Thursday, July 28, 2011

IF ONLY YOU: Chapter No.6 - "For You... I Break Myself In Two"

"IF ONLY YOU" Danny Saucedo and Eric Saade fanficion, written by Nika (me).
Please, do not repost it in any place without asking premission and crediting me & my page, thank you! This was written for your pure enjoyment, all events described here are purely fictional (unfortunately).

Chapter Six – “For you... I Break Myself In Two”

-“It’s time for me to go” I realised suddenly, and sighed.
-“Oh rght...” Danny said in agreement.
-“I bet Molly and Janna think we are both lying half dead on the floor with a hell of a hangover” I said, and Danny laughed.
-“Boy, when will I see you again?” Danny questioned me.
-“I really don’t know” I admited, adding –“Hopefully soon... I need you.”
-“I need you too, Eric” Danny confessed, and continued –“But of course – you’ll be very busy now... Eurovision, new album, upcoming summer tour and... Molly.”
-“Molly... I hate that part when I am forced to lie to her, cheat on her and pretend that... you know.”
-“Yes, I know, Eric. I hate that too, when I am forced to lie to Janna. But what can we do?”
-“Escape!!!” I suggested
-“Where? To vegas?” Danny asked, grinning.
-“Yes, why not?”
-“Eric, are you proposing to me?”
-“Sure, Danny – but I don’t have a ring, Molly took them all.”
We both laughed, and Danny gave me a warm hug.

-“I’m so sorry, Eric” He said, -“I see how much pain this relationship, well, not exactly – I mean... the lies, and the pretence caused by our relationship, you are feeling. I see it in your eyes.
I know how much you worry about Molly, about me, about Janna...
I feel all the stress, all the pressure it is causing to you.
I’m so sorry about it, Really. I wish I could do something, but I just don’t know what I c...”
I interrupted him, I had to do it – I did not want him to feel bad and guilty for something that wasn’t his own fault, it was our decision.
Besides, it was also bothering him – maybe even more than it bothered me, I could tell from his expression. Janna, I have to admit, is more important to him – then Molly for me. Furthermore, lies and pretence is something that Danny cannot stand – I know it.
But he will never say it – because he doesn’t want to hurt my feelings.
-“Stop it,  Danny... it’s not your fault” I said.

-“Alright, Eric... We will stop this useless discussion, since it eventually will not lead to a solution. Let’s just leave all our problems behind and focus on our feelings.
We have each other, after all?
I promise you, Eric, that I will always be there for you – that you can tell me anything, and that I will never hurt you, boy.
We will be fighting for our love, no?
It is worth all the pain, I think.
Ehhh... and maybe, one day, we will be finally free to live our lives – and will need no longer to pretend, maybe...” He said, and sighed.

-“Yes, Danny... maybe” I said in response.
I had to admit that I really doubted it, but why not let the hope be? Why let it die? I said to myself.
Danny made me feel hope, he made me believe.

We smiled at each other for a long priceless moment, then, Danny kissed me – I kissed him back.

-“Now, get dressed” Danny ordered me, and added –“I’m not an angel. I don’t know for how long I will be able to resist temptation...” and winked.
Same story again – Eric, I mean, me – turned totally red and almost fainted.
-“Yes, sir” I answered finally, stood up, grabed my clothes and got dressed.

We agreed we will be regulary calling, texting, and e-mailing each other. Whenever we both will have a free time – we will be meeting each other at one of Stockholm’s hotels.
Lies and game of pretence, obviously, were necessary here. Avoiding stress and pain – seemed to be impossible. But our love was worth it, and we will be fighting for it.

When I got back home, Molly was sitting on the sofa, sorrounnded by dozen shopping bags, that were probably filled with clothes, jewelery, chocolate – and of course: Teddy Bears! Oh, lord, how we will survive without Teddy bears? I thought to myself and grinned.
As soon as she had seen me, she stood up, went toward me – and gave me a kiss, I , of course, kissed her back.
Danny does it better I admited to myself.
-“Got over the hangover?” She asked me, and giggled.
-“Yes, ma’am!” I replied, and cracked a smile. –“How was your shopping trip?” I asked, tough from the number of the shopping bags – I could tell it was very succsessful.
-“Great” She responded, and immediately started showing me what she had bought.
I tried to look interested and excited, feeling guilty for the masquerade, and the fact that  I cheated on her with... her friend, Danny.
Danny, who was probably acting things over with Janna now.

Yes, I said to myself and sighed quietly, that’s the beginning of our new life.

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