Wednesday, November 16, 2011

FALLING RAIN: Chapter Three - "Love And Death"

“Falling Rain” - Danny Saucedo and Eric Saade fanfiction story written by Nika H, the admistrator of “Danny Saucedo Fans” at facebook:
Please, do not repost, copy, and/or change any part of this material without asking permission and crediting ME and “Danny Saucedo Fans”.
All events described here are purely fictional, unfortunately :(

Copyright © by Nika H, “Danny Saucedo Fans”.

Chapter Three – Love And Death

From the very first steps in life, I wanted to strong. The feeling of power, strenght and freedom hypnotized me. It truly was my so called drug.
All my life I’ve been doing everything to be strong – physically and mentally.
The car accident I was involved in, by my stupidness, was what destroyed, in one second, everything I used to built for ages.
I built it all and watch it fall... like it never existed at all.

The feeling of being weak, of realising I must start working on everything all over again... was what used to bring me down, when I wasn’t thinking of Eric.
This what brought me here, to the gym, and had made me break all the promises I gave to Janna and the doctor.

In addition to that, the past few months I used to spend at home taught me an important lesson. There were a lof of thing in my life I feared, especially my own emotions. In the end, it was what destroyed me – my fears.

If only I could show Eric how I love him.
If only I could make him feel what I feel for him.
If only I would not be afraid to confess my emotions...
Maybe, maybe everything would be different right now.

But, as they say, there’s no turning back, what leaves only one possible direction to follow... direction I do not know where it will lead me.

The end if the beginning of something new, after a period always comes new sentence. A day will always be followed by another one.
Those are the rules of nature.
I had the feeling something new is starting for me, the wind, that carries me on through the steps of life changes it’s way. Furthermore, I knew, that I must leave every single part of my past behind... to follow it.
As it is said, you cannot build a new building from ruins.

I ended all the contacts I had with my friends, from my “past life” as I reffered to it. I wanted to start everything all over again, and I...
After gym, I planned to say goodbye to Janna.
Which was, one of the hardest decisions I have ever made.

To the gym I went accompanied by Peter London, who was already waiting for me at “Aldrig Vila” when I arrived.
-“Hello Peter!” I greated him and smiled.
-“Hi Danny.” He greated me aswell, and we entered the gym.

-“Since when you go to gym?” I asked Peter out of curiousity, after we both finished some exercises – have to say – it felt amazing. Going to gym, and practicing sports in general was not his thing. Clearly.
-“Since... quiet a while. I have perfect attendance.” He said, in a proud tone. What the hell did I miss? Me singing rock music, Peter attending gym... what’s next? Adam Lambert going straight?!
-“Who would have believed... Peter London doing sports. I will call the news!” I said, in a surprised tone and laughed.
-“You’re in delay, someone already did. I saw my pictures yesterday on the internet.” He said, grinning.
-“Haha!” I continued laughing.

-“Well, but my paparazzi record is of course, nothing compared to yours. How do you stand it?” Peter questioned me, with a slight of sarcasm (his native language) noticed in his tone.
-“Here is the problem. I don’t.” I admited.
-“Want to be left alone?” He asked, keeping the cinical tone.
-“Who doesn’t...?” I asked, that was meant to be a rhetorical question, but Peter had the answer to it.
-“The usual celebrities. I noticed the spotlight is like heroin to them.” He said.
-“Yes, but I am not one of those.” I confessed.

-“I’m glad!” He said, and laughed. Then, all of a sudden, his expression and tone completely changed. The free, careless, and happy tone of his was replaced with a nervous tone –“By the way, how are you feeling?” He asked, and looked at me.
-“Good, and you?” I said, trying to decode the hidden meaning that obviously were trapped in his voice, expression and... the question he had asked me.
-“Something happened?” Peter demanded to know. From his tone, it was clear this was a not a question to figure out if something went wrong – but to confirm something went wrong.
-“No... Why?” I said, quietly.
-“You look... nervous, as if you are failing you mathematics final exam.” Jesus christ, how does he notices everything?! I asked Jesus, more correctly: myself – since the first one never answered me.

-“I guess it’s impossible to keep something away from you.” I noted.
-“You are right, it is. Now tell me.” He insisted. And I knew, Peter would never let go.
Peter has a high sensability. He noticed there was something wrong with Dave before he... commited a suicide.
Tough, as Dave would not tell much – and Peter did not insisted on it, in order not to annoy him, the reasons behind my counsin’s death remain unclear.
Time passed, and Peter still cannot forgive himself – the regret and knowledge, that if he... had insisted more – Dave might be alive does not live him.

-“I... can’t.” I said.
-“Danny, I noticed for a while there is something wrong with you. You need to speak out, to get it out of your chest – otherwise it will kill you. Come on, tell me, I can help you - or at least, listen to you.” He explained me.
-“You are right... but please, not here.” I agreed, finally. After all – he was right.
-“Alright” Peter said, and we left the gym.

We walked silently to Crahdiet’s studio, which has become my second home already, and as Peter told me in our way – nobody was there.
-“You know something, Danny?” Peter said in a thoughtful tone.
-“What London...?” I asked him.
-“I am beginning to thing this band is the final station. It kills people, either they run away.” He said, looked down and sighed.
-“Why the hell you think so?” I asked him.
-“What happened with Dave you know, Olli and Simon – left us, because the atmosphere was too depressive for them here. I am beginning to think there is something wrong with us and... I am worried about you.” He admited.
-“Me? Why?” I asked him.

-“Danny, what is the real reason you decided to join us?” He demanded me.
-“I wanted to start things all over again.” I told him.
-“Start?” He asked, in quiet disbelief.
-“Yes.” I confirmed.
-“Oh, are you sure? The more I watch you – I am being conviced you came here to end things, again.”
I could not find an answer to this. I did not have a one. Peter was... as always, simply right.
As much as I tried to convice myself telling a new start will follow for me, deep inside, I knew I am closer to the finnish line.

-“Why, tell me, why are you destroying yourself Danny Saucedo? Why?” Peter said, almost screaming.
-“I...I can’t stand it anymore!!!”
-“Stand what? Danny, you have been in a car accident. Of course, it have negative effects on your body and state of mind. Believe me, it will pass! Don’t give up on yourself. Everything will be alright!” He said, trying to motivate me.
-“It doesn’t change anything. My life has no meaning.” I admited.
-“No meaning...? Why, is it because of Eric?” He asked me. For a moment, I gazed at him with shocking eyes.

-“How... Eric related to this?” I answered him afterwards, pretending I do not know what he is talking about.
-“Come on, we both know I don’t mean Eric Young now.” He said.
-“Then who?” I asked, still pretending I know nothing.
-“Eric Saade.” He said finally, and sighed.
-“How do you...” I asked him, and glared at him – shocked, not believing. It was clear to me now that Peter knows everything. But how?
-“Know it?” He interruped me, and completed my question.
-“Yes. How?” I confirmed and re-asked.
-“I spoke to Eric... he told me.” He confessed.

-“What?!” I shouted, in shock. What the hell is going on here?
-“It was when you were at the hospital, in hard condition. Eric came to the cemetery, where Dave was... burried, and we... talked there.” He told me shortly, tough no more words were needed. Everything could be understood.
-“What the hell...” I said, unable to say anything more.
-“He is worried about you.” Peter said, and put an arm on my shoulder – when he noticed the sadness Eric’s name made me feel.
-“Oh, Peter... I know.” I said, sighed and closed my eyes to fight my tears.
-“Then why...?” He asked.
-“Love is not enough sometimes, Petter. Now please, I want to be alone. See you tomorrow.” I said, and snapped out of the studio. I could not bear to be there anymore. I needed time alone.
One has to face his pain alone.

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