Sunday, September 11, 2011

THERE'S A PLACE FOR US - Chapter No.4 - "Love Is Wicked"

“There’s a Place For Us” - Danny Saucedo and Eric Saade fanfiction story written by Nika H, the admistrator of “Danny Saucedo Fans” at facebook:
Please, do not repost, copy, and/or change any part of this material without asking permission and crediting ME and “Danny Saucedo Fans”.
All events described here are purely fictional, unfortunately :(

Copyright © by Nika H, “Danny Saucedo Fans”.

Chapter Four – Love Is Wicked

I woke up by Molly’s side, and yestedays’ memories came back to my mind.
Yesterday was the first time since... few months(?), me and Molly made love.
It was good – I have to admit I enjoyed it so much, and yet so weird. I haven’t got used to have sex with girls lately. Sigh.

I was feeling guilt for two things.
First, I lied to Molly. Second, I cheated on Danny.
The guilt made me want to vomit. I hated myself for what I have just done.
But what could I do? I asked myself.

I felt a sudden need of an escape. I wanted to run away.
I stood up, and pulled my clothes on. Molly was still asleep.
I took a pen, and a paper and begun to write.

Molly, I went for a walk across the city. See you soon sweetheart! Love, E.

I lied to her, again. I realised, and felt a twitch of guilt mixed with pain. I don’t know where I am heading to now, but one thing for sure – not for a walk around Stockholm.

I grabbed my car, and drove – nowhere in particulary.
Thoughts crossed my mind while I was driving in circles.
I though about what Danny have said to me a while ago. About how he used to think that we were wrong, and our relationship was a mistake.
Maybe... maybe... he was right. I thought, and the pain enlarged. Maybe he was just right. All this pain caused by all those lies. How could this love ever be right? I wondered.  But now it is too late. There’s no way back. I realised, and sighed.
At least it is real love. Love is blind, love is death. Love is... wicked. Sigh.

Suddenly, the phone rang. At first, I thought about ignoring it. Then, I saw the number. It was Danny. Obviously, I answered – and felt relief.
-“Hello, Danny!” I greated him.
-“Hello, Eric!” He greated me. –“Listen, remember what I promised you?”
-“No... Did you promise me something?” I asked, and blushed. What, and most importantly when had Danny promised me something?
Danny laughed quietly, -“I promised to introduce you to Erik and Matte. Firstly, because they are very nice guy. Second, so you will not be jealous. Haha!” He said, and laughed again, this time louder.
The idea of me being jealous of his BFFs, or as he called them “brothers” – also known as Erik Segerstedt and Mattias Andréasson amused Danny very much.
-“Ah, right...” I said. Yes, he did promise it.
-“So, today we are having another day off. Our concert is postponed until tomorrow due to technical problems. We’re in Uppsala now. Come and see us. We will have a lot of fun...” He said, and laughed. It made me wonder what kind of fun he is planning. An orgy maybe? I asked myself, and turned red.
-“Sounds good!” I said, and for a minute my bad mood disappeared. I wasn’t excited to meet Erik and Matte as much as I was looking forward to see my boy, Danny again. Tough, I have to say that I was curious about them.

I changed my direction and headed Uppsala. The bad mood, alongside the “Right or Wrong” thoughts, and the pain came back to me.
-“Eric! Eric! Wait!” Somebody had called my name. I did not recognize the voice, and yet something made me stop the car. It was a fangirl.
-“Oh my God! Eric Saade! I am... your biggest fan! I love you! Your music is just amazing! I have all your CDs and singles. And... posters! All over the walls... Eric... I....”
-“How sweet! Thank you so much for your support, dear. What’s your name?”
-“Nikki” She answered.
-“Nice to meet you, Nikki” I said, -“Want a photo with autograph?”
She nodded. Nikki was so excited, clearly the girl had lost the power of speech.
I took a picture with her, and sighed all her CDs.
-“Here you go!” I said, and smiled as I headed her back her CDs.
-“That you so much, Eric! You are the sweetest person on earth!” She said, and began to walk away.
-“Nikki! Hold on a second” I said.
-“Yes?” She said, and stopped.
-“Can I ask you a small question?” I asked her.
-“Sure...” She said, and looked at me with questioning eyes.
-“What would you do if you loved somebody, truly, madly, deeply, with all your heart and soul knowing this love is wrong?” I asked her.
-“Wrong? Eric, love can never be wrong.” Nikki said, without a single hesistation.
-“Are you sure? But what if...” I began to say, but she stopped me.
-“If you love someone. If it is true love you feel for him. Sky is the limit. Eric, one’s heart can never be wrong. One has to follow it.”
-“But if it causes you pain?” I questioned her.
-“Love doesn’t cause you pain. Pain is caused by the things that hold you back from it.” She responded.
Now that she said it, it made sense. The girl was so damn right!
-“Thank you for the advice, Nikki.” I thanked her, and smiled. –“Here...” I said, and gave her two tickets for my concert –“Hope to see you there” I said, and winked.
She starred at me with clearly shocked eyes, and after a break, she managed to finally say, -“Thank you so much, Eric! Of course I will be there! Good luck!” She said, and gave me a hug – I hugged her back. Afterwards, she had walked away.

I continued driving toward Uppsala. I thought more deeply about what Nikki had told me before. Again, I realised the girl was right.
All the bad thoughts, all the pain – they vanished away. Instead of them my mind was filled up with... hope and love.
There’s still a chance for us. Our flame is not dying, and nothing can stop me from trying.

The decision has been made already. There’s no way back. I thought while driving to Uppsala, and driving to my... future. My destiny. Sigh.
The decision has been made.


  1. Sweet chapter! I'm glad Eric seems to be feeling better and more confident about his relationship. Can't wait for more updates!

  2. Ahh so glad you posted again! I almost started to worry about you, hahah. :'D Love your fanfic! It makes me smile every time I read it. Keep on the good work. Looking forward to the next chapter <3

  3. I like your fanfic too. I'm writing one too if you guys want to read.

  4. Hey guys come on tell m,e if I should post my fanfic too?

  5. Chibi: YES we so want to read yours! I bet it's awesome:) just post a link and we are THERE!

  6. Emma: Thank you! I'll post it somewhere and link it here! I write a lot of fanfics with Eric. Not always Danny but yeah... I've writte a bunch!

    I tried to ask at the OTP site as well but it didn't go too well


  7. My fanfic. You have to be at least 17 to read it. If you have problems to read it I might concider posting like this. On a blog.

  8. Eep. Let's just say I'm a year or two off and I realllllly don't want to commit a crime. Possibly post it on a blog? Because I'm so excited to read it:)

    And Nika...please update! Everyone loves your story and it is THE highlight of my week. You're an awesome writer and I want more;))

  9. Okay but just so you know. I tend to write dirty stuff! Because I'm somewhat dirty.

    But I'll post it at another place as well...

  10. Here is the address. I just quickly made the blog so I might need to change it some. First chapter out

    Comment please

  11. Of course--don't have a problem with NC-17, just a problem with breaking the law. That adult fanfiction thing was pretty scary...

    Thanks for posting elsewhere! I loved it, as made evident by the comment I left there. You're the best!
