Monday, November 28, 2011

FALLING RAIN: Chapter Five - "Lose Control"

“Falling Rain” - Danny Saucedo and Eric Saade fanfiction story written by Nika H, the admistrator of “Danny Saucedo Fans” at facebook:
Please, do not repost, copy, and/or change any part of this material without asking permission and crediting ME and “Danny Saucedo Fans”.
All events described here are purely fictional, unfortunately :(

Copyright © by Nika H, “Danny Saucedo Fans”.

Chapter Five – Lose Control

I don’t want to loose control by falling. I just can’t believe it.
Never thought that I would be the one, falling down.

It was a dark, and a cold afternoon. The rain was washing away Stockholm’s streets. I was standing in the middle of nowhere, not knowing where to go.
The rain kept falling on my shoulders, while thoughts were running freely across my mind. All I ever wanted right now was to disappear, to run away, to escape... from myself. Sigh. It was one of the those moments when I hated being me, when I hated being Danny Saucedo.

I’ve begun to walk aimlessly in circles across the streets. I was trying to find something, the light in the end of a dark tunnel, while not even knowing what was I exactly looking for. Or more correctly, I knew it, tough it was too late.
He was gone, far away.

I let the raindrops to wash away all what was left of me, I sighed, and turned my back to everything – everything I ever was once.

When I got back home, Janna was waiting for me in the salon. She was looking at me with questioning expression, and I didn’t even bother to look at her back.
There we were, in total silence, silence filled with tension – that could be turned into an explotion every second.
-“It can’t go on, Danny. Let’s talk it over.” Janna said suddenly, and sighed.
-“There’s nothing to talk about. I’m leaving. It’s over.” I informed here, with a cold, cruel voice – feeling horrible, guilty. I did not recognize myself.
-“Well, if that’s... what you want... Good luck, Danny. I wish you all the best.” She said, and ran out of the room with tears in her eyes.
And I? I simply walked away.
Walked away from my old life, to start another one.

I have found my own way. I have choosed my direction.
But, I don’t know where it goes – where it will lead me.

I felt horrible. I felt as if I was nothing.
At first, I wanted to go back – back to Janna, to Eric.
I wanted to go back to the past.
But then, then I realised I simply can’t.

If once, I had a reason of being, a reason to go on, to follow the path of life.
Now, I have lost it all. Not even a slight is left.
I have reached the end of the tunnel, but there was no light there. It was simply the end. I stopped having believing in myself, and now, there was no one to have believe for me.

I was walking aimlessly around the streets of Stockholm,
my beloved home town.
I attempted hard to forget myself, my live.
I attempted hard to be simply forgotten.

There was only one way known to me to do this. And the thought of it made me realise I was on the edge, one step away from the end.

Once, when I was a little fourteen years old boy, I travelled with my Leo, my brother, and Dave, my cousin to Bolivia – the country I come from.
At one of the days of our visit, Leo and Dave took me with them to the local bar. There, we got drunk. So drunk, that personally, I was lying at the street helpless, with a hangover that lasted for the next two days.
I swore to myself that I will never get drunk to that point of loose again.
Until today, I kept my promise. But tonight, I left it all behind and crossed all the lines I once swore to myself I would never do.

I went to one of Stockholm’s bars. It was not that kind of common bars in the town, neither it was counted as a safe place to be.
After few shots of Beer, followed by few shots of Whiskey and Vodka – I was already officially drunk. But, it did not gave me the feeling I was hoping it will.
Then, I realised, that there’s only one way to get the disired effect.
-“Do you know where to get LSD?” I asked the barman, catching him off-guard.
-“What do you want? We don’t sell this stuff here.” He said, hesistating.
-“Sure you do, come on, I’m not a cop or something. I need this trip now.” I ensured him.
-“Money, please. Now.” He ordered.
-“Here you go!” I said, and handed him the money.
-“Go to the toilette, I’ll see you there. You know, man, those kind of things aren’t done in the daylight.” He told me.
-“Daylight?” I said, grinning.
-“You know what I mean...” He said, rolling his eyes.
-“Yes, I do. See you there.” I said, stood up, and followed his instructions.
-“Alright...” He replied, before I left.

I waited at the toillette for few minutes until the Barman appeared. In my opinion, this was the worse toilette I’ve ever seen in my whole life.
-“Here you go...” He said, and gave me some pills of LSD warped in toilette paper.
-“Thank you.” I said, took them, and rushed away from that distusting place.

When I was outside, an inner war started deep inside me.
One side told me to stop this, to throw the Godamn pills away, and get back to the normal life I used to have.
Another side told me to it is impossible, and I should simply swallow the pills, because eventually there’s nothing left for me.

I remembered from what Dave used to tell me that drugs are horrible, that I should stay away from them – and not repeat his mistakes, mistakes that lead him straight to his own death.
But, at the time I was considering my options logical thinking was not something I had. So I simply swallowed one pill, and waited for the reaction.

The reaction did not keep me waiting for a while. Suddenly, all the sadness, the emptyness, the pain... all of them disappeared.
They were replaced by bright lights that blinded me, and beautiful colours that amazed me with their beauty.
I was truly happy. All my problems were far away behind me.

Hipnotized by the lights and colours, I swept throught empty Stockhom’s streets. This time, I wasn’t looking for an escape – because I’ve found it. I got what I wanted, was it what I need? At that point this question did not bother me. I wasn’t considering the effects or thinking about the consequences.

It was getting late, I happy walked round and round throught the streets surrounded by the beautiful twilight lights.
I was so happy that I was singing and dancing in the streets. Yes, I might have seemed to be crazy – but again, it did not bother me at all.

As much as I tried to deny it, deep inside me I knew that I just can’t ignore what people think of me. As much as I wanted to seem strong and confident – in fact I was neither of these. I was like a vapor in the wind.
Suddenly, all my complexes vanished away. Suddenly, I was free – like a bird.
I even felt that I could fly away... away from all the mess in my life.
I was free. My body, my souls – were free.

I kept on singing and dancing in the streets to the moonlight.

Few hours passed, and the effect of the first pill
I had another two pills with me, and I wanted very much to increase the effect the first one gave me. I did not knew by the time what it could do, I did not even think about the consequences. I simply swallowed those pills.

It hit me like an hurricane. Suddenly, I saw nothing but darkness.
The pain was unreal, no words could describe it. I fell, I fell down on the ground, unable to move, incapable to get back up.
Slowly, I was fading away... to the darkness.

No one could save me.
I was unvisable.
No one could hear me.
I was unable to raise my voice.

Surrounded by total darkness I was losing myself, not knowing if I will ever find myself again. I bought a one way ticket to a two race train.

Monday, November 21, 2011

FALLING RAIN: Chapter Four - "Believe Again"

“Falling Rain” - Danny Saucedo and Eric Saade fanfiction story written by Nika H, the admistrator of “Danny Saucedo Fans” at facebook:
Please, do not repost, copy, and/or change any part of this material without asking permission and crediting ME and “Danny Saucedo Fans”.
All events described here are purely fictional, unfortunately :(

Copyright © by Nika H, “Danny Saucedo Fans”.

Chapter Four – Believe Again

It was one of those hard working days, that I begun to love and look forward to lately. Since, while working hard – physically – one cannot think about something else besides it, since thoughts about work occupy all your mind.

I was dancing.
Since I was a child, whenever something bothered me, whenever I needed an escape – I would dance.
Dancing is my remedy.

I was rehearsing with my dancers the choreography for my new single, that I was supposed to perform live on the TV soon. It’s name was “Hotter Than Fire”.
A song, which I wrote back in those days when I was happy with Danny, inspired by those magical nights we shared.

The only thing I changed was the word “he” to “she”, you know, to avoid controversy and pain. Pain, that was caused now. When I knew all those days and nights are over, are far-gone forever.

Following few rehearsals in the road, that all of us were simply tired, soaked to the bone. We decided to do a short pause.
After empting all my bottle of mineral water, I have decided to check the time.
When I picked my phone, I saw I had a new text message.

Saade. It’s me, Peter. I need to speak to you as soon as possible about a very important issue. Call me! // London.

My heart missed couple of beats. I had a feeling it was very serious, furthermore, I even knew what Peter was going to tell me.
However, I simply followed his instructions, locked myself in the locker room, and called him.

-“Hi Eric!” He greated me on the phone, and I could tell he was nervious.
-“Hello Peter, long time no seen...” I greated him aswell, worried. I had a very certain idea what London wanted to discuss with me, and his tone scared me.
-“How are you doing, Eric?” He questioned me, I sensed he wanted to check wether I am insane aswell.
-“Fine, thanks. How about you? I’m a bit confused lately.” I answered.
-“Oh, I’m fine. Thank you for asking. Confused? Why is that?” He demanded.

-“You would know. You came here to talk to me about Danny, didn’t you?” I questioned him.
-“Yes. That’s true. He...” He confirmed, and I interrupted him.
-“Is out of his mind, completely?” I completed his sentence.
-“Yes, and there’s no-...” He begun to say, and I again – I knew what he was about to say.
-“Nothing you can do?” I guessed.
-“True. How do you know it all?” He asked, surprised.
-“Janna told me. She sent you here, right?” I asked.
-“No, actually it’s my own intention.” He responded. His response, I have to say, catched me off guard for a second.
-“What did Janna say?” He asked me.

-“The same thing you did. Have you tried talking to Danny?” I questioned him.
-“Yes, he wouldn’t speak to me, and it is the exact reason I am here...” He begun to say, clearly, that was going to be the speech Janna has given me.
-“Not you too, you also believe I am the only one who can... change something?” I suggested.
-“Who else does so?” He questioned.
-“Molly and Janna.” I replied.
-“Oh, I see and the answer is: Yes, Eric, I do. If there is any person Danny would open up his heart to - it is you. If there is any person Danny would listen to - it is you. If there is a person who matters Danny – it is you. I know it.” He said.

-“How?” I asked him.
-“He said it himself, when I tried to speak him. You know something? Remember what I told you about Dave? The thing is that Danny reminds me him more and more. This fact does not let me to sleep quietly at night. Eric, do something.” He asked me, almost begging.
-“London, I can’t pull that off. I will only make things worse.” I said.
-“They can’t get any worse than they are now.” He said, in response, and sighed.

-“I...” I begun to say, but he interrupted me – before I even said something.
-“Come on, Eric. I know it will hurt you but... a little pain to save him, to save Danny?” He knew exactly what I wanted to say and how I felt. Have to admit that until I met Peter London, I never believed in the superstitious. But I had some serious doubts since that day.

-“But Danny... He thinks were better be apart. He told me this!” I said in disagreement.
-“And you believed?” He asked, suddenly changing his tone.
-“I did.” I confirmed.
-“You know what I find truly amazing about you? Your always find a strenght within you to believe.” London told me, in a thoughtful voice.
-“London, how it is possible to live if there’s nothing to believe in?” I asked him.
-“True. Then make Danny believe again.” He stated.

Then, I realised he was simply right. I need to do something.
I would never, ever forgive myself if... I couldn’t even think about it.
But what can I do? Speak to Danny?
I remained silent, considering my actions.

-“Eric, take your time and think about it... I know you can do it.” Peter said, trying to motivate me.
-“Alright, Peter... I will.”
-“Thank you so much.”
-“Oh, you’re welcome. I guess I will see you... anytime soon. Am I correct?” I asked.
-“Absolutely. See you!” He confirmed.
-“Yes, goodbye London!” I said, and hang up the phone.

Make Danny believe again. But in what?

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

FALLING RAIN: Chapter Three - "Love And Death"

“Falling Rain” - Danny Saucedo and Eric Saade fanfiction story written by Nika H, the admistrator of “Danny Saucedo Fans” at facebook:
Please, do not repost, copy, and/or change any part of this material without asking permission and crediting ME and “Danny Saucedo Fans”.
All events described here are purely fictional, unfortunately :(

Copyright © by Nika H, “Danny Saucedo Fans”.

Chapter Three – Love And Death

From the very first steps in life, I wanted to strong. The feeling of power, strenght and freedom hypnotized me. It truly was my so called drug.
All my life I’ve been doing everything to be strong – physically and mentally.
The car accident I was involved in, by my stupidness, was what destroyed, in one second, everything I used to built for ages.
I built it all and watch it fall... like it never existed at all.

The feeling of being weak, of realising I must start working on everything all over again... was what used to bring me down, when I wasn’t thinking of Eric.
This what brought me here, to the gym, and had made me break all the promises I gave to Janna and the doctor.

In addition to that, the past few months I used to spend at home taught me an important lesson. There were a lof of thing in my life I feared, especially my own emotions. In the end, it was what destroyed me – my fears.

If only I could show Eric how I love him.
If only I could make him feel what I feel for him.
If only I would not be afraid to confess my emotions...
Maybe, maybe everything would be different right now.

But, as they say, there’s no turning back, what leaves only one possible direction to follow... direction I do not know where it will lead me.

The end if the beginning of something new, after a period always comes new sentence. A day will always be followed by another one.
Those are the rules of nature.
I had the feeling something new is starting for me, the wind, that carries me on through the steps of life changes it’s way. Furthermore, I knew, that I must leave every single part of my past behind... to follow it.
As it is said, you cannot build a new building from ruins.

I ended all the contacts I had with my friends, from my “past life” as I reffered to it. I wanted to start everything all over again, and I...
After gym, I planned to say goodbye to Janna.
Which was, one of the hardest decisions I have ever made.

To the gym I went accompanied by Peter London, who was already waiting for me at “Aldrig Vila” when I arrived.
-“Hello Peter!” I greated him and smiled.
-“Hi Danny.” He greated me aswell, and we entered the gym.

-“Since when you go to gym?” I asked Peter out of curiousity, after we both finished some exercises – have to say – it felt amazing. Going to gym, and practicing sports in general was not his thing. Clearly.
-“Since... quiet a while. I have perfect attendance.” He said, in a proud tone. What the hell did I miss? Me singing rock music, Peter attending gym... what’s next? Adam Lambert going straight?!
-“Who would have believed... Peter London doing sports. I will call the news!” I said, in a surprised tone and laughed.
-“You’re in delay, someone already did. I saw my pictures yesterday on the internet.” He said, grinning.
-“Haha!” I continued laughing.

-“Well, but my paparazzi record is of course, nothing compared to yours. How do you stand it?” Peter questioned me, with a slight of sarcasm (his native language) noticed in his tone.
-“Here is the problem. I don’t.” I admited.
-“Want to be left alone?” He asked, keeping the cinical tone.
-“Who doesn’t...?” I asked, that was meant to be a rhetorical question, but Peter had the answer to it.
-“The usual celebrities. I noticed the spotlight is like heroin to them.” He said.
-“Yes, but I am not one of those.” I confessed.

-“I’m glad!” He said, and laughed. Then, all of a sudden, his expression and tone completely changed. The free, careless, and happy tone of his was replaced with a nervous tone –“By the way, how are you feeling?” He asked, and looked at me.
-“Good, and you?” I said, trying to decode the hidden meaning that obviously were trapped in his voice, expression and... the question he had asked me.
-“Something happened?” Peter demanded to know. From his tone, it was clear this was a not a question to figure out if something went wrong – but to confirm something went wrong.
-“No... Why?” I said, quietly.
-“You look... nervous, as if you are failing you mathematics final exam.” Jesus christ, how does he notices everything?! I asked Jesus, more correctly: myself – since the first one never answered me.

-“I guess it’s impossible to keep something away from you.” I noted.
-“You are right, it is. Now tell me.” He insisted. And I knew, Peter would never let go.
Peter has a high sensability. He noticed there was something wrong with Dave before he... commited a suicide.
Tough, as Dave would not tell much – and Peter did not insisted on it, in order not to annoy him, the reasons behind my counsin’s death remain unclear.
Time passed, and Peter still cannot forgive himself – the regret and knowledge, that if he... had insisted more – Dave might be alive does not live him.

-“I... can’t.” I said.
-“Danny, I noticed for a while there is something wrong with you. You need to speak out, to get it out of your chest – otherwise it will kill you. Come on, tell me, I can help you - or at least, listen to you.” He explained me.
-“You are right... but please, not here.” I agreed, finally. After all – he was right.
-“Alright” Peter said, and we left the gym.

We walked silently to Crahdiet’s studio, which has become my second home already, and as Peter told me in our way – nobody was there.
-“You know something, Danny?” Peter said in a thoughtful tone.
-“What London...?” I asked him.
-“I am beginning to thing this band is the final station. It kills people, either they run away.” He said, looked down and sighed.
-“Why the hell you think so?” I asked him.
-“What happened with Dave you know, Olli and Simon – left us, because the atmosphere was too depressive for them here. I am beginning to think there is something wrong with us and... I am worried about you.” He admited.
-“Me? Why?” I asked him.

-“Danny, what is the real reason you decided to join us?” He demanded me.
-“I wanted to start things all over again.” I told him.
-“Start?” He asked, in quiet disbelief.
-“Yes.” I confirmed.
-“Oh, are you sure? The more I watch you – I am being conviced you came here to end things, again.”
I could not find an answer to this. I did not have a one. Peter was... as always, simply right.
As much as I tried to convice myself telling a new start will follow for me, deep inside, I knew I am closer to the finnish line.

-“Why, tell me, why are you destroying yourself Danny Saucedo? Why?” Peter said, almost screaming.
-“I...I can’t stand it anymore!!!”
-“Stand what? Danny, you have been in a car accident. Of course, it have negative effects on your body and state of mind. Believe me, it will pass! Don’t give up on yourself. Everything will be alright!” He said, trying to motivate me.
-“It doesn’t change anything. My life has no meaning.” I admited.
-“No meaning...? Why, is it because of Eric?” He asked me. For a moment, I gazed at him with shocking eyes.

-“How... Eric related to this?” I answered him afterwards, pretending I do not know what he is talking about.
-“Come on, we both know I don’t mean Eric Young now.” He said.
-“Then who?” I asked, still pretending I know nothing.
-“Eric Saade.” He said finally, and sighed.
-“How do you...” I asked him, and glared at him – shocked, not believing. It was clear to me now that Peter knows everything. But how?
-“Know it?” He interruped me, and completed my question.
-“Yes. How?” I confirmed and re-asked.
-“I spoke to Eric... he told me.” He confessed.

-“What?!” I shouted, in shock. What the hell is going on here?
-“It was when you were at the hospital, in hard condition. Eric came to the cemetery, where Dave was... burried, and we... talked there.” He told me shortly, tough no more words were needed. Everything could be understood.
-“What the hell...” I said, unable to say anything more.
-“He is worried about you.” Peter said, and put an arm on my shoulder – when he noticed the sadness Eric’s name made me feel.
-“Oh, Peter... I know.” I said, sighed and closed my eyes to fight my tears.
-“Then why...?” He asked.
-“Love is not enough sometimes, Petter. Now please, I want to be alone. See you tomorrow.” I said, and snapped out of the studio. I could not bear to be there anymore. I needed time alone.
One has to face his pain alone.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

FALLING RAIN: Chapter Two - "Öppna Din Dör"

“Falling Rain” - Danny Saucedo and Eric Saade fanfiction story written by Nika H, the admistrator of “Danny Saucedo Fans” at facebook:
Please, do not repost, copy, and/or change any part of this material without asking permission and crediting ME and “Danny Saucedo Fans”.
All events described here are purely fictional, unfortunately :(

Copyright © by Nika H, “Danny Saucedo Fans”.

Chapter Two – Öppna Din Dör

After a falling rain, there’s always a rainbow.
Over the rainbow, there’s always a sun light.

My hope, my love would never die.
As long as I am being here, alive.

No, I was not knocked down to ground with a broken, bleeding, aching heart full of pain this time. However, it does not mean I have forgotten and let go.

I found myself diverged in two completely different persons. It could be said I have an “Alter Ego”. There was a part of me that loved Molly, that was happy with her.
Yet, there was another part... that loved Danny, which I tried to silent as hard as I could, when our ways separeted.

I even succeeded ignoring it, my own feelings and emotions. I own this success to my work that kept me busy all this time, and my girlfriend... Molly, that took care of me and generously accepted me as I am.

Molly’s reaction to all I hided from here surprised me. At first, because it shocked me that in the end I turned to be the only fool around.
The thought Molly knows everything from the beginning never crossed my mind. Either I am blind, either Molly deserves an oscar... I think the two options are correct.

The race I runned against myself, trying to escape my other side – I lost. I lost it on one day, when it was raining outside. When, Janna, Danny’s girlfriend – came to my apartment at 7 AM in the morning to speak with me.

Both me and Molly were deeply asleep, while someone was knocking on the door of our apartment so hard that it had awoken me.
What the hell... I thought to myself. Who is the madman knocking on doors at this hour? I asked myself.
I tried to go back asleep, hoping who ever that was will simply go away. But that did not happen. Unwillingly, I got up and reached the door.

-“Who’s there?” I asked.
-“It’s me, Janna.” A female voice answered me, and suddenly my eyes openned wide. Starbucks was nothing compared to it.
-“Janna...?” I asked, and openned the door not waiting for the answer.
-“Yes, oh, hello Eric! I am so sorry to... interrupt your sleeping, and annoying you at such hour. But, the thing is that I have to speak to you right now. It’s important, you kn-“ She said, and I interrupted her.
-“Yes, Janna. I know it is important. Come on, get in, we’ll drink coffee and then, when we are both concisious, discuss whatever it is.” I said. Tough, I had a certain idea what she came to talk with me. Regardless our friendship, there was only one thing that could make Janna to knock on my door at 7 AM – Danny.
-“Of course.” She said in agreement, and got in.

I went to the kitchen and prepared coffee for us. Afterwards, I got back, and sat next to Janna. After we finnished some cups, Janna finally spoke.

-“Eric, look, I have a feeling you know exactly what brought me here, but, I will say it anyways. It is about Danny. I am worried about him.” Janna said.
-“Something is wrong with him? Is he feeling bad?” I asked.
-“Physically? He is alright. Still recovering, but everything is good. Nothing to worry. I’m talking about his spirit. He is...” She said, and I interrupted here.
-“What?” I asked, worried.
-“Completely out of his mind!” She said, and sighed.
-“What happened?!” I shouted.
-“He is depressed, thinking about suicide. In the past few days, Danny had not spoke to anybody, and today... he left the house without even telling me, and when he got back... I found out he had joined ‘Crashdiet’ “. She told me, leaving me shocked, speechless. No way, it can’t be true! I thought
-“What?!” I re-asked, shouting even louder.
-“Eric, you ought to speak with him!” Molly said, suddenly, appearing out of under. Then, I realised I must be speaking so loud that I woke her up.
-“Oh, Molly, sorry... I guess I was too loud.” I said, in apology, and wanted to explain her but... She did not let me.
-“It’s alright. Hi Janna!” She said, and reached her to give her a welcoming kiss. What the fuck? I asked myself.
-“Hi Molly, nice to see you again.” Janna greated her, and kissed her back.
Again? What the fuck is going on here? Sounds as if they sad secret meetings.
-“So... Eric, I don’t know what to do. I’m lost.” Janna after a short pause.
-“If you are lost, so am I.” I replied. What ccan I do?
-“No, Eric. You’re wrong. If there’s any person in this world that can save Danny from himself, it is you. I know it.” She stated, with such a confidence that I almost believed her.
-“I nearly killed him. How the hell can I save him?!” I responded, afterward.
-“You can!” Molly said, all of the sudden and I turned to stare at her. They really had secret meating behind my back.
-“Look since he is part of ‘Crashdiet’ now, I believe London will get some sense in his brain. I know the guy, he-“ I begun to say, and saw the change in Janna’s expression.
-“You think?” She asked with a hope, interrupting me.
-“Yes, I do. Me staying away will be better for the two of us. Trust me.” I noted.
-“What if not...?” She questioned. I had the feeling she was asking herself this question more than she was asking me.
-“I don’t think Danny will go that far. He is not that crazy. Let’s give him and Peter a chance.” I said. I cleary did not believe Danny would... I couldn’t even think about it.
-“What if it doesn’t work?” Molly asked, from the tone I could tell she did not really believed in it. But, Molly did not know peter.
-“We’ll think of something. Although I believe it will. Danny is not that crazy. He will be back to norm soon, it will pass...” I ensured them, well, tried to.
-“I hope so, Eric, I hope...” Janna said.
-“Everything will be OK.” I calmed her.
-“Yeah, sure, thank you for speaking to me Eric, and Molly... Sorry for bothering.” Janna thanked us, and smiled in apology.
-“It’s OK, Janna. If something changes... let me know.” I asked her.
-“And me too, please.” Molly added, and I had the feeling this phrase had hidden meanings, but I it did not bother me.
-“Sure, I will. Of course. See you!” Janna said.
-“Goodbye” Me and Molly said together, as Janna stood up and walked away.

We stood, me and Molly, next to each other silently for a few minutes.
-“Eric... I think Janna was right. You should speak to each other.” Molly said afterwards.
-“It will only make things worse, Molly.” I said, we both sighed, and went back asleep.
Tough, none of us really slept.

I closed my eyes and let the awaiting pain rain over me. It was not usual pain, I was not hurt. Tough, that did not make it better – only worse.

My love, my true love, Danny is hurt.
Somewhere out there he is lost in his own pain.
Somewhere out there he is, all alone, searching for an escape.
The rain will not help, the rain will not wash it all away.
There’s nothing, nothing I can do – but pray.

My tears are falling, tears of shame... Falling rain.

Monday, November 7, 2011

FALLING RAIN: Chapter One - "New Tomorrow"

“Falling Rain” - Danny Saucedo and Eric Saade fanfiction story written by Nika H, the admistrator of “Danny Saucedo Fans” at facebook:
Please, do not repost, copy, and/or change any part of this material without asking permission and crediting ME and “Danny Saucedo Fans”.
All events described here are purely fictional, unfortunately :(

Copyright © by Nika H, “Danny Saucedo Fans”.

PROLOGUE – The Audition

-“No.” I said finally after long doubts, and sighed. I considered this option for a while, long days, long nights were spent... so much doubts run across my head until I have finally menaged to decide. –“No.” I said again and sighed.
-“Why not?” Peter demanded. It was clear he would not live me alone until I confess the truth, the things I never told anyone – and to be honest, I do not want to tell. –“Danny, why not? You have to...” He continued.
-“Give it another try? Think a little more?” I completed his phrase, interupting him. –“Peter, look, I already did, believe me. I do not fit it. I cannot pull that off. I will always feel out of place I... just cannot!”

-“Dave would...” He had begun to say, but stopped, when he noticed the tears in my eyes streaming down. When he mentioned my departed cousin, who was like a brother to me, maybe even more... my idol, my inspiration.
-“No, he would not...” I said in tears.
Peter put his hand on my shoulder, and said, in a cheering tone:
-“Come on, Danny, from all the people in the world – Da... I mean, he would want you to continue “Crashdiet”. You know it.”
I did. He was right. I did. But it didn’t change anything.

-“Peter... I can’t!” I said, and looked down – fighting my tears.
-“Why?” He questioned me.
-“You know why, Peter.” He knew exactly why, only he wanted me to admit it.
-“No, I don’t.” He lied away, and I sighed.
-“You just want to make me say it, out loud.” I stated. At this point, unable to control my own tears.
-“Then do it. Man must face his fears, and admit it. Danny, admiting fears is not a weakness – it’s a strenght!” He said.

-“Peter...” I said, unable to continue.
We looked at each other for a while, deep into the eyes – not speaking.
Afterwards, Peter sighed, and said:
-“You are afraid to end up like Dave, aren’t you?” Peter asked me. I had a feeling this was a rhetorical question, since we both knew the answer to it before it was even asked.
-“Yes, I am.” I admited.
-“Oh, and you really believe pop-music changes something?” He asked, while looking deep into my eyes.
-“I do.” I confessed.
-“Well, okay then, Danny. Good luck, oh, and remember – the doors will always be openned for you, if you change your mind at some point. I have a feeling, sooner or later, the day will follow...” He said to me that day.
And I? I simply ran away...

Chapter One – New Tomorrow

Time passed by, but I did not give it a thought anymore. New morning, new tomorrow, day followed by another... yet, all of them, were just the same for me – wasted, thrown away.
I was sick, tired – both physically and mentally from my own life.

I felt lost, all alone by myself – standing in the dark. Without a light that might guide me to the next step.

In the past few months, my life has changed 180º degrees, straight to the opposite direction. From the happy, complete man I was – nothing was left but the pieces of my broken, aching heart.
My physical condition was low, for obvious reason, called the long, exhausting recovery process from the car accident I had few months ago.
I felt so worn out, out of place, never ever in my life I felt this weak.

And mentally... Depression, sadness, tears, thoughts... about the end. All those did not leave me for a second, until the point I considered myself insane.
If not Janna, my girlfriend, I would probably be lying under the gravestone now.
Even ”Thank you” and “I Love you, Janna” I was unable to tell her, such a miserable, cruel creature I was.

I truly hated myself. Not only I distroyed myself, I also made all my family, my girlfriend, my friends... to go through all this mess caused by me being stupid.
And most importantly, Er... Eric.

During all this time, I have continuesly tried to remove Eric’s name, image, and memories of him out of my mind. And I continuesly failed reaching it.
I frequently caught myself lying, trying to convice myself that one day – it will be over, the pain, the tears, the fears, all this mess.

Time heals. But the scares still show.

“Soon, everything will be alright” I used to say to myself. “I will be able to move on, to get through, start things over again... to forget, let go...”.
All those lies I told myself on a daily basis, until the point I sincerely used to believe in them.

Those were my last pieces of hope. Hope that soon, had vanished away – as my eyes were openned, and I woke up from the dream, the ilusion I lived in.
Nothing. Nothing was of me.

Eric. Sigh. No matter how much time passed, how far was the physical, and mental distance between us...
His name always brought up the memories I wanted to bury deep inside me, so they will never pop up, memories I wanted to hide, to forget.

Eric. My lover, my life. My manboy...

At those lonely nights, when I was sleepless, I used to think of him. How is he doing? Has he gotten over me?  I asked myself, secretely hoping for a negative answer for the second question.

As much as I wanted to deny it. I love him. I always did, and I always will.
The thoughts about him really drove me out of my mind.
I knew, what is done – is done, and cannot be undone – no matter how hard I want it, to go back, to change the reality. I can’t. I can’t.

It was one of those days, I had looked at the sky and let my thoughts run freely around my brain. It was one of those days I used to think about my future, look up for solutions for my problems.
I need a change! I thought, It cannot continue this way. I will completely destroy myself if I go on this way. I need a change... before it gets too late.  I realised.
But what kind of change? Where will it lead me?

In the following days, I have given a lot of thoughts to upcoming, planned change. To be honest, I did not know what shall I do. Well, more correctly, I trying to deny it as much as I could – sensing it might be wrong, and lead to... the end. Tough, at this point, when nothing was left of me – no hope, no love, no glory, no happy ending. I did not bother to care, no longer.

I never wanted to do this. I always believed it was not my thing at all.
But at this point, I hated myself so much – that I did not want to be Danny Saucedo anymore. I wanted to change myself alongside with my life, completely.

I have picked up my phone, and dailed the number of probably the only person I could talk to. Peter London.

-“Hello, Peter!” I greated him, as he answered. –“It’s me. I’m Danny.”
-“Oh, Hello there, Danny. We haven’t spoke for quiet a while, how are you doing?” Peter asked me in response.
-“Fine... listen, can we talk?”
-“Sure!” He said, and added: “What are we doing now?”
-“Yes, I know. What I meant was one on one conversation. It’s very important to me, I... I’ll tell you, when we see each other.” I told him.
-“No problem, man. Can I come over you now?” He suggested.
-“Look, Peter, I’m so tired of being stuck at home as a phsycho. Can be please go out... to a bar? There’s one near my appartment for that metter.” I offered.
-“Sure thing. I’ll be there in fifteen minutes. See you!”. He accepted my offer.
-“See you, thanks for... coming, Peter.” I said, hang up, and went out.

The smell of fresh air, the taste of freedom... it surprised me a bit at first. It has been a while since I left the house. I even felt homesick at the beginning, tough, as the desire of freedom burned within me – this feeling was gone.
In less than five minutes I was already in that bar, where we agreed to meet each other. After few minutes, Peter had arrived.

-“Look, Peter. I have heard your lead singer had left the band. So, I’m guessing you are looking for another one. I want to try out.” I said to him, straight as he sat down infront of me, without an introduction.
I just let the unspoken words I wanted to say for a while to be told.

The following few minutes were surrounding my silence, Peter looked at me with questining eyes... until his expression changed, and was replaced with a smile.
It was exactly how I realised he understood all I wanted to say, without even opening my mouth to speak out.
He was brilliant. Since the first time we have been introduced to each other, Peter expressed his unique ability to understand everything, and a word was not needed to be said.

-“Welcome back, Danny. I knew you it will occur one day...” He said.
-“Yes, you did. You still remember that conversation?” I questioned him, and he nodded in response.
-“Now,” He said, sighed –“Now, let’s go talking with the others. Martin and Eric.” He added, and looked at me with a strange look I could not decode, that quickly disappeared, before I was able to think.
-“Yes! Let’s.” I said in agreement and stood up.

Peter drove me in his car to Crashdiet’s studio, and watched my... reaction to the car. The accident left traumatic memories regarding cars within me, as much as I knew nothing ought to happen – I still was scared to death in the car, mainly because of the memories that haunted me.
Crashdiet studio itself was located at one of Stockholm’s less “glamorous” streets, in the same place as it was... before, few years ago.
As I entered, I noticed that much did not change her since I used to spend a lot of time there, with the guys, back in 2006.

Martin Sweet, and Er... Eric Young, by whose name painful memories of another Eric I knew were awoken within me.
-“Hello guys!” I greated them, warmly. To be honest, I was happy to see them. I knew they are probably the only people I could talk to about my problems, who would, in addition to listening – also understand me.
-“Look who came! Danny! It’s been a while!” Martin said, and stood up, followed by Eric Young, and reached me.
-“Hello Daniel!” Eric Young greated me, and the three of them – Martin, Eric Young, and Peter - hugged me.

In the first time in all those months full of stress, pain, emptyness and tears... I felt more or less complete, happy, I felt that I belonged there – with the guys.
Which was against all the odds. Was it the new beginning for me, or the road to the end? I did not know yet.

FLLING RAIN: Introduction!

After a lot of time I spent thinking about this issue, I have decided to continue writing my fanfiction.
The reasons behind this decision are:
  1. My love and passion for writing. For me, writing is important. I clearly see my future related to writing.
  2. I love Danny Saucedo and Eric Saade. Don’t you see? I don’t think any further comment is needed here.
  3. All of you, my amazing readers, have given me a lot of support and motivation to continue doing what I do. I got a lot of feedbacks asking me to continue, and if that makes you happy... I’m glad.

But, before we go on, there are some things I want you to know, in order to avoid misunderstanding.



The stroy behind my fanfiction is the love between Danny and Eric. As you see, their relationship might seem unsual in many ways to others, and them included.
But, in fact, isn’t love the same for everyone...? It is.
Both Danny and Eric fear the depth their emotions, this hidden fear trapped inside the two of them – does not let them see their relationship in a serious way.
That’s why, in my story, they think “It’s not meant to be”, “Love is just not enough”.
Their relationship, in fact, is not complecated at all – they only make it this way, and furthermore, they truly believe it is complicated.
Of course, to you, it might seem a bit weird, as I see through your responses, “If they love each other so passionately, why can’t they just be happy?”.
But don’t humans just tend out of their nature to make things complicated?


My story has two main characters, Danny Saucedo and Eric Saade. My story, so far, has been told from Eric’s point of view. Tough, this is going to change.

Here are short “biographies” of the characters in my story, note, some of them have not yet appeared in the story – but they will.

Eric Saade – Until now, the story has been told from Eric’s point of view. In my story, he is very sensetive, especially toward what people think about him, a bit fragile, emotional that tends to “over-react”.
Eric is very kind, caring, and moral. He is capable of love, he is very loving.
People surrounding him mean a lot to him, and he tries to do everything in his power to make them happy, sometimes, even in the price of his happiness.
He frequently tends to feel guilty. He is dependant.
Actually, the best word I can use to describe Eric will be the world “Manboy”.

Danny Saucedo – He is a very emotional who hides it, and aswell, Danny tends to over-react. To him, what clearly is important is to “be the man in the relationship”. Besides, for Danny, it’s even harder that Eric to admit he has feelings for a man.
Stability is important to Danny, he is afraid to change something in his life – since he worries it might lead to bad consequences.
He has Janna, his girlfriend, and Eric, his true love – he was thinking to let it go, until the moment he realised it’s impossible and he must choose.
He couldn’t choose, so he decided to leave things the way they were before, thinking it would be better. But will it?

Molly Sandén – Erig’s girlfriend. Her role in the story is very small, yet so importnant. To some, it might seem that Molly is living in a reality of her own, but in fact, she uses this as masquerade. If you had read the story carefully until the end, you’ll see Molly knows everything – and she always did.
Molly cares for Eric, that’s why she was pretending to “not notice” what’s really going on. Tough, she is angry with Danny for hurting Eric.

Janna Lundh Gränesjö – Danny’s girlfriend. Her role in the story was small aswell, yet it was to called “key role” – that had enormous inpact on the story as you might noticed if you had read it until the end.
Janna and Danny have been together for a while. They know everything about eachother.
Janna cares a lot for Danny, she knows their relationship is based more on stability, dependancy than... feelings. She realises everything from the beginning.

Erik Segerstedt and Mattias Andréasson  Members of E.M.D, funny, out-going, friendly, caring, open-minded people.
It might seem to you that Erik and Matte’s part was what lead to the twist in the story, but, in fact – let me inform you it is not true.
Their’s expression in my native language, hebrew, that says: “The straw that broke down the cammel” – the small, meaningless thing, that lead into a crisis.
The crisis in the relationship between Danny and Eric existed a while ago, and doesn’t has anything to do with Erik and Matte.
The incident with Erik and Matte, was just that small, little thing that... lead into the crisis. The little match that lighted up the powder keg.

Dave Lepard - The former lead singer of the Swedish sleazy metal band called Crashdiet. Have was a drug addict, suffered from depression, and has commited a suicide. He was Danny Saucedo’s cousin – they were really close to each other.
Have was Danny’s inspiration, “Genious” as he called him...

Altough, Dave will not appear in the fanfiction in anyway, his story is important for better understand my fanfiction.

Peter London - The bassist of the band “Crashdiet” founded by Dave Lepard. Very down to earth, open minded, spiritual and sweet guy.
He was very close to Dave, closer than the any other members of the band.
In my story, he is also close to Danny, and knows Eric.

Martin Sweet, Eric Young – Members of “Crashdiet” aswell. Martin is the guitarist, and Eric Y. is the drummer.
They are out-going, funny, spiritual, down to earth and open-minded. Just like Peter London.

*Simon Cruz – To avoid confusion, please, read thos lines really carefully. Simon is the currect lead singer of the band in the reality, but in my story, he leaves the band due to the fact the stressfull situation is too hard for him.

*Olli Herman – Former lead singer of “Crashdiet”. He was the replace for the departed Dave Lepard. He had left the band due to inability to keep up with the mood, it was to depressed, to stressfull for him.
Also, he wanted to dedicate more time to his own band, “Reckless Love”.

*Both Olli and Simon will not have a part in the story itself, tough, it is important to know their stories.


The following story is a fanfiction. Which means, that all the events describes here are purely fictional. Sometimes, they are not even based on the reality.
This specific story is the less-realistic from the previous two ones.

As you may have guessed, it will be more centred around Danny Saucedo, unlike the first two – that were centred around Eric Saade.

Also, it involves eliments from “Crashdiet”. So, for better understand, and for your general musical knowledge – I suggest you listening to them.

This stroy continues, in a way, the previous two ones. Tough, as I said, it will be different in many ways – as you will see soon.

All the “If Only You” chapters:

All the “There’s a Place For Us” chapters:

I would like to say again – that this fanfiction is based on the imagination of the author, me, Nika H.All events described here are completely fictional, and sometimes, even not based on the reality as you may understand.
NOTE: The fanfiction, due to it’s content, is unappropriate for minnors.

Personal Note

Before we go on, I would to wish you a good time reading my fanfiction. I sincerely hope you will enjoy it, and I promise to do everything in my power to guarantee you this.

Any based feedback, that shows respect, will be appreciated and welcomed.

CONTACT information:


Yours truly, Nika.