Sunday, July 24, 2011

IF ONLY YOU: Chapter No.2 - "4 In The Morning"

"IF ONLY YOU" Danny Saucedo and Eric Saade fanficion, written by Nika (me).

Please, do not repost it in any place without asking premission and crediting me & my page, thank you!This was written for your pure enjoyment, all events described here are purely fictional (unfortunately).

Chapter Two: “4 In The Morning”

The next morning, when I woke up, after having another “Danny Night” I must say – I noticed that I have just recieved an SMS, and I didn’t even had to look at the sender’s name to know the sender’s identity, it was, of course – Danny.

I clicked “view” and began to read:

“Eric! Look, I have a day off today, and I’ve got a feeling so are you... so, well, I wanted to ask – Would you like to come over me this evening? To my place, I mean.... We can have a whole lotta fun! Love, D. “

Is that even a question? I thought, as I started typing the following: “Of course, I’ll be there at 6 pm, Ok? Love, E. “ there’s a big, big love in the air... fuck yeah.

I thought, and as soon as I was done – I pressed “send”.

The reply came a minute later, “Ok boy! See you soon! Love, D.” it was written then. My only reaction to this was... a huge smile.

Ain’t it funny how one single SMS with a plain text, written in plain Swedish, have just made my day?

Then, without a reason – I started laughing. Guess my laughter was loud, too loud and it awoken Molly.

Oh Molly! I thought, and felt guilt. I have totally forgotten about her existance, while she is lying next to me! Untill I met Danny, she was everything to me, and now I d... but Molly interrupted my thoughts, questioning:

-“Eric, What the hell is wrong with you?! It’s 4 in the morning! Why aren’t you sleeping?”

Damn, I thought, Was it 4 in the morning? What the hell was Danny doing awake at such time? I wondered.

-“Eric....?” Molly re-asked me, due to my ignorrance.

-“What Molly?” – I asked her, since her question ran out of my mind, and I must say that I felt like a total Idiot, thanks to Danny! Haha.

-“May you please explain to me, if that’s not a secret,of course... The reason you are awake, whom were you texting, and what was so funny? Thanks!” she said, clearly annoyed.

-“Woah, that’s a huge question, XL – Extra Large!” I replied, and started laughing.

-“Just answer!” she said, in an angry tone.

Annoying Molly at 4 in the morning was pointless, so I have decided to finally answer her.

-“Alright!Alright! I’m awake because... well, I don’t really know why, I just woke up! That’s it. I was chatting via SMS with a guy named Danny Saucedo, you know... He invited me for a ‘boy evening’ – and I accepted the invitation. Danny is funny – that’s why I laughed.”

I answered, and added after a short pause: -“Guess it was too loud, sorry for interrupting you sleeping” I apologized.

My explantation made Molly to calm down, she smiled and started to laugh.

-“Have fun! Haha, thought it’s a long way to go untill the evening. And now, lease, let me sleep, love.” She said, in a warm tone.

Of course we will be having fun, if she only knew, hahaha I thought, and said:

-“Good night Molly! Sleep well, princess.”

She giggles and closed her eyes.

I decided to follow her example, and try to sleep a bit, so I closed my eyes.

There, in my dream, Danny was waiting for me of course – He was smiling his beautiful smile, and looking at me with his beautiful blue eyes.

If only you, Danny... could see that I’m burning – on for you I said to him, in my dream, and fell asleep.

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