Thursday, August 18, 2011

IF ONLY YOU: Chapter No.13 - "If Only You"

"IF ONLY YOU" Danny Saucedo and Eric Saade fanficion, written by Nika (me).

Please, do not repost it in any place without asking premission and crediting me & my page, thank you! This was written for your pure enjoyment, all events described here are purely fictional (unfortunately).

Chapter Thirteen – If Only You

After the show was over, I was busy preparing myself mentally to the converation between me and Danny.
What to say? What to do? How should I act? What to ask? I had asked myself all over – as I haven’t figured the correct answer yet.

I was walking quietly, and slowly toward Danny’s locker room, the place, where he was probably waiting for me.
What will happen tonight... with us? I wondered, not knowing the answer – and not sure wether I want to know it.

Confused. Yes, that’s the right word for what I was feeling right now. At fiest, Danny had told me, that i was everything for him.
Second, he... left me, all alone – without  providing any logical explantations, that would answer the question I asked him in my dreams every night: WHY?!
Third, now he tells me that he will never let me go.
What the hell is going on here? I wondered.

I finally reached Danny’s locker room, knocked two times on the door, and waited.
Few seconds later – he openned the door, and greated me warmly.
-“Hello Eric! Thanks for coming” He said, smiled, and hugged me suddenly.
I was shocked. What the hell is going on here? I thought again. But resisting Danny was useless, so I hugged him back.
-“Danny...” I said, adding –“Thanks for inviting me”.
-“You’re welcome, boy! Anytime, really....” Danny replied, and winked.
Is he drunk? Or is he on drugs? I wondered. I highly doubted it, but I couldn’t find another logical explantation to his behavior.
Danny noticed my look..., and probably – he guessed what I was about.
-“Alright Eric, I guess we have to do it... Let’s talk” He said, and sighed.
-“Let’s...” I said, nervously.

We were sitting on Danny’s sofa, quietly. Nobody talked.
I looked at Danny – waited for him to... say something. Danny looked at me – waited for me to... say something.
At the point when silence became simply intolerable, Danny said:
-“Eric, get if off your chest already!”
-“What? My shirt? I asked, in a sarcastic tone. That was something I learned from Danny.
He laughed, and responded:
-“That too!!! Haha... But I was actually thinking that you might have few questions to me, or am I wrong?”
No, Danny, you aren’t wrong. I am just an open book – No matter how hard I try to hide something, it is still written on my face. Sigh.
-“Yes... questions... basically... one... question...” I said, in a dead tone – I was scared to death of that conversation, and it’s impacts on me later.
Danny starred at me for few seconds, with worrying eyes, and sighed.
-“Eric... I’m so sorry, really, sorry! I’m sorry for everything, for all the pain I caused you... I....”
Tears were streaming on my face, as the picture of the last time we met before today came in my mind.
-“Eric....” Danny said again, -“Sorry, Eric”
-“It’s O.K.” I said, trying to calm him.
-“No it’s not” He said.
-“But... why? Danny, why?” I questioned him. Guess it was impossible not to ask this question.
-“I thought we were wrong” He said, and few tears appeared in his eyes. I have never seen Danny cry before.
-“Wrong?” I asked, sounding more like an echo.
He sighed, and said the longest speech I have ever heard of him:
-“Eric, when I met you – It was a love at first sight. I was dreaming about you. I was seeing your face, hearing your voice everytime I closed my eyes. I was obsessed with you. You were everything to me – the centre of my universe.
I stopped caring about the rest – my life, my carreer, my family, and... my girlfriend. I thought it was so wrong.
Besides, I knew things are the same for you... So, I thought we were wrong, our relationship was wrong... it went way too far, it was way too serious.”
-“Ah, I see...” I responded after a short pause, in a dead voice.
-“Eric... I’m sorry...”
-“Don’t be Danny, it’s your life – you can do whatever you want with it. Goodbye...” I said.
-“What?!” He said suddenly.

-“Don’t be sorry for anything, it’s not your fault. Danny, it’s your life – and you can feel free to do anything you want – don’t worry about me...”
-“I got that part, but...the last word...Goodbye?”
-“Yes, if we are wrong... and when you put things this way, I must say you are right. We’d better get over it now, before it gets too...late.”
Danny did not answer. Danny did not move. He just glared at me with shocking eyes. After few seconds, his shocked expression turned to be... a pain expression.
-“Danny, what’s wrong?”
-“Nothing... Eric, nothing...” He said, in a broken voice. I must admit, that before, I have never seen him in such mood.
-“Danny! Tell me, please” I demanded him in a worried tone.
We might be wrong, but it will not change my feelings for him. I’m still loving him.
He looked at me with hesistation for few seconds, then, Danny sighed – his expression showed nothing but confidence, and then, he finally spoke.
-“Eric, I said that I thought we were wrong” He repeated, slowly, putting emphasis at every single word.
What am I missing now? I wondered, trying to figure out – but failed.
-“Danny... I’m not the FBI, please, don’t speak in codes.”
He laughed.
-“Eric, I said that I thought we were wrong... not that I think we are wrong.” He said and laughed quietly, again. –“Simple english, pay more attention to the tenses, you know... grammar”.
-“Oh!” I said, and realised what he actually meant. Am I dreaming?
-“What were you doing during the English classes? Huh, Eric?” Danny said, in a sarcastic tone.
I laughed.

-“Eric, I am sorry for what happened. I was just being a total idiot, I am blonde after all, you know...” Danny apologized again, and laughed.
I laughed with him
-“Don’t worry, I have already forgiven you long time ago, Danny” I assured him.
-“Thanks boy.” He said, and continued after few seconds, -“Do you still love me, after all I have done to you? After all the pain I caused you?” He questined me.
-“Danny... the way I feel about you have never changed. I love you, and I will always do so.” I told him, -“The question should be wether or not your feelings for me are strong, and serious.”
-“Man, are you really asking that?” He said, and quickly added, -“Eric, I am the blond – so it is MY job to ask stupid questions, not yours. Oh, and by the way... Eric, I love you.”
-“Danny, are you sure it’s the right thing to do? You don’t have to pretend for my sake.” I asked him.
-“I don’t care if it is right or wrong, that doesn’t bother me anymore. I know what I am feeling. I know what you are feeling. Nothing matters besides it.” He said, -“Another silly question, manboy?” He added, and winked.
I smiled toward him.

In the first time during the last months I was happy.
In the first time during the last months I felt hope.
Suddenly, everything was so easy, so simple.
As if... what happened and ruined it... did not happen at all.

Back to the past then? I questioned myself.

Danny was looking deeply into my eyes, smiling. I couldn’t help myself but smiling back at him.

Danny is so handsome when he smiles, especially now.
His blue eyes shinned like stars, reflecting the sunset that burned within them.
His pink lips seemed to be so precious, so delicious, so kissable...
Danny raises my heartbeat when he smiles, the hell he does! I thought and smiled, like a geek.

-“Eric” Danny finally said, -“Eric... I... I love you” he added, while looking deep into my eyes with his hypnotizing blue eyes.
My head began to spin around, while my hearbeat went faster and faster – and my breathing was louder and louder.
Few tears streamed down my face. Those were tears of happiness and not pain.
Danny smiled at me, and touched my face softly.

-“Danny...” I finally menaged to say, after a long pause, - “Danny, I love you” I added, and kissed his lips – I could not resist more. He kissed me back.

I love him. He loves me. Danny was right, nothing matters besides that simple fact. Sigh.

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