what is waiting for me there.
Also, it wasn’t my family or Molly I wanted to see.

I wanted to see him... to see Danny. My gorgerous blond with blue eyes, that always suported me, and understood how I feel.
That loved me, and accepted me as I am. It was him who I wanted to see now.
But it was impossible, unfortunately. Currectly, Danny was in a summer tour alongside his bandmates, Erik and Mattias. Since they all were part of that boyband called E.M.D.

I had to admit that I was a bit... jealous of Erik and Mattias.  Especially of Erik Segerstedt, who also annoyed me. Tough, I had no reason at all for it.
I haven’t even meet or spoke to the guy... but still.

Eric, you are losing it, I thought and sighed.
Danny... Danny, I love you. I need you. I want you. I thought.

Suddenly, my phone rang. Probably Molly again, I guessed – but this time, fortunately, I was wrong – I wasn’t in the mood for her now.
I looked at the number, and almost died of happiness. It was he, it was Danny!
I immediately picked up my phone, -“Danny!” I greated him.
I was so happy, so excited, and yet so.. relieved.
Danny, you rock my world!, I though and smiled to myself.

-“Hello Eric!” Danny greated me warmly, and added –“Look, today I have decided to take a day off. Right now, I am in the club. Want to see me?”

Chapter One – “In The Club”

-“Eric!” Danny said, as soon as he had noticed me, and went toward me – which saves me ten minutes of search for him in this club. Sigh.
Danny gave me a warm hug,
-“Eric... I missed you so much!” He said, while he was still holding me tight in his arms.
In return, I gave him a kiss on his cheek, like a total geek.
-“Danny, I love you!” I said.
-“I love you too, Eric.” He said in response, smiled his most beautiful smile,and gave me a quick kiss on my lips.
-“How are you doing?” I asked him, and added –“Are you tired? You seem so. Maybe we should have chosen another place...” I suggested.
-“Oh, don’t worry about me. It will pass soon. Other place? Maybe we should have. But where? My studio reminds me of my work, and Janna is home now.”
-“Oh, I see” I said.
-“Life’s complicated, no?” Danny said, and laughed.
-“Yeah...” I agreed.
We both laughed.

-“So, tell me, what’s new?” Danny questioned me.
-“Don’t ask...” I said, I really did not want to waste my time with him talking about my problems. Tough, I had a feeling Danny will not let go until I explain.
-“I will ask.” He demanded. I was right.
-“Nothing is new. Molly is very angry with me, and probably considers kidnapping you, and torturing you to death – until you will uncover our secret. Mom keeps telling me I am an idiot, because of my behaviour toward Molly. Period.”
-“I’m sorry....” He said. I could tell he was feeling guilty for it, still.
-“Danny, it is NOT your fault.”
-“No, Eric – it is MY fault.”
-“Oh no, we are not starting this absurd discussion again. No way!”
-“Alright, Eric. By the way, you don’t have to worry about Molly torturing me, I love S&M very much.” He said, and winked at me.
-“Oh, I know... nice video.” I said and laughed.
-“Thanks boy! Glad you liked it!” He replied, and laughed aswell.

-“Now, your turn – What’s new?” I demanded him.
-“Oh, guess I brought it on myself...” Danny whispered, and continued –“Nothing. Everything is just the same. Janna pretends as if nothing happened, and asks Erik and Mattias to spy over me. They fail to do it. My family keeps telling me I am an idiot, because of the fact I refuse to get married and have kids. Ewww! Period.“
I laughed. I couldn’t imagine Danny in a wedding costume, with a bride – and few years later with little kids.
Oh, sorry – he wants to wear a wedding dress, not costume. Right. I thought and laughed again.
He joined me, and hugged me again.

-“How is the E.M.D tour...?” I asked him, in a bitter tone. Him being on a tour with two other guys wasn’t something I am happy about.
-“Going great! We are having so much fun! I will have to introduce you to Erik and Matte one day!” He said.
Huh, so they are having fun. What kind of fun? I thought.
-“Eric, you O.K?” Danny asked. He noticed my mood change. He was very observe, trying to hide something from him was... useless. I failed everytime.
-“Nothing.” I said quickly, pushing my luck. I had no reason to be jealous, and to dislike Erik and Mattias. But I couldn’t help myself. I’m losing my mind. Sigh.
Danny laughed. He clearly did not belive me. Oh, and even worse – He uncovered my dirty little secret.
-“Jealous of Erik and Matte?” He asked, and laughed.
I turned all red, I felt ashamed, and just nodded.
-“Boy, Erik and Matte are like brothers to me. Nothing more, trust me. They are great guys, I am sure you will be amazing friends. I will introduce them to you as soon as possible.”
-“Do they...?” I began to ask, but Danny understood what I was about to ask him, and answered before I was able to finish the sentence.
-“Of course not. That thought will never cross their mind. And by the way, you are so cute in a very adorable way when you get jealous.” Danny said.
I blushed. He laughed and gave me another hug. Guess today was the international hug day, or what? I wonder, when will be the international sex day or something.... I thought, and blushed like a tomato on the last thought.
-“Eric...?” Danny said, in a questioning tone.
-“Yeah...?” I said, and turned even more red when I noticed he was starring at me.
Danny laughed again, this time very loud.
-“Having  dirty thoughts again?” He asked.
Damn, how does he know it? Am I that ovious to read, or he is mine reader – just like that Edward Cullen from Twilight? I wondered.
-“Yes, I do” I admited finally.
-“You sound as if you confess about a murder, Eric.”
-“No... I just....”
-“Refuse to give up on your angel status and wings? Haha”
-“Very funny, Danny.” But again, he was right.
Danny grabed my by arm, and said –“Let’s dance!” – Like a good boy, I listened to him, and followed him straight to the dancefloor.

-“Hmmmm... Danny?” I said after song number IlostCountAlready ended.
-“Want to go somewhere else?” He asked. Gosh, he knows me so well I thought.
-“Yes, I do. How about MY studio? The sofa is not as cool as yours, but I think we can handle it, no?” I offered.
-“Haha, the hell we can! Let’s go!”

-“By the way, you should know, that right now, I am ditching Molly.” I said in the car, while driving to my studio.
Danny raised an eyebrow in reaction.
-“I was supposed to meet her, but then you called – so, I have changed my direction. Hope she will survive the let down.”
Danny raised an eyebrow, and laughed.
-“Eric, as for Molly – Don’t worry, she will survive. The girl has got a strong character. As for you... I am not sure. I already imagine the reception you will get when you come back home.”
We laughed together, and I bite my lip. I guess Danny was not far away from the truth. Molly may be will not kill me, but she is considering the option. Lucky I was smart enough to turn off the phone. Sigh.

-“Kidnapp me, Danny. Just do it already!” I said, in the most tempting voice I could.
Danny laughed, and said:
-“Suffering from Stockholm’s syndrome?” He asked me, in a sarcastic tone.
-“Huh? Stockholm’s what?”
-“Stockholm syndrome is something that sometimes happens to people who are victims of kidnapping. In Stockholm syndrome, the victim starts feeling loyalty toward the person who kidnapped him or her and even start to like the person.”
After he was done with quoting wikipedia, I started to laugh so hard. It almost made me to cause a traffic accident.
Danny laughed at me. Great, now he will make fun of me again, I realised.
-“Eric Saade, you are officially the worse driver I have ever seen. One day, you and I will end up in a hospital, or most likely – in the morgue!” He said, and laughed.
-“Ha ha ha! Hilarious, Danny! Look who’s talking. Excuse me, Mr. Saucedo, may I know where is your driver liscence? Oh right, you don’t even have a one. And now, please shut up, and let me drive in peace – before we will really end up in a hospital/morgue.”
Danny laughed, I sighed. At least, his survival instinct worked, and he did not bother me until we got to my studio.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! This is AMAZING! Love the foreshadowing and cannot wait for Eric to meet Erik and Mattias. Please please please update ASAP!
