Sunday, July 24, 2011

IF ONLY YOU : Chapter No.1 - "Masquerade"

"IF ONLY YOU" Danny Saucedo and Eric Saade fanficion, written by Nika (me).

Please, do not repost it in any place without asking premission and crediting me & my page, thank you!This was written for your pure enjoyment, all events described here are purely fictional (unfortunately).

Prologe - FlashBack - "Popular"

Well, basically I wrote this just to make sure we all are in the same page - So my story will be understood better, if you know what I mean.

Eric and Danny met during the Melodifestivalen, and became very close friends, tough they both secretly had feeling one toward another.

They were sorry for the fact they were both obligated to compete against each other, and they feared that their “rivality” will demage their friendship.

However, they also feared to expose their hidden feeling toward each other, thinking it will ruin their friendship and lead to a scandal.

One day, Danny had decided to let Eric find out about his feelings, without telling him – which leads to the famous kiss & the nipple thing, also known as “The DERIC moments”.

Eric, however, thinks that Danny has done this just for fun, as a joke, or P.R service – tough it makes Danny’s and Eric’s friendship, and feelings even more stronger.

When it is announced that Eric is the winner of the Melodifestivalen and will represent Sweden

in the ESC, Eric gets excited – and in the same time worried, knowing how much the contest was important for Danny.

Danny, on the opposite, feels relieved – and congratulates Eric, after that, Eric gives him a hug.

And then, they are both heading to the Melodifestivalen’s after party, when our story begins.


It was the Melodifestivalen after party. Everybody was partying, drinkin, dancing their hearts out...

I was there,too, smiling – at least trying to, pretending to look as a one who won Melodifestivalen, and will represent Sweden in ESC should look – Happy, satisfied.

But I failed this masquerade.

Come on, Eric, that’s a big thing, no? Exactly what you wanted! To be popular! To represent Sweden in the ESC, no? Wasn’t that what you wanted?

I was trying to convice myself, but I failed, again.

Yeah, it was what I wanted – what I needed. But I don’t want it anymore.

He was there, Danny....

In the centre of the dancefloor,in the centre of the spolight, rocking the dancefloor, dancing like the king of the disco - of course.

Danny was surprisingly happy, and showed no signs of dissapointment – on the opposite, he looked relieved.

Joking around, partying like an animal, drinking, and dancing – Oh well, that’s so Danny.

The thought of Danny made me smile, so I smlied - straight into his direction. He caught my look and smiled back to me.

I couldn’t help myself, and I started laughing.

My God! His smile is so cute! I said to myself. Danny saw me laughing and winked, which almost made me drop on the floor, I must say.

Well, our famous-Melodifestivalen-kiss was a joke for him, P.R. service maybe , just for fun. But for me it was different.

I... well, I’m not a gay – I swear I’m not! I’m not into boys, I just..., well, I just love Danny. Truly, I do.

And he sees me only as joke! Of course, he is happy, he has got a girlfriend, Janna, and he loves her.

Well, I also have a girlfriend – and I love her, too, but not as I love Danny, tough.

I have never felt this way before. For anyone, not even for Molly...

It’s impossible for us to be together, I whispered to myself.

Of course it is impossible, if I will ever tell Danny about my feelings – he will never speak to me again, the press will make a drama out of it, and Molly will be heart broken.

Haha, “stop don’t say that it’s impossible, cause I know it’s possible” - what a joke, I whispered to myself.

Those thoughts made me so depressive, and when I couldn’t take it anymore. I ran away straight to the toilet, sat on the floor, and started crying. How pathetic.

“Eric? Oh God, Eric!” – Someone said, with a worried tone. The most pathetic part of it is that I will recognize this voice no matter when, and no matter what - as if this was the only voice I have heard since I was born – It was Danny.

“Eric, you alright?” – He asked me, in a soft voice, as he sat down on the floor next to me, -“What happened to you, boy?” he added.

-“Nothing, Danny, I... don’t know what to say!” I said. He was going to reply something, but I interrupted him, saying: -“Well, Danny, I do know what to say. But trust me, you don’t want to hear it!!!” , I guess I sounded too harsh, to rough, and too rude. Danny froze, shocked. Great, now I offended him.

It’s now or never, what happen – will happen, I’m just going to say it, out loud! , I thought to myself, and said:

-“Look Danny, remember our famous Melodifestivalen kiss?”

- “Yes, Eric, of course...” , he answered, and grinned. –“How could I forget? Haha” , he added, still grinning.

-“Well, for you it might be a nice joke, but for me... it’s a whole different story!

That night, after we kissed, I dreamed about you, the other day I daydreamed about you. When I was kissing my girlfriend – I imagined I was kissing you!

I started to fantasize about you 24/7. Don’t you understand?! I love you!!! Danny! I love you! Don’t you see?!” – I said.

Silence. He was starring at me in shock, with his gorgerous blue eyes, not knowing what to say... of course, now I lost him. Oh well,

-“I shouldn’t have said this, of course, now y....” , I was beginning to say, but he interrupted me.

-“Eric, it... it wasn’t a joke for me aswell. I..., well, I feel exactly the same way about you. I’m not a gay Eric, I just love you. I’ve fallen for you since the first day I saw you – Boy, you’re beautiful!” he laughed. And I was there, sitting on the floor, shocked, not knowing what to say, and I bet that if someone asked for my name now, I would not remember.

Meanwhile, he smiled and continued:

-“I was so sorry that I have decided to take a part in the Melodifestivalen, I didn’t wanted to compete against you, and I hated the thought about winning. But you won, you deserved it, and I’m so happy now, for you...

Ah, I love Eric, more than you ever now!”

-“You... love me? Too?” I questioned him, in disbelief.

-“Yes, what can I do to make you believe me? Oh, and by the way, I wasn’t joking when I said that you tasted “Yummy” and had a very “Rehydrated lips”, hahaha” , he was laughing.

Then, he starred straight into my eyes, with his gorgerous blue eyes. My heartbeat went totally insane. I forgot everything, my name, the location, the time, the occasion, everything. Oh, I wish that moment would last forever!

-“Eric, I love you” he said, and quickly, before I could even react, he reached toward me, and kissed my lips. Slowly, passionately....

Man, he is the best kisser ever, I swear! , I thought to myself.

That minute was the best minute in my whole life. That kiss was the best kiss I have ever had. I wished he would never stop, but he had too.

Slowly, he stopped kissing me, and then, after a short pause, smiled. I couldn’t resist him, so I just smiled back at him.

-“So... what are you going to do now, with us, I mean?” – I asked, I didn’t wanted to ask that question or/and hear the answer, but it was necessary.

-“Errr, I don’t know. We can’t let this story out.

I mean, we both have girlfriends – and a menagment that will kill us if someone finds out...” – He laughed, then continued: -“But what we can do is....You know, secret dating – on with the wind, and see what happens, that’s the best, don’t you think?”

-“Yeah, that’s the best” – I answered. Of course it is, he was so damn right.

-“But for now...” He said, -“Let’s go to a more normal place, you know, the dancefloor, for example, and party! I mean, rock the night out boy! Just like we can” , he said and started laughing, I joined him.

-“Let’s!” I said.

We stood up, and headed straight to the dancefloor – to rock the night, and dance untill we drop.

That was really the best night of my life.

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