Sunday, September 25, 2011

THERE'S A PLACE FOR US - Chapter No.6 - "Undo It"

“There’s a Place For Us” - Danny Saucedo and Eric Saade fanfiction story written by Nika H, the admistrator of “Danny Saucedo Fans” at facebook:
Please, do not repost, copy, and/or change any part of this material without asking permission and crediting ME and “Danny Saucedo Fans”.
All events described here are purely fictional, unfortunately :(

Copyright © by Nika H, “Danny Saucedo Fans”.

Chapter Six – Undo It

It was the beginning of the end.
It was after E.M.D’s concert.

I was waiting for Danny at the looker room, meanwhile – I watched the boys performing, and let the thoughts to float around my mind.

-“Hi Eric!” Someone suddenly said, I turned around and saw Erik Segerstedt.
-“Oh!” I said, quiet surprised. I excepted to see Danny.
-“Did I scared you off?” He asked me, and hope could be heard in his tone.
-“You wish!!!” I said, and laughed.
-“Damn!” He said, and laughed aswell.

-“So, where’s Danny?” I asked Erik, and meanwhile, Mattias Andréasson walked in, and replied me before.
-“At the toilette, where else he can be?!” He said, and we all laughed.
-“He does it frequently...?” I asked, and bite my lip.
-“All day, all night...” Erik replied.
-“What the fuck?” I said, and grinned.
-“El chico esta muy loco!”* Matte said, and laughed. I joined him.
I was surprised about how natural I felt with them.
I was surprised about how free I was with them.
I had to admit that I really liked Erik and Matte, Erik especially. Sigh.

Erik sat by my side, put his hand on my shoulder, and smiled. While Matte sat next to me, and smiled as well. I smiled to both of them in return.
-“So, did you enjoy the our concert?” Erik asked me, and winked.
Matte laughed quietly. –“Be aware, Saade. Bunnies might be small, but they are dangerous and quick as hell!” He had warned me, we all laughed.
-“Sure!” I said, in response to Erik’s question, -“ I was at the toilette all the time, just chilling, if you know what I mean...”
-“But of course!” Matte said, and Erik added –“Did you learn it from Danny?”
-“Aha!” I said, and nodded, -“Who else could teach me that?”
-“Hmmmm... What else did Danny teach you?” Erik asked me.
-“He had taught me how to kiss better!” I said, noticing I wasn’t lying.
-“Oh la la! Was that a french kissing course?” Matte asked me.
-“Yes!” I said, and felt their eyes on me.
-“For free?” Erik asked me.
-“Aha!” I nodded.
-“You boys had lots of fun during the Melodifestivalen, no?” Matte pointed, and laughed a bit. –“Wish we where there!” He said, and Erik nodden in agreement.
-“Damn! You are lucky! I want it aswell! Can you show me, please?” Erik requested me, catching me off guard.
-“WHAT?!” I said in shock, and jumped on my chair.
-“Don’t worry, boy – I am not trying to rape you or something like this. Relax, take it easy, shut up and kiss me...” Erik said, and laughed.
-“If that’s what you want then... let it be!” I said, and sighed. Thanks God Danny wasn’t there, otherwise Bunny would not make it with his two ears.
To my surprise, Erik Segerstedt was completely serious about the kiss.
He was getting closer to me, or more correctly – to my lips. Matte was looking at us, with curiousity burning in his eyes.
We kissed. The kiss itself was fine, but it could not be compared to Danny in anyway.
-“Ehhh Eric!” I said as the kiss was over –“You have so much to learn from Danny!” I admited.
Matte had almost fallen from his chair out of laughter, and we both joined him.
-“Practice makes perfect!” Matte said, already red from laughter.
-“Great, Eric – be my professor!” Erik said, and winked at me.
-“Trying to seduce me, huh?” I said, and winked back at him.
-“Will your girlfriend mind?” Erik asked me, in a worried tone.
-“Who cares?!” Matte noted.
-“Nobody!” We said together, and continued to make jokes – all way, all day, all night long.
I totally admired Erik and Matte’s attitude, I really enjoyed being with them.
When we where together, we always had fun – everything was so simply, so easy. Like things should be.
Tough, this time, something was missing here. Someone wasn’t here.
I grabbed my phone, dailed Danny’s number – no answer.
I sent him a text message, pressed “Send” – time passes, still no answer.
-“Hmmmm... boys, where’s Danny?” I asked them, as time had passed and Danny just did not appear or/and replied to me.
We all looked at each other, and it was clear none of us knew the answer.

But where is mi amor?** Where is Danny? I asked myself. Afterwards, I picked up my phone again – and re-called Danny. I sent him an SMS later, he did not reply to me. Things were getting weird.
A voice inside was telling me something is wrong.
Unexcepted, sudden, irrational and unexplained worry filled up my brain.

-“Excuse me...” I said to Erik and Matte, almost whispering. Afterwards, I quickly stood up on my legs – and left the room, followed by their questioning eyes.
-“What’s wrong with him?” Erik asked Matte, and pointed at me when I was leaving.
I couldn’t hear what Matte replied to him, and being honest – I did not bother much. All I cared at the moment was Danny. I must find him I ordered myself.

At the road, Danny was waiting for me. He was looking straight into my eyes.
He said nothing, he had done nothing when I reached him, and greated him.

-“Hi Danny! You guys were so amazing at the concert!” I said, and hugged him.
Silence. It was the first time Danny did not hug me back.
-“Danny...? What’s wrong?” I asked him.
Silence. He said nothing, just kept starring at me with his blue eyes.

Something changed in his eyes, something I could not decode.
Something strange could be heard in his voice, something I did not understood.

-“Congratulation on your new boyfriend!” He shouted suddenly, in a voice full of venom, full of disgust.
I continued to gaze at him which shock.
I honestly did not understood what he was about.

-“Goodbye, Eric. This time it’s the end of our road!” Danny said, his face red from anger, his eyes full of sadness, his voice... lifeless.
He did not say anything else, he did not even looked my way.
He simply went away – to the car – that belonged to his driver.

Not able to think, to breath, to move, to do something – I stood in the road, looking with eyes full of tears, fears, vain, and pain – toward when he headed to.
What the hell had happened? I asked myself, looking for an answer.
But when I realised, it was already too late.

Danny did not disappear.
Danny wasn’t missing as I thought.
He have heard every single word of our conversation.
He have seen every single move in our conversation.
Oh, and he also misundrestood everything.
Danny had seen me kissing Erik, and vice versa.
Danny had heard me flirting with Erik, and vice versa.
He, Danny, has misunderstood everything.
No, no, no!

-“Danny, wait!” I screamed. He did not reply.
-“Danny!” I called him again. He ignored me, again.
Meanwhile, Danny got in the car – and started driving in full speed.
What the hell is he doing? I thought, as I knew the guy has no driver liscence.
He had lost control over the car, over the road – he was about to crash.
-“No!” I screamed in panic. –“No” I repeated.

* The guy is really crazy, SPANISH.
** My love, SPANISH.

SPOILER ALERT!  below, you may read a spoiler for the upcoming chapter, seventh by number, called "Crash and Survive". 

-“No, Danny! No” I screamed, automatically, knowing he will never hear me.
-“No, Danny! Danny” I continued screaming, and realised it was too late for him, too late for me, too late for us.
-“Danny...” I whispered, and fell on my knees, and my eyes filled up with darkness, pain, dust.
I could not even cry, I just tried to search for the light – but I failed to find it.
I waited for the end to come, and take me away – I silently thanked God for the fact that right now, nobody saw me.

Everybody around me was screaming, -“Call an ambulance... He’s bleeding! He is loosing tons of blood” someone shouted, after few seconds I recognized the voice – it was Erik Segerstedt.

-“Get Danny out of his car!” Erik said, -“Let’s take care of him until professional help arrives” He ordered.
Alongside with Mattias Andréasson, and the rest of Danny’s dancers they pulled Danny out of his car.
He was unconscious, bleeding.
His face expressed agony.

I couldn’t take it anymore.
It was all my fault.
Yes, my fault.

-“I’m sorry, Danny” I whispered quietly into the silence, knowing no one is hearing me right now.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

THERE'S A PLACE FOR US - Chapter No.5 - "Best Friends"

“There’s a Place For Us” - Danny Saucedo and Eric Saade fanfiction story written by Nika H, the admistrator of “Danny Saucedo Fans” at facebook:
Please, do not repost, copy, and/or change any part of this material without asking permission and crediting ME and “Danny Saucedo Fans”.
All events described here are purely fictional, unfortunately :(

Copyright © by Nika H, “Danny Saucedo Fans”.

Chapter Five – Best Friends

The first thing I have done when I arrived was to call Danny. I dialed his number, but instead of Danny an unfamiliar voice answered me.
-“Hello?” Someone said.
-“Hello. It’s Eric Saade. With who am I speaking? Where’s Danny?” I introduced myself, and asked the person on the line.
-“Oh! Hi there Eric! I am Erik Segerstedt, Danny is having a dreat time in the toilette!” Erik Segerstedt, said and laughed.
Oh, great!  Now I was speaking with Mr. Erik The bunny!*
-“Look, Erik... when will he get out?” I asked him. I needed, and wanted to hear Danny’s voice – not his.
-“Errr, I don’t know. One thing for sure, not in the next few hours. Who knows what he is doing there!” Erik said, and laughed again.

I was supposed to laugh aswell, but I didn’t – not because it wasn’t funny, and besides, the guy was right – Mr. Danny perverted can do interesting stuff at the toilette in addition to the... obvious.
I didn’t laugh because I was annoyed, I was ridiculously jealous of that Erik. Ridiculously because I had no reason in this world to be jealous of him, he was Danny’s best friend – for Danny, he was like a brother.

-“You alive there?” Mr. Bunny asked me, since I haven’t reacted to his last sentence.
-“Yes, I am. Look, when Danny will finish whatever he does in the toilette and get out, please deliver him that I am in Uppsala, O.K?” I asked him, trying to sound polite.
-“You’re in Uppsala?!” He asked me, in a clearly surprised tone.
-“Yes, I am.” I confirmed.
-“Oh! That’s great! We are here too! Let’s have a meeting! I bet Danny will love it. I know you guys are BFFs. You know where we are?” He said.
-“No, this is actually the reason why I am calling.” I said.
-“Ah! At the same place you performed before, remember?” The bunny asked.
-“Oh, really? Of course I do!” I said.
-“Great! See you!” Erik said, and ended the call.

When I finally arrived, Danny was the one who waited for me outside and greated me.
-“Hello boy!” He said, gave me a warm hug, and a kiss on the cheek.
Erik Segerstedt and Mattias Andréasson appeared, and come toward us.
-“Amore Mío...” Erik Segerstedt said, and laughed alongside Mattias Andréasson.
-“Shut up!” Danny said to Erik, I rolled my eyes. Erik and Mattias laughed again.
-“What were you doing in the toilette?” I asked Danny.
-“Huh?” He said, raised an eyebrow, and looked at me with questioning expression.
-“Erik told me that you do interesting stuff at the toilette...” I informed him.
Danny laughed, and asked Erik:
-“What did you tell the manboy?” Oh great, I am a manboy again now.
-“Nothing besides the truth. I told him that you sit 2 hours in the toilette and do HellKnowsWhat. The manboy should now.” How dare that Bunny call me manboy? Only Danny can do that! I thought, and felt a sudden anger.
-“Guys...” Mattias Andréasson said, -“Let’s end this discussion... I am hungry, and you...” – He said and looked and Danny and Erik – “You ruin my apetit!” He said. An attempt to end the idiotic discussion. I thought.
-“I agree with what Mattias said!” I stated in agreement.
-“Call me Matte.” He asked, and smiled friendly toward me.
-“Alright, Matte.” I said and smiled at him.
-“Let’s eat something... I am hungry too.” I suggested.
-“Let’s!” Danny and Bunny said together.
All of us headed together to the locker room.

-“Eric, why you spell your name with a C?” Erik asked me.
-“Erik, why you spell your name with a K?” I asked in return.
-“How do you ever pronounce your last name? Like Saaaaaaaaaaaade?” Erik asked, singing my last name with an opera tone. Absurd.
-“Your last name is more complicated, rabbit!” I answered.
Matte and Danny laughed.
-“Erik, why do you always ask idiotic questions?” Danny asked him.
-“Because he is a dumb Bunny!” Mattias said, and they all laughed together.

I had to admit that I felt stage, and a bit uncomfortable in this discussion.
I did not recognize Danny at all. Everytime I saw him lately, I’ve got to know him as a lover... and now, I am getting to know him as a friend. It was weird.

-“Poor manboy, he probably doesn’t get our idiotic discussions...” Erik said, and looked at me. –“By the way...” – He begun to say –“Did you know that all the chicks in Sweden are crazy for you and think you are hot? Tell me, how many love letters/marriage proposals you get in 24 hours?” He asked, and laughed.
-“Too many to count.” I said, and laughed aswell.
-“I don’t blame them tough, have to admit that you look amazing...” Erik said.
I almost tripped off my chair, my jaw dropped out, and I starred at him with a shocked face expression. I wasn’t the only one, Danny had the same look as I did.
-“Planning to porpose to Eric?” Matte asked Erik and laughed.
Danny and I recovered from the shock, and the Bunny answered.
-“If I was a girl I would, but I am not.” He said.
-“Oh, that could be fixed, bunny!” Matte noted, and they laughed together.

-“Woo, we scared them off!” Erik said to Matte, and pointed at Me and Danny.
Matte laughed, and said –“You know, pretty boys is Danny’s wickness. He is worried that you are stealing his future boyfriend!” Matte said.
-“And the manboy...?” Erik asked Matte.
-“Scared of the thought that you will rape him.” Matte answered, and they laughed again.
-“Huh?” I said. –“Since when Danny has a thing for pretty boys?” I asked, trying to copy their tone, surprisingly – I succeeded.
-“Oh, he didn’t tell you?” Erik said, and laughed out loud.
-“I bet he was afraid to scare him off” - Matte explained –“Eric, Danny was uncertain about his sexual orientation during high school. Now, he says that he is into girl, but we all know that he still loves pretty boys – just like you.” Matte added.
-“Danny...?” I looked at him, with questioning eyes. Danny laughed, bite his bottom lip, and nodded.
I couldn’t help myself – I laughed out loud, the guys joined me.

Time passed, we continued to talk and joke around. However, something in me changed. I was no longer jealous, and no longer annoyed. I have to admit that I liked Erik and Matte. Liked very much.
Even tough we knew each other only for few hours, I have to say that we have already become great friends. They were the kind of guys I wanted to have as a friends, and never did until now.
Surprisngly, I no longer felt strange and uncomfortable in their discussion – but became part of it. Danny noticed the change within me, he winked, and smiled at me his biggest smile – I smiled back at him in return.

I would includ Danny in the list aswell, but things were different with him.
I did not want Danny as a friend, I wanted him as a lover.
He was my lover, not my friend.

*Danny calls Erik S. “Erik Segersprätt“ – What means “Erik Victory Bunny” in Swedish.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

THERE'S A PLACE FOR US - Chapter No.4 - "Love Is Wicked"

“There’s a Place For Us” - Danny Saucedo and Eric Saade fanfiction story written by Nika H, the admistrator of “Danny Saucedo Fans” at facebook:
Please, do not repost, copy, and/or change any part of this material without asking permission and crediting ME and “Danny Saucedo Fans”.
All events described here are purely fictional, unfortunately :(

Copyright © by Nika H, “Danny Saucedo Fans”.

Chapter Four – Love Is Wicked

I woke up by Molly’s side, and yestedays’ memories came back to my mind.
Yesterday was the first time since... few months(?), me and Molly made love.
It was good – I have to admit I enjoyed it so much, and yet so weird. I haven’t got used to have sex with girls lately. Sigh.

I was feeling guilt for two things.
First, I lied to Molly. Second, I cheated on Danny.
The guilt made me want to vomit. I hated myself for what I have just done.
But what could I do? I asked myself.

I felt a sudden need of an escape. I wanted to run away.
I stood up, and pulled my clothes on. Molly was still asleep.
I took a pen, and a paper and begun to write.

Molly, I went for a walk across the city. See you soon sweetheart! Love, E.

I lied to her, again. I realised, and felt a twitch of guilt mixed with pain. I don’t know where I am heading to now, but one thing for sure – not for a walk around Stockholm.

I grabbed my car, and drove – nowhere in particulary.
Thoughts crossed my mind while I was driving in circles.
I though about what Danny have said to me a while ago. About how he used to think that we were wrong, and our relationship was a mistake.
Maybe... maybe... he was right. I thought, and the pain enlarged. Maybe he was just right. All this pain caused by all those lies. How could this love ever be right? I wondered.  But now it is too late. There’s no way back. I realised, and sighed.
At least it is real love. Love is blind, love is death. Love is... wicked. Sigh.

Suddenly, the phone rang. At first, I thought about ignoring it. Then, I saw the number. It was Danny. Obviously, I answered – and felt relief.
-“Hello, Danny!” I greated him.
-“Hello, Eric!” He greated me. –“Listen, remember what I promised you?”
-“No... Did you promise me something?” I asked, and blushed. What, and most importantly when had Danny promised me something?
Danny laughed quietly, -“I promised to introduce you to Erik and Matte. Firstly, because they are very nice guy. Second, so you will not be jealous. Haha!” He said, and laughed again, this time louder.
The idea of me being jealous of his BFFs, or as he called them “brothers” – also known as Erik Segerstedt and Mattias Andréasson amused Danny very much.
-“Ah, right...” I said. Yes, he did promise it.
-“So, today we are having another day off. Our concert is postponed until tomorrow due to technical problems. We’re in Uppsala now. Come and see us. We will have a lot of fun...” He said, and laughed. It made me wonder what kind of fun he is planning. An orgy maybe? I asked myself, and turned red.
-“Sounds good!” I said, and for a minute my bad mood disappeared. I wasn’t excited to meet Erik and Matte as much as I was looking forward to see my boy, Danny again. Tough, I have to say that I was curious about them.

I changed my direction and headed Uppsala. The bad mood, alongside the “Right or Wrong” thoughts, and the pain came back to me.
-“Eric! Eric! Wait!” Somebody had called my name. I did not recognize the voice, and yet something made me stop the car. It was a fangirl.
-“Oh my God! Eric Saade! I am... your biggest fan! I love you! Your music is just amazing! I have all your CDs and singles. And... posters! All over the walls... Eric... I....”
-“How sweet! Thank you so much for your support, dear. What’s your name?”
-“Nikki” She answered.
-“Nice to meet you, Nikki” I said, -“Want a photo with autograph?”
She nodded. Nikki was so excited, clearly the girl had lost the power of speech.
I took a picture with her, and sighed all her CDs.
-“Here you go!” I said, and smiled as I headed her back her CDs.
-“That you so much, Eric! You are the sweetest person on earth!” She said, and began to walk away.
-“Nikki! Hold on a second” I said.
-“Yes?” She said, and stopped.
-“Can I ask you a small question?” I asked her.
-“Sure...” She said, and looked at me with questioning eyes.
-“What would you do if you loved somebody, truly, madly, deeply, with all your heart and soul knowing this love is wrong?” I asked her.
-“Wrong? Eric, love can never be wrong.” Nikki said, without a single hesistation.
-“Are you sure? But what if...” I began to say, but she stopped me.
-“If you love someone. If it is true love you feel for him. Sky is the limit. Eric, one’s heart can never be wrong. One has to follow it.”
-“But if it causes you pain?” I questioned her.
-“Love doesn’t cause you pain. Pain is caused by the things that hold you back from it.” She responded.
Now that she said it, it made sense. The girl was so damn right!
-“Thank you for the advice, Nikki.” I thanked her, and smiled. –“Here...” I said, and gave her two tickets for my concert –“Hope to see you there” I said, and winked.
She starred at me with clearly shocked eyes, and after a break, she managed to finally say, -“Thank you so much, Eric! Of course I will be there! Good luck!” She said, and gave me a hug – I hugged her back. Afterwards, she had walked away.

I continued driving toward Uppsala. I thought more deeply about what Nikki had told me before. Again, I realised the girl was right.
All the bad thoughts, all the pain – they vanished away. Instead of them my mind was filled up with... hope and love.
There’s still a chance for us. Our flame is not dying, and nothing can stop me from trying.

The decision has been made already. There’s no way back. I thought while driving to Uppsala, and driving to my... future. My destiny. Sigh.
The decision has been made.

Monday, September 5, 2011

THERE'S A PLACE FOR US - Chapter No.3 - "Me & My Radio"

“There’s a Place For Us” - Danny Saucedo and Eric Saade fanfiction story written by Nika H, the admistrator of “Danny Saucedo Fans” at facebook:
Please, do not repost, copy, and/or change any part of this material without asking permission and crediting ME and “Danny Saucedo Fans”.
All events described here are purely fictional, unfortunately :(

Copyright © by Nika H, “Danny Saucedo Fans”.

Chapter Three – Me & My Radio

While driving back home from my studio, I was preparing myself mentally (and physically) to the reception I was about to get when I will show up. Molly will defenitely be angry, no, not angry – very angry.

I was considering my options. What to say? What not to say? How to act? I asked myself. I have decided to keep it honest as much as I can. Tough...

Sigh. I hate this part right here. I hate lying, I hate pretending.
Especially when knowing that Molly is right, and it is me being an asshole. She has got all the reasons in the world to literally loathe me – yet, only because she loves me for some unknown reason, she chose to stay with me and suffer. Great.

The worse part of it is that right now, when I am losing her, I have realised how important she is to me, and how much I love her. Yes, I love her. Truly, I do.
But this love cannot be compared to the love I feel for... Danny.

Is it right? Is it wrong? I thought, and tried to find the answer.
Yes, it is right – and it is damn wrong, I realised and sighed.

I finally arrived home. My heartbeat rose with every step I took.   
Calm down, Eric I ordered myself, as I openned the door, and found out that... there’s nobody in. Damn. It is 4 in the morning! Where’s Molly? I asked myself, and began to worry.
I grabbed my phone, and realised that Molly had already called me 20 times. I felt a twitch of guilt and shame, when I realised that I was simple ignoring her.
I called her. She did not pick up her phone. I called her again. She did not pick up her phone again.

I felt horrible. I felt so sorry. I felt regret.
What should I do? I asked myself, and in the first time ever I found the answer. I should choose. I should choose between Molly and Danny. Otherwise it will late. Sigh.

Those thoughts brought up the “Right or Wrong?” dilema again.
What’s right? What’s wrong? What is love? I questioned myself.
Tears streamed like rivers down my face. I sat on the floor – all alone, just me and my radio, wishing everything would already end. Wishing I would somehow disappear.

Molly’s face popped up in my mind, and brought up some memories.
The memory of how we met, of our first date, of our first kiss... I could not help myself but smile, tought the pain rose as I have realised that I might lose her.

Afterwards, Danny’s face popped up in my mind, and brought up some memories aswell. The memory of how me and Danny met, of our first kiss, of our first date, of our nights full of love and passion we spent... Sigh. I could not bear the thought of losing him. It killed me. It took away my oxygen, my life...

My heart was bleeding, and breaking in pieces when I realised that I will never be able to chose between them. I love the two of them, I need the two of them, I want the two of them. I’m such a cruel and selfish bastard , I realised.

I can’t do this! I can’t! can’t! can’t! I realised. I will never be able to chose between Molly and Danny.

So, what am I supposed to do? I asked myself, and started to consider my options again. Something interrupted me.
The door was openned, and Molly arrived home.

-“Eric! Eric!” She shouted, and sighed. Her face expression expressed nothing but a relief. –“Eric, where have you been? I... I called you, you did not answer! I was thinking something happened! Oh, Eric! Thanks God...” She said, and hugged me.
-“I’m so sorry Molly. I had a very low battery, so I turned off my phone. I did not thought you will worry about me so much. I am so sorry.” I apologized.
-“Where have you been?”
-“On my way home. I got hungry on my way, and stopped to eat and drink a bit. Then, I felt so fucking tired and I... fell asleep in the car.” I lied.
-“Oh, why didn’t you call me? I could have helped you!” She said, and kissed me.
Again. She believed my lies. She trusted me, she loved me. It was something I did not deserve at all. Sigh.
-“I did not want to worry you. I did not thought it is such a big deal. Sorry”
-“Oh, don’t be. It doesn’t matter as long as everything is alright, and you are here by my side.”
-“Yes, Molly. I missed you so much! I love you!” I said and kissed her.
Molly kissed me back, and smiled.
-“I love you too, Eric!” She said, and hugged me.  

Thursday, September 1, 2011

THERE'S A PLACE FOR US - Chapter No.2 - "I'm In Love With a Lover"

“There’s a Place For Us” - Danny Saucedo and Eric Saade fanfiction story written by Nika H, the admistrator of “Danny Saucedo Fans” at facebook:
Please, do not repost, copy, and/or change any part of this material without asking permission and crediting ME and “Danny Saucedo Fans”.
All events described here are purely fictional, unfortunately :(

Copyright © by Nika H, “Danny Saucedo Fans”.

Chapter Two – I’m In Love With a Lover

-“How long can you stay?” I asked Danny, when we got into my studio.
-“Well, tomorrow morning I must be in Uppsala. We have a concert there. Which means, that in few hours I will have to take a taxi and drive there in full speed.” He said and sighed.
-“Let’s not thing about it... It is just me and you tonight.” I offered.
-“Yes, you are right, boy. It is just me and you tonight. Nothing matters besides.” He said in agreement.

Suddenly, Danny stood up, reached his bag, and grabbed Handcuffs from there.
I quietly watched him, and raised an eyebrow. What the fuck? I thought.
-“Planning to arest me, Danny?” I asked him, and bite my lip.
In response, Danny smiled his naughty smile, and nodded.
-“Hell yeah, time for some S&M!” He said.
I raised an eyebrow, and starred at him with a shocked face expression. Tough, I did not protest when he tied my arms. Damn, he was serious! I thought, and sighed. This promises to be... interesting. Very interesting.

-“I hope you will not put a plaster on my mouth!” I said, and laughed.
Danny laughed with me, -“Not bad, your idea... I mean.”.
My jaw dropped out. I starred at him with wide openned eyes.
He laughed quietly, and bite his lip in a very sexy way.

He kissed me slightly on my lips – then he bite my bottom lip.
He draged me by my hair, and pulled me on the floor.
Slowly, he started to lick my neck with his tongue.
Suddenly, he stopped and... bite me.
-“Ahhh” I screamed. I didn’t scream from pain – I screamed from pleasure.
Danny took a knife out of his pocket, and cut my T-Shirt open.
He placed the knife near my throat, and slowly went all over my body with it.
Then, he kissed my lips very passionately. I did not want him to stop, but he did... and looked at me with a naughty smile.
Oh, no! I thought. –“Danny, what are you planning now? Bringing a pink XL dildo or putting an apple in my mouth?” I asked, and laughed.
He said nothing. He started touching  my chest, and licking my nipples. Suddenly, he bite my right nipple.
-“Ahhhh!” I screamed. –“Daniel Saucedo, fuck you!” I added.
Danny dropped on the floor, laughing out loud.
-“That’s not funny! I am not forgetting that!” I said. That bastard has a good memory, and a long criminal record! Ouch!
Danny laughed even louder.
-“Really? What if I will make up for this?”
-“How exactly....?”

He stood up, and pulled my off my jeans, alongside with my undearwear.
His lips were running up and down on me, he was tasting my penis. It felt like paradise. It was like a paradise to me.
-“Ahh” I said on repeat, sounding like a broken record.
Then, Danny took off his pants – and without wasting time – entered me so hard, that I almost exploaded straight away.
Damn, he is so good at this! I thought to myself, and moaned.

Danny continued fucking me until we both cummed, and droped on the floor.
We were lying by each other’s sides quietly, not saying anything – words weren’t wanted or needed.
We both smiled.
-“Eric, you know that I love you?” Danny asked me suddenly.
-“Yes, I do. Oh, you know that I love you too?” I asked him.
-“Yes, I do.” He answered, and smiled.

-“Soon, it will be time for us to go. You will go back home, where you truly belong. I will go back to work, and then back to home... where I am probably supposed to be. You will lie to Molly, I will lie to Janna. Again. They will believe us. Again. Even worse, we will both be apart from HellKnowsHowLong and miss each other. Love is always about being hurt and suffering 99% of the time. Love is always wrong. But hey, at least we have 1% of happiness... something is better than nothing, no?”

I wanted to interrupt him. I wanted to tell him that he is wrong, I wanted to tell him that everything will be alright soon. But I didn’t do it, because I knew that Danny is right.

-“Yeah...” I said, sighed – and felt sudden twitch of pain. –“But at least we love each other...” I added.
Danny smiled, and kissed me. –“I love you, Eric.” He said.
I kissed him back.

I might sound masochistic, but all the pain in the world is worth those moments of love and happiness with Danny.
I am in love with Danny Saucedo, I am in love with a lover. Sigh.
When he is by side, nothing else matters.