Sunday, July 24, 2011

IF ONLY YOU: Chapter No.3 - "Just a Dream"

"IF ONLY YOU" Danny Saucedo and Eric Saade fanficion, written by Nika (me).

Please, do not repost it in any place without asking premission and crediting me & my page, thank you! This was written for your pure enjoyment, all events described here are purely fictional (unfortunately).

Chapter Three - "Just a Dream"

I was driving my car straight to Danny’s appartment, trying hard to concentrate on the road.

Concentrate, Eric, concentrate!
I ordered myself, but I failed – everytime I actually tried.

Instead of concentrating on the road, what normal, sane people do – I was concentrating on Danny’s pretty face.

Great, now I will probably crash a three in the most absurd possible way known to humanity, everybody will laugh... Oh, and if I will survive, what probably won’t happen – I will arrested and sent to jail, haha, k-k-killed by a cop - I said quietly, to myself and started laughing.

It has been a while since I was in such a good mood, and in all my 21 years of life, I have never felt this way – I was never in love with someone like that... except of Danny.

Why doesn he has to be the exception of everything?
I asked myself, and laughed again, feeling like a total fool. Great, now I am speaking to myself!

Due to that me and Danny agreed to keep our real feelings and relationship status as a secret, we lied to Molly and Janna (our girlfriends) about today.

They honestly believe we’ll be having a boy-evening, with lots of alcohol and idiotic stuff...

Molly went to shopping with her friends, and Janna went to visit her brother.

Which means that me and Danny will be alone tonight. That thought made me smile, tough...

Not that I know what will happen tonight, but getting drunk and acting like an idiot were never on our list. I guarantee that.

When I finally arrived near Danny’s house, I stopped the car at the parking station, got out, and went to Danny’s house.

Exactly when I was about to knock on the door, I realised it is already openned, so I just got in.

He was there, sitting on his white sofa, wearing a black top-tank and a pair or jeans, waiting for me. He smiled at me, as I entered the room.

Before I could say something, he asked me:

-“So, how was your night, boy?” He asked me, grinning – what made me wonder what private joke did I miss.

-“Hey Danny” I greated him, with enthusiastic tone as I sat nearby him and smiled, -“My night was fine, a bit sleepless, but at least I had nice dreams”.

He laughed even more louder this time, he looked so good, so cute while laughing – I was helpless, I had no choice, so I laughed with him.

-“So Danny, what the hell were you doing awake at... 4 in the morning? If that’s not a secret, of course” I asked him, when we stopped laughing.

-“Of course no! No secrets from you, boy” Danny replied, and winked. I must admit that it made me lose my breath and faint on his sofa... no... his chest.

Watching my geek reaction, seemed to be very entertaining to Danny, so he giggled and said: -“Back to your question....” My question, sigh. Wait, what have I asked him? I’m really losing my mind. It’s official. Danny continued:

-“I was thinking about last night, about you... And daydreaming, about us while starring at the moon and the stars... How romantic! Haha” he admited, and smiled happily at me.

-“Ah, well, I did see you in my dreams, too. Only I was sleeping, you know – mixing the pleasant part, dreaming with the necessary part, sleeping.”

-“Smart!” Danny said, and questioned me: “What did you dream? If that’s not a secret, of course” and looked at me.

-“No secrets from you, boy” I said, trying to copy his tone – but failing. Then I told him about my dream:

-“Danny, I was dreaming of me and you, together someday... In a world when nobody knows us, no press, no menagment, no girlfriends... It was just me, you and the nature. We were alone, we were happy, we were in love..., you know” The last part made me blush, so much that I was even more red than a tomato.

-“Embarassing?” I asked him, red faced.

-“No, absolutely no” He said, and added: “I liked the last part the most...” I turned even more red.

Then, without a single warning – His lips touched mine, and he kissed me.

This kiss was a lot different that our previous one, last night. It was wild, it was a lot more passionate, we were both on fire – burning.

Again, I caught myself wishing it will never end – but of course, it had too. Everything has a beginning, and everything comes to an end, unfortunately.

The kiss was followed by a silence, that kind of silence when no words are needed – pure harmony.

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