Thursday, November 10, 2011

FALLING RAIN: Chapter Two - "Öppna Din Dör"

“Falling Rain” - Danny Saucedo and Eric Saade fanfiction story written by Nika H, the admistrator of “Danny Saucedo Fans” at facebook:
Please, do not repost, copy, and/or change any part of this material without asking permission and crediting ME and “Danny Saucedo Fans”.
All events described here are purely fictional, unfortunately :(

Copyright © by Nika H, “Danny Saucedo Fans”.

Chapter Two – Öppna Din Dör

After a falling rain, there’s always a rainbow.
Over the rainbow, there’s always a sun light.

My hope, my love would never die.
As long as I am being here, alive.

No, I was not knocked down to ground with a broken, bleeding, aching heart full of pain this time. However, it does not mean I have forgotten and let go.

I found myself diverged in two completely different persons. It could be said I have an “Alter Ego”. There was a part of me that loved Molly, that was happy with her.
Yet, there was another part... that loved Danny, which I tried to silent as hard as I could, when our ways separeted.

I even succeeded ignoring it, my own feelings and emotions. I own this success to my work that kept me busy all this time, and my girlfriend... Molly, that took care of me and generously accepted me as I am.

Molly’s reaction to all I hided from here surprised me. At first, because it shocked me that in the end I turned to be the only fool around.
The thought Molly knows everything from the beginning never crossed my mind. Either I am blind, either Molly deserves an oscar... I think the two options are correct.

The race I runned against myself, trying to escape my other side – I lost. I lost it on one day, when it was raining outside. When, Janna, Danny’s girlfriend – came to my apartment at 7 AM in the morning to speak with me.

Both me and Molly were deeply asleep, while someone was knocking on the door of our apartment so hard that it had awoken me.
What the hell... I thought to myself. Who is the madman knocking on doors at this hour? I asked myself.
I tried to go back asleep, hoping who ever that was will simply go away. But that did not happen. Unwillingly, I got up and reached the door.

-“Who’s there?” I asked.
-“It’s me, Janna.” A female voice answered me, and suddenly my eyes openned wide. Starbucks was nothing compared to it.
-“Janna...?” I asked, and openned the door not waiting for the answer.
-“Yes, oh, hello Eric! I am so sorry to... interrupt your sleeping, and annoying you at such hour. But, the thing is that I have to speak to you right now. It’s important, you kn-“ She said, and I interrupted her.
-“Yes, Janna. I know it is important. Come on, get in, we’ll drink coffee and then, when we are both concisious, discuss whatever it is.” I said. Tough, I had a certain idea what she came to talk with me. Regardless our friendship, there was only one thing that could make Janna to knock on my door at 7 AM – Danny.
-“Of course.” She said in agreement, and got in.

I went to the kitchen and prepared coffee for us. Afterwards, I got back, and sat next to Janna. After we finnished some cups, Janna finally spoke.

-“Eric, look, I have a feeling you know exactly what brought me here, but, I will say it anyways. It is about Danny. I am worried about him.” Janna said.
-“Something is wrong with him? Is he feeling bad?” I asked.
-“Physically? He is alright. Still recovering, but everything is good. Nothing to worry. I’m talking about his spirit. He is...” She said, and I interrupted here.
-“What?” I asked, worried.
-“Completely out of his mind!” She said, and sighed.
-“What happened?!” I shouted.
-“He is depressed, thinking about suicide. In the past few days, Danny had not spoke to anybody, and today... he left the house without even telling me, and when he got back... I found out he had joined ‘Crashdiet’ “. She told me, leaving me shocked, speechless. No way, it can’t be true! I thought
-“What?!” I re-asked, shouting even louder.
-“Eric, you ought to speak with him!” Molly said, suddenly, appearing out of under. Then, I realised I must be speaking so loud that I woke her up.
-“Oh, Molly, sorry... I guess I was too loud.” I said, in apology, and wanted to explain her but... She did not let me.
-“It’s alright. Hi Janna!” She said, and reached her to give her a welcoming kiss. What the fuck? I asked myself.
-“Hi Molly, nice to see you again.” Janna greated her, and kissed her back.
Again? What the fuck is going on here? Sounds as if they sad secret meetings.
-“So... Eric, I don’t know what to do. I’m lost.” Janna after a short pause.
-“If you are lost, so am I.” I replied. What ccan I do?
-“No, Eric. You’re wrong. If there’s any person in this world that can save Danny from himself, it is you. I know it.” She stated, with such a confidence that I almost believed her.
-“I nearly killed him. How the hell can I save him?!” I responded, afterward.
-“You can!” Molly said, all of the sudden and I turned to stare at her. They really had secret meating behind my back.
-“Look since he is part of ‘Crashdiet’ now, I believe London will get some sense in his brain. I know the guy, he-“ I begun to say, and saw the change in Janna’s expression.
-“You think?” She asked with a hope, interrupting me.
-“Yes, I do. Me staying away will be better for the two of us. Trust me.” I noted.
-“What if not...?” She questioned. I had the feeling she was asking herself this question more than she was asking me.
-“I don’t think Danny will go that far. He is not that crazy. Let’s give him and Peter a chance.” I said. I cleary did not believe Danny would... I couldn’t even think about it.
-“What if it doesn’t work?” Molly asked, from the tone I could tell she did not really believed in it. But, Molly did not know peter.
-“We’ll think of something. Although I believe it will. Danny is not that crazy. He will be back to norm soon, it will pass...” I ensured them, well, tried to.
-“I hope so, Eric, I hope...” Janna said.
-“Everything will be OK.” I calmed her.
-“Yeah, sure, thank you for speaking to me Eric, and Molly... Sorry for bothering.” Janna thanked us, and smiled in apology.
-“It’s OK, Janna. If something changes... let me know.” I asked her.
-“And me too, please.” Molly added, and I had the feeling this phrase had hidden meanings, but I it did not bother me.
-“Sure, I will. Of course. See you!” Janna said.
-“Goodbye” Me and Molly said together, as Janna stood up and walked away.

We stood, me and Molly, next to each other silently for a few minutes.
-“Eric... I think Janna was right. You should speak to each other.” Molly said afterwards.
-“It will only make things worse, Molly.” I said, we both sighed, and went back asleep.
Tough, none of us really slept.

I closed my eyes and let the awaiting pain rain over me. It was not usual pain, I was not hurt. Tough, that did not make it better – only worse.

My love, my true love, Danny is hurt.
Somewhere out there he is lost in his own pain.
Somewhere out there he is, all alone, searching for an escape.
The rain will not help, the rain will not wash it all away.
There’s nothing, nothing I can do – but pray.

My tears are falling, tears of shame... Falling rain.

1 comment:

  1. Don't know what Eric will do.. Hopefully he'll go to Danny. (: Looking forward to the next chap, like always!
