Thursday, August 11, 2011

IF ONLY YOU: Chapter No.11 - "On The Edge Of Glory"

"IF ONLY YOU" Danny Saucedo and Eric Saade fanficion, written by Nika (me).

Please, do not repost it in any place without asking premission and crediting me & my page, thank you! This was written for your pure enjoyment, all events described here are purely fictional (unfortunately).

Chapter Eleven – “On The Edge Of Glory”

I hated waiting, with all my heart, brain and soul.
Those.... thirty minutes, lasted so long. They were without a doubt, the longest thirty minutes of my life.

At some point, I stopped caring and counting points. Wether I finish first, second, or maybe...even third – it did not bother me.
All I wanted was it to be over, but there were like... how much? 23 countries to go? Well, I have already lost count.
Home sweet home I miss you I thought, and I thought about my family, my friends, my girlfriend, and... my country. Hopefully, the Swedish people will be statisfied with my performance and result.
So what? So what if I will not win? The second/ Third spot is... also fine?
Especially if one considers that it will be Sweden’s best result since... 1999. I though, but something interrupted me.

Oh, now Sweden’s points will be announced! I realised, and thought Wonder, who will be announcing them?
“.....Danny!” someone said, and shortly afterwards – Danny Saucedo appeared on the TV, wearing a T-Shirt with my picture and name on it.
What the fuck is going on here?! I whispered, hoping my dancers will not here it, as I fell down on the sofa. Luckily, nobody heard me. Yay?
I wasn’t neither paying attention to what he was saying, nor to what he was doing, just to... his face, his eyes, his lips...
It has been a while since I saw this face, it has been a while since I heard this voice.
Then he was gone.

I couldn’t think of anything else after that. The voting, the waiting – were meaningless to me. I forgot about home, family, and girlfriend.
Danny’s face filled up my mind.
How is he? How is his carreer? Does he....?  I wondered, but at some point I was not able to think about him anymore. It hurt way too much, which slightly surprised me.

I have spent the past weeks ignoring Danny’s existance as much as I could.
I haven’t thought of him, I haven’t talked about him.
I stopped dreaming about him. I got over him, absolutely...!!!
That was what I thought... until now.
Now, again, he crashed my world. All I have been doing for the past weeks was undone now. Oh, and some say “What is done cannot be undone” How ridiculous!
The love for Danny was back, his face was back in my mind.
Alongside with the pain and emptyness.

I ended up third in the end.
The weird was that I did not care at all.

When Molly saw me backstage, she got really worried.
-“Eric, it’s Sweden’s best result since 1999! You did an amazing job! You were the best, really! You deserved to win, but...” She was telling me, I interruped her.
-“Molly, it’s not that...” I began to say.
-“Ah, of course... I forgot Danny’s appearance, with the phenomenal T-Shirt” She said in sarcastic tone.
A Remainder of Danny’s name made me feel... pain.
In the past few weeks, I did not feel pain at all – since I haven’t thought about Danny and... I was busy, so now – it hurt more.
-“Sorry... Eric, I shouldn’t have said this” Molly said, ashamed of herself.
-“It’s not your fault” I said quietly, trying not to break infront of her.
-“But... What happened between you? Why you react like that to it?” Molly asked me.
Oh God, what will I say to her now? Well, I guess I brought this to myself – so now I have to deal with it, great, Eric, great!
-“Ohhh, he said that too."
Huh? Oh right... When she screamed at him on the phone.
-“Molly... Let’s just move on.” I said, when I couldn’t stand this silence, knowing that “move on” = utopia for me now.
-“Yeah, let’s” She said and smiled. I could tell she did not believed it aswell, but she very much wanted to.

Release me Danny, set my body free I thought to myself, and realised,
Danny cannot set me free – since I haven’t set myself free, but how do I do it? Or even better: Can I do it?
I guess no I sighed.

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