Wednesday, July 27, 2011

IF ONLY YOU: Chapter No.5 - "Beautiful Morning"

"IF ONLY YOU" Danny Saucedo and Eric Saade fanficion, written by Nika (me).

Please, do not repost it in any place without asking premission and crediting me & my page, thank you! This was written for your pure enjoyment, all events described here are purely fictional (unfortunately).

Chapter Five – “Beautiful Morning”

It was the best night in my life. When I woke up – I was so happy, I bet I was the happiest person in this planet. Everything suddenly seemed to be so simple, so easy, and so beautiful to me. Mainly, it was bacause of the gorgerous blond man with the blue eyes who was lying by my side.
Yeah, that’ what I call “A beautiful morning” – Best I have ever had, it’s official I thought and smiled.

Danny was already awake, lying on his back, still naked, and smiling.
I could not help myself – but gaze toward his glorious body with admiring eyes, and blush.
He, of course, caught my look and winked at me, which, for some reason reminded me of last night – or to be more correct, of what happened last night.

It reminded me the way we both moved against each other. The way it felt, when Danny went deep inside me... The way his lips touched mine – with the softest pressure, and the way those red lips of his tastes...
It all was so amazing, so dreamy – I can’t even find the right words to describe it.
Thanks God we were smart enough to leave the lights on last night I thought to myself and sighed.

Danny laughed quietly, and asked:
-“So, how was last night?” The way he asked that question, made me feel that we are discussion a restaurant or a movie, and not our first gay sex.
Oh God, how does he do that? Oh well, that’s so Danny I added in my mind.
Naturally, I turned all red, as always, bit my lip, and answered:
-“Great, Danny! You rock!!!”
This time Danny laughed out loud, very loud – which made the bed shatter a bit.
-“Thanks Boy” He said, and winked again.
Damn, but how does he do that?! How can he be so.... hot in a very irresistble way?! I swear he has a mission called “How to make Eric fain” Oh, and he is very close to acompalishing it... I asked myself, and after a short pause – I answered myself. He is just too good in everything he ever does, me included, hahaha
I blushed, and thought, I’m leading mental conversations with myself, haha “And suddently, a schizofrenia....”   then I laughed.
-“By the way...” Danny started saying, interrupting my thoughts, -“You’re amazing aswell... I love you, boy.”
Boy... hell yeah, I will be forever boy, no – I will be a manboy, forever Danny’s manboy... Not that I mind...  I thought.
-“I love you too, Danny” I admited.

In response, Danny went toward me – and kissed me.
There was so much love, so much passion in that single kiss. So perfect.
-“I like the way you say my name” – Danny told me after we stopped kissing each other.
-“I like the way you call me ‘boy’ “ – I replied.
We both laughed.

Suddenly, Danny’s expression changed. He gave me that wild look from yesterday, it was full of desire, and his eyes were filled with fire.
Luckily, I was lying on his bed, because if I stood up on the floor or sat on a chair – I would probably end up fainting and breaking my head... or the chair.
Danny looked so sexy,  he was definitely on fire, and to be honest – it turned me on.

-“Eric” He wispered softly, “Eric, are you into morning sex? He asked me.
Was he really asked it? I had a feeling it was rhetorical question, however, like a total geek, I actually answered him.
-“Yes, as long as it is with you” I said.

Before I was even able to blink, like an hurricane – Danny was already on me, and his lips were kissing mine. It all was amazingly good, obviously.

I could feel him moving deep within me – like a tornado. It was, without a single doubt, the best feeling in my life, it was even more powerful than last night.
Practice makes perfect the one who said it, was so damn right.
Nothing is perfect the one who said that, was so damn wrong.
It did not hurt at all – pure pleasure, pure passion.
-“Danny... Danny... I love you” I whispered.
He kissed my neck, and softly whispered in my ear:
-“Eric, I love you too”.

His warm and beautiful body – on me, moving deeply – within me.
His soft red lips, passionately kissing my neck, my face...
I could feel the warmth from his skin on my body...
I could sense hiw warm breathe on my skin...
I could feel him – doing me.
Nothing in this world would ever top this moment.

This moment was priceless, nothing else mattered to us then.
Not our girlfriends, neither our managment, nor the time, that was moving way to fast.
I wished we could be timeless – I wished this moment would last forever.
I bet that even if the world would come to an end, we would not notice it.

I feel the love from your heart is hitting me,
I wanna stay to be yours for eternity,
Don’t let the feelings go away so rapidly,
The clocks would never surround us...
We could be timeles...

Again, unfortunately – everything comes to an end.
But an end is always the beginning of something new, right?
-“I love you, Eric” Danny said and kissed my forehead as he stopped.
-“I love you too, Danny” I replied.

We both lied on our backs, by each other’s sides, happy and naked.
As always – words weren’t needed.
It’s like that with Danny.

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