Monday, November 21, 2011

FALLING RAIN: Chapter Four - "Believe Again"

“Falling Rain” - Danny Saucedo and Eric Saade fanfiction story written by Nika H, the admistrator of “Danny Saucedo Fans” at facebook:
Please, do not repost, copy, and/or change any part of this material without asking permission and crediting ME and “Danny Saucedo Fans”.
All events described here are purely fictional, unfortunately :(

Copyright © by Nika H, “Danny Saucedo Fans”.

Chapter Four – Believe Again

It was one of those hard working days, that I begun to love and look forward to lately. Since, while working hard – physically – one cannot think about something else besides it, since thoughts about work occupy all your mind.

I was dancing.
Since I was a child, whenever something bothered me, whenever I needed an escape – I would dance.
Dancing is my remedy.

I was rehearsing with my dancers the choreography for my new single, that I was supposed to perform live on the TV soon. It’s name was “Hotter Than Fire”.
A song, which I wrote back in those days when I was happy with Danny, inspired by those magical nights we shared.

The only thing I changed was the word “he” to “she”, you know, to avoid controversy and pain. Pain, that was caused now. When I knew all those days and nights are over, are far-gone forever.

Following few rehearsals in the road, that all of us were simply tired, soaked to the bone. We decided to do a short pause.
After empting all my bottle of mineral water, I have decided to check the time.
When I picked my phone, I saw I had a new text message.

Saade. It’s me, Peter. I need to speak to you as soon as possible about a very important issue. Call me! // London.

My heart missed couple of beats. I had a feeling it was very serious, furthermore, I even knew what Peter was going to tell me.
However, I simply followed his instructions, locked myself in the locker room, and called him.

-“Hi Eric!” He greated me on the phone, and I could tell he was nervious.
-“Hello Peter, long time no seen...” I greated him aswell, worried. I had a very certain idea what London wanted to discuss with me, and his tone scared me.
-“How are you doing, Eric?” He questioned me, I sensed he wanted to check wether I am insane aswell.
-“Fine, thanks. How about you? I’m a bit confused lately.” I answered.
-“Oh, I’m fine. Thank you for asking. Confused? Why is that?” He demanded.

-“You would know. You came here to talk to me about Danny, didn’t you?” I questioned him.
-“Yes. That’s true. He...” He confirmed, and I interrupted him.
-“Is out of his mind, completely?” I completed his sentence.
-“Yes, and there’s no-...” He begun to say, and I again – I knew what he was about to say.
-“Nothing you can do?” I guessed.
-“True. How do you know it all?” He asked, surprised.
-“Janna told me. She sent you here, right?” I asked.
-“No, actually it’s my own intention.” He responded. His response, I have to say, catched me off guard for a second.
-“What did Janna say?” He asked me.

-“The same thing you did. Have you tried talking to Danny?” I questioned him.
-“Yes, he wouldn’t speak to me, and it is the exact reason I am here...” He begun to say, clearly, that was going to be the speech Janna has given me.
-“Not you too, you also believe I am the only one who can... change something?” I suggested.
-“Who else does so?” He questioned.
-“Molly and Janna.” I replied.
-“Oh, I see and the answer is: Yes, Eric, I do. If there is any person Danny would open up his heart to - it is you. If there is any person Danny would listen to - it is you. If there is a person who matters Danny – it is you. I know it.” He said.

-“How?” I asked him.
-“He said it himself, when I tried to speak him. You know something? Remember what I told you about Dave? The thing is that Danny reminds me him more and more. This fact does not let me to sleep quietly at night. Eric, do something.” He asked me, almost begging.
-“London, I can’t pull that off. I will only make things worse.” I said.
-“They can’t get any worse than they are now.” He said, in response, and sighed.

-“I...” I begun to say, but he interrupted me – before I even said something.
-“Come on, Eric. I know it will hurt you but... a little pain to save him, to save Danny?” He knew exactly what I wanted to say and how I felt. Have to admit that until I met Peter London, I never believed in the superstitious. But I had some serious doubts since that day.

-“But Danny... He thinks were better be apart. He told me this!” I said in disagreement.
-“And you believed?” He asked, suddenly changing his tone.
-“I did.” I confirmed.
-“You know what I find truly amazing about you? Your always find a strenght within you to believe.” London told me, in a thoughtful voice.
-“London, how it is possible to live if there’s nothing to believe in?” I asked him.
-“True. Then make Danny believe again.” He stated.

Then, I realised he was simply right. I need to do something.
I would never, ever forgive myself if... I couldn’t even think about it.
But what can I do? Speak to Danny?
I remained silent, considering my actions.

-“Eric, take your time and think about it... I know you can do it.” Peter said, trying to motivate me.
-“Alright, Peter... I will.”
-“Thank you so much.”
-“Oh, you’re welcome. I guess I will see you... anytime soon. Am I correct?” I asked.
-“Absolutely. See you!” He confirmed.
-“Yes, goodbye London!” I said, and hang up the phone.

Make Danny believe again. But in what?

1 comment:

  1. Love it, as usual. <3 So glad Eric will go to Danny again, can't wait!

    Oh, and I really love what Peter says: "You know what I find truly amazing about you? Your always find a strength within you to believe." That's such a beautiful line. I'll save it and write it in my diary.
