Monday, November 7, 2011

FLLING RAIN: Introduction!

After a lot of time I spent thinking about this issue, I have decided to continue writing my fanfiction.
The reasons behind this decision are:
  1. My love and passion for writing. For me, writing is important. I clearly see my future related to writing.
  2. I love Danny Saucedo and Eric Saade. Don’t you see? I don’t think any further comment is needed here.
  3. All of you, my amazing readers, have given me a lot of support and motivation to continue doing what I do. I got a lot of feedbacks asking me to continue, and if that makes you happy... I’m glad.

But, before we go on, there are some things I want you to know, in order to avoid misunderstanding.



The stroy behind my fanfiction is the love between Danny and Eric. As you see, their relationship might seem unsual in many ways to others, and them included.
But, in fact, isn’t love the same for everyone...? It is.
Both Danny and Eric fear the depth their emotions, this hidden fear trapped inside the two of them – does not let them see their relationship in a serious way.
That’s why, in my story, they think “It’s not meant to be”, “Love is just not enough”.
Their relationship, in fact, is not complecated at all – they only make it this way, and furthermore, they truly believe it is complicated.
Of course, to you, it might seem a bit weird, as I see through your responses, “If they love each other so passionately, why can’t they just be happy?”.
But don’t humans just tend out of their nature to make things complicated?


My story has two main characters, Danny Saucedo and Eric Saade. My story, so far, has been told from Eric’s point of view. Tough, this is going to change.

Here are short “biographies” of the characters in my story, note, some of them have not yet appeared in the story – but they will.

Eric Saade – Until now, the story has been told from Eric’s point of view. In my story, he is very sensetive, especially toward what people think about him, a bit fragile, emotional that tends to “over-react”.
Eric is very kind, caring, and moral. He is capable of love, he is very loving.
People surrounding him mean a lot to him, and he tries to do everything in his power to make them happy, sometimes, even in the price of his happiness.
He frequently tends to feel guilty. He is dependant.
Actually, the best word I can use to describe Eric will be the world “Manboy”.

Danny Saucedo – He is a very emotional who hides it, and aswell, Danny tends to over-react. To him, what clearly is important is to “be the man in the relationship”. Besides, for Danny, it’s even harder that Eric to admit he has feelings for a man.
Stability is important to Danny, he is afraid to change something in his life – since he worries it might lead to bad consequences.
He has Janna, his girlfriend, and Eric, his true love – he was thinking to let it go, until the moment he realised it’s impossible and he must choose.
He couldn’t choose, so he decided to leave things the way they were before, thinking it would be better. But will it?

Molly Sandén – Erig’s girlfriend. Her role in the story is very small, yet so importnant. To some, it might seem that Molly is living in a reality of her own, but in fact, she uses this as masquerade. If you had read the story carefully until the end, you’ll see Molly knows everything – and she always did.
Molly cares for Eric, that’s why she was pretending to “not notice” what’s really going on. Tough, she is angry with Danny for hurting Eric.

Janna Lundh Gränesjö – Danny’s girlfriend. Her role in the story was small aswell, yet it was to called “key role” – that had enormous inpact on the story as you might noticed if you had read it until the end.
Janna and Danny have been together for a while. They know everything about eachother.
Janna cares a lot for Danny, she knows their relationship is based more on stability, dependancy than... feelings. She realises everything from the beginning.

Erik Segerstedt and Mattias Andréasson  Members of E.M.D, funny, out-going, friendly, caring, open-minded people.
It might seem to you that Erik and Matte’s part was what lead to the twist in the story, but, in fact – let me inform you it is not true.
Their’s expression in my native language, hebrew, that says: “The straw that broke down the cammel” – the small, meaningless thing, that lead into a crisis.
The crisis in the relationship between Danny and Eric existed a while ago, and doesn’t has anything to do with Erik and Matte.
The incident with Erik and Matte, was just that small, little thing that... lead into the crisis. The little match that lighted up the powder keg.

Dave Lepard - The former lead singer of the Swedish sleazy metal band called Crashdiet. Have was a drug addict, suffered from depression, and has commited a suicide. He was Danny Saucedo’s cousin – they were really close to each other.
Have was Danny’s inspiration, “Genious” as he called him...

Altough, Dave will not appear in the fanfiction in anyway, his story is important for better understand my fanfiction.

Peter London - The bassist of the band “Crashdiet” founded by Dave Lepard. Very down to earth, open minded, spiritual and sweet guy.
He was very close to Dave, closer than the any other members of the band.
In my story, he is also close to Danny, and knows Eric.

Martin Sweet, Eric Young – Members of “Crashdiet” aswell. Martin is the guitarist, and Eric Y. is the drummer.
They are out-going, funny, spiritual, down to earth and open-minded. Just like Peter London.

*Simon Cruz – To avoid confusion, please, read thos lines really carefully. Simon is the currect lead singer of the band in the reality, but in my story, he leaves the band due to the fact the stressfull situation is too hard for him.

*Olli Herman – Former lead singer of “Crashdiet”. He was the replace for the departed Dave Lepard. He had left the band due to inability to keep up with the mood, it was to depressed, to stressfull for him.
Also, he wanted to dedicate more time to his own band, “Reckless Love”.

*Both Olli and Simon will not have a part in the story itself, tough, it is important to know their stories.


The following story is a fanfiction. Which means, that all the events describes here are purely fictional. Sometimes, they are not even based on the reality.
This specific story is the less-realistic from the previous two ones.

As you may have guessed, it will be more centred around Danny Saucedo, unlike the first two – that were centred around Eric Saade.

Also, it involves eliments from “Crashdiet”. So, for better understand, and for your general musical knowledge – I suggest you listening to them.

This stroy continues, in a way, the previous two ones. Tough, as I said, it will be different in many ways – as you will see soon.

All the “If Only You” chapters:

All the “There’s a Place For Us” chapters:

I would like to say again – that this fanfiction is based on the imagination of the author, me, Nika H.All events described here are completely fictional, and sometimes, even not based on the reality as you may understand.
NOTE: The fanfiction, due to it’s content, is unappropriate for minnors.

Personal Note

Before we go on, I would to wish you a good time reading my fanfiction. I sincerely hope you will enjoy it, and I promise to do everything in my power to guarantee you this.

Any based feedback, that shows respect, will be appreciated and welcomed.

CONTACT information:


Yours truly, Nika.

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