Monday, October 10, 2011

THERE'S A PLACE FOR US - Chapter No.9 - "Bury Me Alive"

“There's a Place For Us” - Danny Saucedo and Eric Saade fanfiction story written by Nika H, the admistrator of “Danny Saucedo Fans” at facebook:
Please, do not repost, copy, and/or change any part of this material without asking permission and crediting ME and “Danny Saucedo Fans”.
All events described here are purely fictional, unfortunately :(

Copyright © by Nika H, “Danny Saucedo Fans”.

Chapter Nine – Bury Me Alive

Janna’s silence about Dave worried me. It was obvious there was something more to tell, and yet she didn’t – I was looking for the reason.
Maybe... I thought Maybe, she wants me to figure it out myself.

“I don’t want him to end up like... Dave.” She said, why would Danny end up like Dave? What exactly had happened to him? I have asked myself.
Something in me was not letting me to leave this theme behind.
Something in me was telling me to go – and figure it out.

I stood on the road, hesistating a bit.
How am I going to do this?
Who to ask?
Why for?
-“For Danny.” I said to myself, and all the doubts were gone. The desicion has been made, I dicided to follow my mind – and find out what Janna didn’t tell me.

I ordered a taxi, and got back to the place I have left my car before. I openned the door, and got in.
I grabbed my iPhone, and went online. I googled “Dave Lepard” and scanned various sites, searching for info regarding Dave.
A memorial website powered by Crashdiet’s official website, letters from fans, tributes, pictures, videos, everything but.... what I needed.
There was not a single clue that could answer my questions.
I sighed. Almost giving up on the idea, but... something has suddenly caught my attention. Dave lived and died in Uppsala, according to the information – I realised. I am in Uppsala.

I wasted no time thinking, simply begun to drive. I located the cemetery in Uppsala, and drove there - following the GPS instructions.
After some time, I finally got there. Now it was searching Dave’s grave.

Irrational, this was it. Because honestly, I did not know what I am doing. I did not knew even the reasons of, the logic behind my action.
It seemed to me as if I was a voodoo doll, lead by someone else.

I never really been that type to be superstitious, not that I would say I’m super religious... until this moment.
I was willing to believe in anything now.
Hidden force brought me here, hidden force has been leading me all the way to the place Dave was burried in.

  David Roberto Hellman
28/05/1980 - 20/01/2006

I sighed, feeling something inside me – something I did not know neighter what it is, nor how to call it.
For some unknown reason, I started crying.
For some unknown reason, I have forgotten everything – my name, the location, the reason I am here, even Danny...
What the hell? I asked myself, shocked.

I haven’t had the chance to meet Dave personally, not that I knew something about him until today.
However, standing here, nearby his grave, made me feel something I could not decode, something I could not desribe.
It seemed to me as if I knew him.
It seemed to me as if he wanted to tell me something.
Am I sane? I asked myself. Guess I’m not! I ansered.

Then, I have noticed I wasn’t alone there.
A tall blonde guy, with really long hair, dressed as a rockstar from the 80’s – was standing near me, gazing at me with his questioning, brown eyes.
-“Who the hell are you? What the fuck are you doing here?” He asked me, automatically, I took few steps back – the guy seemed dangerous to me.
-“I’m... My name is Eric, Eric Saade.” I said, nervously. The real question should be who the hell was he, and what the fuck was he doing there. Sigh. -“I’m... well, it’s a long story...” I said, answering the second question.
-“I have time. Explain.” He said, sounding more friendly now.

-“At first, may you please be dear and tell me who are you, and the reason you are here.” I demanded him.
The guy seemed to be shocked hearing my small demand, as if I was supposed to know him somehow. Have to say it surprised me he did not know who I was.
-“I’m Dave’s friend, my name is Peter, Peter London*. I think it’s pretty obvious what I am doing here... now tell me your long story, please.”
-“I...well, you know Danny Saucedo?”
-“I do. He’s a very nice guy, and Dave’s cousin. Too bad he does creepy pop music now, the bastard had potentional...”

-“You sound as if I know him personally...” I noted.
-“I do.” He said.
-“How?” I asked.
-“Man, have you fallen from the sky or what? Maybe you’re an alien, you aren’t green tough. Haha! You are really NOT informed!” Peter stated.
-“Sorry, inform me, please.” I asked him.
-“Well, I’m part of Crashdiet aswell.” He said  -“You know, the rock band that was founded by Dave. He was the lead singer until he passed away, I’m the bassist.” Peter explained, after he saw I had no idea about what he was talking
-“After Dave’s dead...” He continued – “We offered Danny to join and replace him, but the guy refused...”
-“Oh!” I said, finally understanding.

-“Now, tell me your story, please.” Peter demanded me.
-“Alright!” I said, and explain Peter the whole story, without even censoring a single detail.
I have known him only for few minutes, perhaps, but I felt as if I knew him for years. I had a feeling he will understand me – and after I was done, I saw I was right. Peter did.

-“Ah, I see...” Peter said in thoughtful voice after I explained him the story. –“So, you are here to... find out what happened to Dave, and why Danny could end up like him...” He suggested.
-“Exactly, you’re smart.” I confirmed. Seriously, today everybody is smart – but me. Why?

-“Dave was filling out of control, you know. He had the feeling time was running out, so much he wanted to do... yet he couldn’t. Twenty-four hours were not enough, he needed like... forty-eight. He became really depressed, and later got involved with drugs. Time passed, things got worse, he... locked himself in that God damned room and hanged himself... Oh God...” Peter said, and sighed.
-“I’m sorry...”

-“If I only knew... It’s now, now that I begin to understand the reason. Eric, look, Dave has lost contact with his family, his friends, even us... I mean, for example, he and Danny – they were so damn close – and because of Dave’s depression and drugs – they lost contact. We tried to talk to him, everything was useless – he would only think we are against him, and get even mor depressed.
Now, when you told me that story, I think I got it!” He said, and looked at me with a thankful smile. Then, he continued.
-“Dave did not have that special person who could hold him here. Unlike you, and unlike Danny.” He said.
-“Oh! Now I see, now everything makes fucking sense!” I said, shocked at my words, now I’m speaking like a rockstar... Oh my...

I continued talking to Peter for the next few hours, we were talking about random subjects: From the music industry, to... spiritual subjects like love, death, etc.
I liked the guy’s attitude, he was very different from the others.
Peter wasn’t that typical “rockstar”, whose image I had in my mind.
The boy was smart, and very down to earth.**
For the first time during the day, I was... feeling normal – thanks to him.

-“So, I guess we’ll see each other again, one day...” I said to Peter, before leaving.
-“Haha, yes! It was nice to meet you, Eric. Too bad...”
-“I’m doing creepy pop music. Sorry, Mr. London.”
-“Haha, yes, it’s O.K. So, goodbye boy! Wish you good luck, and tell Danny I said ‘Hi’ – I really hope he will get better...”
-“Goodbye, London.”

-“Hej då, Eric.” He said, and then, looked at me with hesistation. I knew he wanted to say something, yet he wasn’t sure if he should.
-“Get this out of your chest already, London. I don’t bite.” I said, and smiled.
-“Damn, it’s about Danny...” He said, and smiled in apology, -“I hate saying this, truly Eric, I do. But I....” London did not finish the sentence, and looked at me.
-“Say it.” I demanded.

-“If you see things go wrong with Danny. If you see that your love and your presence do not lead to good for him, let it go – before it gets to late. If you know what I mean....” He said, -“Sorry...” He added.
-“You are right, London. Don’t worry, I was considering this option aswell.”
-“For now, what I would do if I were you – is give the boy some time.” He recommended me, and again – he was right.
-“You are right. This is what I would do.” I said.

-“Goodbye Saade, take care” He told me, in the end of our conversation.
-“Goobye London, thanks for everything” I thanked him, and walked away – to my car.

I had begun to drive back, back home, to Stockholm.

*Peter London – The bassist of the band “Crashdiet” founded by Dave Lepard. Very down to earth, open minded, spiritual and sweet guy.
Peter is also part of “Alter Egon” – which was founded by him, and there – he sings, and plays all the instruments.
The songs (all written by him) are all in Swedish, and talk about freedom – especially the sexual one.

**In addition to Crashdiet and Alter Egon, London also worked on what he called “A regular shitty job” since he had no money to pay the bills.
In addition to that, the band’s official forum ( is moderated by him.

The story about Dave Lepard death is PURELY fictional.
It is only MY theory based on INTERVIEWS. Do NOT take it seriously. 


  1. AAHH I LOVE YOU! Just wanted to say that, hahah. :'D Just reloaded the page by accident, glad I did. <3 2 chapters in 2 days! And lovely ones. Keep on the good work. ;D

  2. Oh, this was wonderful! I don't know why I clicked on your blog, since I wasn't expecting another must have been fate telling me to:)) Veryveryvery interesting chapter! I liked hearing about Dave and meeting Peter London. Now I'm off to go listen to Crashdiet's music. Keep up the good work!!!!
