Monday, August 15, 2011

IF ONLY YOU: Chapter No.12 - "Unite This Heart"

"IF ONLY YOU" Danny Saucedo and Eric Saade fanficion, written by Nika (me).

Please, do not repost it in any place without asking premission and crediting me & my page, thank you! This was written for your pure enjoyment, all events described here are purely fictional (unfortunately).

Chapter Twelve – “Unite This Heart”

When I got back to Sweden, I headed straight to Rix FM festival – I was scheduled to perform “Popular” alongside with my new single “Hearts In The Air” featuring my friend, rapper J-Son.

I was worried, nervous to death – I would say.
No – it did not have anything to do neither with the fact that it was my first appearance since the ESC, nor with the fact that I was worried about how people will react  to my new single. I did not thought of those.

It was... Danny, yes, again, it was Danny.
He was suppossed to perform there aswell – at the same day with me, and he was performing before me. Which means, I cannot escape – no matter how hard I want or/and try to.

I was walking backstage, all alone and nervous as hell. Then, I froze.
Danny was standing motionlessly, and quietly near the window, lying his body against the wall.
His eyes were vacantly starring at the floor, his face expression was something I could not decode, but he seemed tired, and a bit.... sick(?).
Danny payed me no mind, maybe he haven’t noticed at all – or maybe he pretended as if I wasn’t there.
Ignore him or not? Talk to him? I questioned myself, but I haven’t found the answer.
Then, he finally noticed me – or stopped ignoring me.
Danny looked my way, with a questioning expression – his eyes showed hesistation. But after few seconds, his expression changed – and showed desicion.

Danny came toward me, and stopped one metre away from me.
-“Hello Eric” he said, quietly – not smiling.
-“Danny, if you do not wish to talk to me – then don’t” I said, and continued –“I don’t want to force myself on you, you don’t ha...” He interrupted me.
-“But I want to” He said.
-“Well, fine then...” I said, in a dead tone. If that is what he really wants then... why not?
-“Or.... you don’t want to talk to me?” Danny questioned me.
-“Ehh, no Danny – I don’t mind” What was the use of running away from him now? The pain will not be worse.
He looked at me with attention, he was checking me out – like a doctor.
Aha!  Rating how insane I am from 1 (lowest) to 10 (highest)? I thought in a sarcastic way, but I wasn’t way far from the truth – I guess.

-“Eric, I think we could talk after the performance... it will be better, for the two of us” Danny said.
-“Yeah, you are right” The crowd doesn’t has to suffer.
-“See you after the show, good luck! Oh, and congratulation for your ESC appearance, you were amazing!” Danny said, and slightly smiled.
-“Thank you Danny, see you – goodluck aswell. Oh, and nice T-Shirt” I responded.
-“Thank you!” He said and laughed, -“Well, see you later, Eric” he added, turned around and walked away

-“Wait... Danny...!!!” I said, suddenly – when I remembered that I forgot to ask him something.
Danny stopped, and looked at me with coriousity and hope.
I ran toward him.
-“Are you alright? I mean... you look a bit sick...”
-“Yes, I am alright – I am just... tired” He said, well, no – he lied.
He looked sick, and it worried me a lot.
-“Get well soon.”  I said.
He laughed.
-“Thank you, boy. You are so... observe.” He told me.
-“Why lying?” I demanded him.
-“Did not wanted to... bother you with my problems.” Danny confessed and looked down. Strange, he really ment it I realised.
-“Oh, it doesn’t bother me.” I admited, and some tears went down my face. I love you Danny, I love you, I care! I wanted to shout out and kiss him. But I couldn’t.
He was so close to me now, and yet so far away.
I looked down, hoping he will not see me cry.
I did not wanted to worry him, I did not wanted him to see me cry, especially now – when he is sick.
-“Eric” Danny said. I looked at him.
For a minute, we were gazing at each other – and found ourselves lost in each others eyes.
-“Eric....” Danny repeated then, -“Don’t fall apart” Danny said, sighed, and pointed at  his chest – exactly where his heart is –“Unite this heart” he said, lookind deeply into my wet eyes, that were full of tears.
Then, he smiled at me, and suddenly – gave me a hug.
I hugged him back.

Costs what it costs but this moment is worth all the pain that might will follow it.
-“I will never let you go” Danny suddenly said, -“See you after the show in my locker room. I will be waiting for you there, boy.” He added and walked away.

Leaving my crying, shocked, but... ridiculously happy behind.

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