Sunday, August 28, 2011

THERE'S A PLACE FOR US - Chapter No.1 - "In The Club"

“There’s a Place For Us” - Danny Saucedo and Eric Saade fanfiction story written by Nika H, the admistrator of “Danny Saucedo Fans” at facebook:
Please, do not repost, copy, and/or change any part of this material without asking permission and crediting ME and “Danny Saucedo Fans”.
All events described here are purely fictional, unfortunately :(

Copyright © by Nika H, “Danny Saucedo Fans”.

PROLOGUE – “Life Goes On”

Life goes on, and on.

I was driving back home after another concert of my summer tour “Made of Pop”. I had planned to visit my family, and my girlfriend this evening. It has really been a while since I was home.

To be honest, in the first time ever in my life – I wasn’t excited or happy about this visit. Mainly because things got so complicated lately. Guess it was my fault.

Molly was angry with me for several things. She knew I was hiding something from her, so she was very dissapointed, and angry that I do not tell her.
-“Eric, what are you hiding from me?” Was what I heard from her everytime when I woke up by her side.
She could tell I do not cheat on her with another girl, since I only hang out with boys. The thought that I am cheating on her with a man called Danny Saucedo, would never cross Molly’s mind.

Also, she couldn’t understand how I simply forgave Danny – and let him back again in my life, after all he had done to me.
In addition to that, she guessed, and was right – that what I hide from her was related to Danny. Tough, again – She had no idea what exactly it was.
-“What’s happening between you and Danny?” Has lately became Molly’s usual way to say “Hello Eric”.

My family... sigh. My mom, she would not leave me alone about it. Instead of saying “Hello Eric!” when I come back home, I hear “What’s wrong between you and Molly?” and a lecture about how absurd, and idiotic is my behaviour toward Molly.

The worse was that I knew they both were right. I knew that I was wrong – I acted like a selfish, cruel asshole. But I there’s nothing I could do about it.

Home sweet home, I though and sighed.
I did not want to go home – and recieve what is waiting for me there.
Also, it wasn’t my family or Molly I wanted to see.

I wanted to see him... to see Danny. My gorgerous blond with blue eyes, that always suported me, and understood how I feel.
That loved me, and accepted me as I am. It was him who I wanted to see now.
But it was impossible, unfortunately. Currectly, Danny was in a summer tour alongside his bandmates, Erik and Mattias. Since they all were part of that boyband called E.M.D.

I had to admit that I was a bit... jealous of Erik and Mattias.  Especially of Erik Segerstedt, who also annoyed me. Tough, I had no reason at all for it.
I haven’t even meet or spoke to the guy... but still.

Eric, you are losing it, I thought and sighed.
Danny... Danny, I love you. I need you. I want you. I thought.

Suddenly, my phone rang. Probably Molly again, I guessed – but this time, fortunately, I was wrong – I wasn’t in the mood for her now.
I looked at the number, and almost died of happiness. It was he, it was Danny!
I immediately picked up my phone, -“Danny!” I greated him.
I was so happy, so excited, and yet so.. relieved.
Danny, you rock my world!, I though and smiled to myself.

-“Hello Eric!” Danny greated me warmly, and added –“Look, today I have decided to take a day off. Right now, I am in the club. Want to see me?”

Chapter One – “In The Club”

-“Eric!” Danny said, as soon as he had noticed me, and went toward me – which saves me ten minutes of search for him in this club. Sigh.
Danny gave me a warm hug,
-“Eric... I missed you so much!” He said, while he was still holding me tight in his arms.
In return, I gave him a kiss on his cheek, like a total geek.
-“Danny, I love you!” I said.
-“I love you too, Eric.” He said in response, smiled his most beautiful smile,and gave me a quick kiss on my lips.
-“How are you doing?” I asked him, and added –“Are you tired? You seem so. Maybe we should have chosen another place...” I suggested.
-“Oh, don’t worry about me. It will pass soon. Other place? Maybe we should have. But where? My studio reminds me of my work, and Janna is home now.”
-“Oh, I see” I said.
-“Life’s complicated, no?” Danny said, and laughed.
-“Yeah...” I agreed.
We both laughed.

-“So, tell me, what’s new?” Danny questioned me.
-“Don’t ask...” I said, I really did not want to waste my time with him talking about my problems. Tough, I had a feeling Danny will not let go until I explain.
-“I will ask.” He demanded. I was right.
-“Nothing is new. Molly is very angry with me, and probably considers kidnapping you, and torturing you to death – until you will uncover our secret. Mom keeps telling me I am an idiot, because of my behaviour toward Molly. Period.”
-“I’m sorry....” He said. I could tell he was feeling guilty for it, still.
-“Danny, it is NOT your fault.”
-“No, Eric – it is MY fault.”
-“Oh no, we are not starting this absurd discussion again. No way!”
-“Alright, Eric. By the way, you don’t have to worry about Molly torturing me, I love S&M very much.” He said, and winked at me.
-“Oh, I know... nice video.” I said and laughed.
-“Thanks boy! Glad you liked it!” He replied, and laughed aswell.

-“Now, your turn – What’s new?” I demanded him.
-“Oh, guess I brought it on myself...” Danny whispered, and continued –“Nothing. Everything is just the same. Janna pretends as if nothing happened, and asks Erik and Mattias to spy over me. They fail to do it. My family keeps telling me I am an idiot, because of the fact I refuse to get married and have kids. Ewww! Period.“
I laughed. I couldn’t imagine Danny in a wedding costume, with a bride – and few years later with little kids.
Oh, sorry – he wants to wear a wedding dress, not costume. Right. I thought and laughed again.
He joined me, and hugged me again.

-“How is the E.M.D tour...?” I asked him, in a bitter tone. Him being on a tour with two other guys wasn’t something I am happy about.
-“Going great! We are having so much fun! I will have to introduce you to Erik and Matte one day!” He said.
Huh, so they are having fun. What kind of fun? I thought.
-“Eric, you O.K?” Danny asked. He noticed my mood change. He was very observe, trying to hide something from him was... useless. I failed everytime.
-“Nothing.” I said quickly, pushing my luck. I had no reason to be jealous, and to dislike Erik and Mattias. But I couldn’t help myself. I’m losing my mind. Sigh.
Danny laughed. He clearly did not belive me. Oh, and even worse – He uncovered my dirty little secret.
-“Jealous of Erik and Matte?” He asked, and laughed.
I turned all red, I felt ashamed, and just nodded.
-“Boy, Erik and Matte are like brothers to me. Nothing more, trust me. They are great guys, I am sure you will be amazing friends. I will introduce them to you as soon as possible.”
-“Do they...?” I began to ask, but Danny understood what I was about to ask him, and answered before I was able to finish the sentence.
-“Of course not. That thought will never cross their mind. And by the way, you are so cute in a very adorable way when you get jealous.” Danny said.
I blushed. He laughed and gave me another hug. Guess today was the international hug day, or what? I wonder, when will be the international sex day or something.... I thought, and blushed like a tomato on the last thought.
-“Eric...?” Danny said, in a questioning tone.
-“Yeah...?” I said, and turned even more red when I noticed he was starring at me.
Danny laughed again, this time very loud.
-“Having  dirty thoughts again?” He asked.
Damn, how does he know it? Am I that ovious to read, or he is mine reader – just like that Edward Cullen from Twilight? I wondered.
-“Yes, I do” I admited finally.
-“You sound as if you confess about a murder, Eric.”
-“No... I just....”
-“Refuse to give up on your angel status and wings? Haha”
-“Very funny, Danny.” But again, he was right.
Danny grabed my by arm, and said –“Let’s dance!” – Like a good boy, I listened to him, and followed him straight to the dancefloor.

-“Hmmmm... Danny?” I said after song number IlostCountAlready ended.
-“Want to go somewhere else?” He asked. Gosh, he knows me so well I thought.
-“Yes, I do. How about MY studio? The sofa is not as cool as yours, but I think we can handle it, no?” I offered.
-“Haha, the hell we can! Let’s go!”

-“By the way, you should know, that right now, I am ditching Molly.” I said in the car, while driving to my studio.
Danny raised an eyebrow in reaction.
-“I was supposed to meet her, but then you called – so, I have changed my direction. Hope she will survive the let down.”
Danny raised an eyebrow, and laughed.
-“Eric, as for Molly – Don’t worry, she will survive. The girl has got a strong character. As for you... I am not sure. I already imagine the reception you will get when you come back home.”
We laughed together, and I bite my lip. I guess Danny was not far away from the truth. Molly may be will not kill me, but she is considering the option. Lucky I was smart enough to turn off the phone. Sigh.

-“Kidnapp me, Danny. Just do it already!” I said, in the most tempting voice I could.
Danny laughed, and said:
-“Suffering from Stockholm’s syndrome?” He asked me, in a sarcastic tone.
-“Huh? Stockholm’s what?”
-“Stockholm syndrome is something that sometimes happens to people who are victims of kidnapping. In Stockholm syndrome, the victim starts feeling loyalty toward the person who kidnapped him or her and even start to like the person.”
After he was done with quoting wikipedia, I started to laugh so hard. It almost made me to cause a traffic accident.
Danny laughed at me. Great, now he will make fun of me again, I realised.
-“Eric Saade, you are officially the worse driver I have ever seen. One day, you and I will end up in a hospital, or most likely – in the morgue!” He said, and laughed.
-“Ha ha ha! Hilarious, Danny! Look who’s talking. Excuse me, Mr. Saucedo, may I know where is your driver liscence? Oh right, you don’t even have a one. And now, please shut up, and let me drive in peace – before we will really end up in a hospital/morgue.”
Danny laughed, I sighed. At least, his survival instinct worked, and he did not bother me until we got to my studio.

There's a Place For Us - PREFACE

“There’s a Place For Us” - Danny Saucedo and Eric Saade fanfiction story written by Nika H, the admistrator of “Danny Saucedo Fans” at facebook:
Please, do not repost, copy, and/or change any part of this material without asking permission and crediting ME and “Danny Saucedo Fans”.
All events described here are purely fictional, unfortunately :(

Copyright © by Nika H, “Danny Saucedo Fans”.

PREFACE – Sneak Peak

-“No, Danny! No” I screamed, automatically, knowing he will never hear me.
-“No, Danny! Danny” I continued screaming, and realised it was too late for him, too late for me, too late for us.
-“Danny...” I whispered, and fell on my knees, and my eyes filled up with darkness, pain, dust.
I could not even cry, I just tried to search for the light – but I failed to find it.
I waited for the end to come, and take me away – I silently thanked God for the fact that right now, nobody saw me.

Everybody around me was screaming, -“Call an ambulance... He’s bleeding! He is loosing tons of blood” someone shouted, after few seconds I recognized the voice – it was Erik Segerstedt.

-“Get Danny out of his car!” Erik said, -“Let’s take care of him until professional help arrives” He ordered.
Alongside with Mattias AndrĂ©asson, and the rest of Danny’s dancers they pulled Danny out of his car.
He was unconscious, bleeding.
His face expressed agony.

I couldn’t take it anymore.
It was all my fault.
Yes, my fault.

-“I’m sorry, Danny” I whispered quietly into the silence, knowing no one is hearing me right now.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

IF ONLY YOU: Chapter No.15 - "All For Love"

"IF ONLY YOU" Danny Saucedo and Eric Saade fanficion, written by Nika (me).

Please, do not repost it in any place without asking premission and crediting me & my page, thank you! This was written for your pure enjoyment, all events described here are purely fictional (unfortunately).

Chapter Fifteen – All For Love

Danny was holding me tight in his amrs, not letting me go.
We were kissing each other, and no one of us was willing to stop.
Danny’s wet lips and tounge moved in pure harmony alongside mine.
He tasted so good. Feeling him was literally a cherry pie.

I pressed myself tighter to his chest, where I could feel the warmth from his body, and hear his heartbeat.
Slowly, my hands began to run over every single part of his glorious body.
I touched his back, his neck, his face, and finally his XL... penis.

Danny was already hard, and wet – just like me, by the way.Sigh.
So, I have diceded to stop wasting time acting like an innocent idiot , and do him right. I’m going to give you every inch of my love, Daniel Saucedo, literally, be aware. I thought.
I was a bit shocked at first, being dirty or/and thinking dirty was something I have not done before. What the fuck is wrong with me tonight? I asked myself.

-“Danny, should I take my clothes off or you want to do it yourself?” I asked.
Danny did not answer, he immediately pulled my shirt off, with my pants, alongside with my underwear. It took him less than two minutes, I must say.
-“You are so fine, Eric. I want to fuck you so hard.”
-“Danny, this time it’s my turn – I am sick of being a manboy, let me be a man for the first time in my life!” I said.
He laughed so loud, that I even thought we are having an earthquake.

Slowly, I began to undress him. Firstly, I took off his shirt.
My hand were running over his chest, I touched his nipples, and pinched his right one.
-“Ohhh!” Danny screamed, and looked at me, with shocked eyes.
-“I owe you this!” I said. The hell I do, he’d better deal with it. Sigh.
-“Haha, right. Fine then... Long memory you have!” He said, and bite his lip.
-“Still hurts?”
I did not waited for his answer, I just pressed my lips to his nipples – and started to lick them passionately with my wet tongue. Danny was moaning from enjoyment.

My hands went down on his body, straight where his penis was. I began to stork it  hard with my hands, while I was still licking his nipples.

I pulled his pants, alongside his underwear off. Now we were both naked.
I couldn’t help myself but gazing with adoration toward his body, tough I admit I felt a twich of jealousy, he was so perfect. Words cannot describe it.

I put his penis straight into my mouth, and begun to taste it with my lips.
My toungue went up and down on Danny’s penis, while my hands were massaging his balls.

Danny was still sitting on the sofa, moaning quietly from pleasure.
-“Eric... don’t stop” He said, -“Ohhh, boy, you’re so good. I love you!” He added, and continued his moan.

When I was done sucking his penis, he knocked me down to the ground.
Danny begun to kiss every single part of my body.
-“I want to kiss you all over...” He said.
Then, he went down on me, he licked every single part of my package with his wet lips.

Afterwards, Danny started to fuck me hard.
-“Oh!” I screamed, -“Fuck you, Danny! Harder, deeper!” I ordered him.
He did listened to me, Danny went totally wild – he had begun to move as fast and as deep as he could.
-“I love you. You’re so good at this!” I told him. Danny smiled at me, and bite my lip. He continued fucking me, his hands were touching my chest and arms, while he was kissing my lips.

In any other situation, I would just lay there and never stop him. But I had different plans for tonight.
I could feel the fire withing me burning.
I could feel the storng desire for him.
I wanted him, I needed him – right here, right now.

I slowly turned around, now I was on top. He clearly did not believe his eyes at first, and starred at me with shocked eyes. I placed my penis near Danny’s ass, and slowly entered him.
-“Ohhh” We both said at the same time, Danny even bite his lip – in order to stop the scream he was about to do.
I started to move within him. I went deeper and deeper, and started to fuck him faster.
-“Damn it. You are so good!” He screamed, -“Just don’t stop” He added.
The truth was that I couldn’t stop. Even if I wanted. But I didn’t.
It was the first time ever I have fucked a man. Have to say it was awesome. Probably because of the man I was fucking, tough... Sigh.

The pleasure enlarged slowly, I could fill it coming.
-“Danny, I am going to cum into your fucking mouth!” I shouted.
Since, he did not protested – I simple did it.
Watching Danny sucking my penis, alongside with my juices gave me chills over across my body.
Then, I went down on him once again – and haven’t stopped until he filled up my mouth.

We were lying on the floor in Danny’s studio. We were naked.
-“Ahh, it was the best feeling in my life!” I confessed, and smiled.
-“Yeah, boy, it was great. Tough, I cannot deny I am amazed, shocked, and surprised...” Danny said –“What lead to it? In the previous times you were... so shy, so cute, so innocent and afraid. What happened tonight that turned you into a wild bad boy?” He asked me, and winked.
-“Daniel, I just simple love you so much. For the past few months I leaved without you, and I....” Then I stopped. Damn, shouldn’t have said it.
His expression showed pain and regret, he had tried to hide it – but failed.
-“Sorry...” He said, and locked down, ashamed.
-“Don’t be, Danny. Let’s get over what happened – and start all over again. Blank page.”
-“Yes, you are right. Let’s!” He said, smiled – and kissed my lips as good as only he can do. That was my Danny! The danny I loved, love, and will forever love.

It was the start of something new for us. None of us did not know what will happen. Was it right? Was it wrong? Neither I, nor Danny had answers for those questions. It simply did not matter to us.
L.O.V.E – was what we felt toward each other, love was what we wanted – love was what we needed. He loves me, I love him. As Danny had said once, nothing but this so simple, and yet so wonderful truth matters in this world.

-“Te amo, Eric” Danny whispered into my ear, in spanish.
-“Ich liebe dich auch, Danny” I responded, and kissed him softly.

EPILOGUE – In The End - “Timeless”

We continued to lay down on the floor in Danny’s studio. We were still naked.
We looked into each other’s eyes, and we were into each other’s arms.
-“In your eyes, I feel love. In your eyes, I am whole.” Danny sang to me, in his beautiful voice.
-“I’ve been afraid to say it. But I really, truly feel it. I’m addicted to the rush you give me, you’re the one obsession. You raise my heartbeat when you smile.” I sang to him.
He smiled.
-“Do I raise your heartbeat now?” He said, and laughed quietly. He is so precious when he smiles I thought.
-“Yes, and I?”
-“You raise my heartbeat everytime, manboy. I simple love you – More than any words can express, more than you ever know.”
My reaction was reaching toward his lips, and passionately kissing him.
-“I will always love you, with all my heart – until the end of time.” I said, closed my eyes – and fell asleep alongside with the most beautiful person in the world, alongside my love. Danny. Sigh.

I feel the love from your heartbeat is hitting me,
I want to stay to be yours for eternity.
Don’t let the feelings go away so rapidly,
The clocks would never surround us – We could be timeless.

Tomorrow, I will wake up.
Tomorrow, another day will start.
New beginning, new life. Sigh.
Me and Danny might not last forever, that’s right.
But our love could be timeless.


Monday, August 22, 2011

IF ONLY YOU: Chapter No.14 - "Purest Delight"

"IF ONLY YOU" Danny Saucedo and Eric Saade fanficion, written by Nika (me).

Please, do not repost it in any place without asking premission and crediting me & my page, thank you! This was written for your pure enjoyment, all events described here are purely fictional (unfortunately).

Chapter Fourteen – Purest Delight

However, it did not change the fact that some questions needed to be asked, and given answers for. Talking things over was a must in our case.

-“Eric, if I had only I knew that your feelings for me are that serious. I would have never done it.” Danny told me.
-“For heavens sake. I coundn’t imagine that you love me so much, even more than I deserve. I thought that getting over me, for you would be a cherry pie.” Danny added, and smiled in apology.
How could he even doubt my feelings?
-“And your feelings?” I asked him.
-“Oh, I thought I could handle it... Guess I was wrong, again.” He answered.
-“When, and why you decided to... talk to me again? Or was it a spurr of the moment?”
-“Of course it wasn’t. Look, you know, one day I was sitting quietly in my studio, trying to write a song, and then, out from under – I recieved a call from your lovely girlfriend, Molly...” He said, paused to look at me, and continued.
-“I was literally shocked when she told me how are you doing, Eric. I have been feeling so bad for everything I have done that day since that. Really. Oh, and also, lying to Molly wasn’t something I enjoyed. She is still very upset with me/ I tried to call her few times afterwards, but she did not pick up the phone even for a single time... But well, I deserve it. I am lucky you have forgiven me after all I have done to you.”
I kissed his lips softly, and whispered –“I love you, Danny” in his ear.
Danny smiled, -“I love you too, Eric” he said then, and kissed me back.

-“You were better than me in... leading a normal sane life. I am so pathetic. Poor Molly, I made her worry so much... I even think she believes I have lost my mind” I said, after another moment of silence.
-“You only think this way, Eric.” Danny responded, adding –“If you asked Janna about how I was in the past... few months, you would realise how pathetic and cruel I am, Eric.”
-“Explain.” I demanded him.
-“Well, I used to lock myself in the studio, sit down on the floor, and tried to write music. I was home only for few hours a day. I used to tell Janna and my friends lies about me having a lot of things to do, but I could tell they did not believe me. You had tried to get over me, you had tried to lead a normal life. You cared about your friends, your family, your girlfriend – Molly, and I... dumped my friends, and ignored my family and girlfriend – Janna...”
-“Friends?” I asked, I had to admit, that was a bit jealous, tough. Ridiculous.
-“Erik and Mattias, from E.M.D” He answered, and smiled. –“They are like brothers to me.”
-“Ah, alright then.”
-“Eric, you are so adorable when you are jealous. You make me want to kiss you!” Danny said, and laughed.
-“Then, be dear and tell me, what the fuck are you waiting for?! Do it already.” I said, and laughed.
-“Eric, how about... going to a more private place at first? My studio for exapmle...? My sofa is very big, comfortable and soft...” Danny said, trying to sound innocent. Sure, sure, Danny + Innocent = Epic Fail.  I was horrible at Maths during school time, but DannyMathics was other story. I though to myself, smiled and...
Many things changed in me during the past months, except of this. I was still the red faced like a tomato man boy. I guess that would never change. Sigh.
Tough, Danny seemed to enjoy my reaction.
-“You are so cute, Eric.” He said, and smiled. –“And we better go to my studio now, before I lose myself here, in the RixFM festival’s locker room...haha” He said, and we both laughed together.
-“Let’s!” I said, and asked –“Let me guess, I am driving, right?” I was always the one to drive, for some reason.
-“Of course you do, I don’t want to commit a crime.”
-“Eh? Crime?” I said, not getting what he was about.
-“I have no driver liscence, boy.”
-“Really?” I asked, surprised.
-“Aha, really. Tough I will work on it soon, after I will finish my summer tour”

We got in the car.
Danny was sitting next to me.
We were smiling at each other.
-“Boy, I love you” He told me.
-“I love you too, Man” I replied, and kissed his lips, he kissed me back.
-“Eric... you drive me wild, you’d better drive already. If we will make love in your car, I am afraid it will not survive!” He said, and laughed.
I laughed aswell, and dicided, for my car’s sake to drive to his studio.
However, I must say that sex in the car sounded good to me.
Oh, what the fuck is wrong with me? I though, and sigh.

-“The purest delight, baby – is when your body is close to me. The purest delight, baby – you are everything I need to feel, oh oh...” Danny sang to me, suddenly, while we were driving to his studio in the darkness.
This is it. Now he officially turned me on. He will get what he wants soon, or not...No, he will get us hanging on a three naked, hardly alive, and my car would be officially ruined. Haha.
-“Eric, concentrate on the road” Danny said, and laughed.
Hiding my dirty thoughts was impossible even in the darkness.
-“Now you tell me!” I said, and laughed.
-“You are such a horrible driver, Eric. Really. As soon as I get the driver’s liscence, you will not be alowed to even get close to the driver’s sit. Otherwise  we will be driven to a hospital by a white car called ambulance everytime.” He said, still laughing.
-“Look who’s talking, firstly get a one!”
-“I will, one day...” He sang, copying the melody from my song, “Popular”.
Which made me smile.

Finally, we made it to Danny’s studio.
-“Oh, I can’t believe we arrived! I was thinking it would never happen!” He said.
What was his problem with my driving?
-“I sincerely apologize for not being the next Fernando Alonso, Danny.” I said.
We laughed.

We got in his studio, and went straight to Danny’s sofa.
-“Will work you out until I drop.Say it and I will never stop, ‘till we will get on up...You got me just like that!” Danny sang to me, in his sexy wild voice.
-“Now, you’ve done it officially, Danny. Nothing can stop me now” I said – in the dirtiest tone I could, and went toward him.
-“Nothing can stop US” He corrected me, and winked.

-“Come on, Danny – do me right, light my fire.” I said to him. While my face was only few inches away from his, while I could feel his every breath on my skin.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

IF ONLY YOU: Chapter No.13 - "If Only You"

"IF ONLY YOU" Danny Saucedo and Eric Saade fanficion, written by Nika (me).

Please, do not repost it in any place without asking premission and crediting me & my page, thank you! This was written for your pure enjoyment, all events described here are purely fictional (unfortunately).

Chapter Thirteen – If Only You

After the show was over, I was busy preparing myself mentally to the converation between me and Danny.
What to say? What to do? How should I act? What to ask? I had asked myself all over – as I haven’t figured the correct answer yet.

I was walking quietly, and slowly toward Danny’s locker room, the place, where he was probably waiting for me.
What will happen tonight... with us? I wondered, not knowing the answer – and not sure wether I want to know it.

Confused. Yes, that’s the right word for what I was feeling right now. At fiest, Danny had told me, that i was everything for him.
Second, he... left me, all alone – without  providing any logical explantations, that would answer the question I asked him in my dreams every night: WHY?!
Third, now he tells me that he will never let me go.
What the hell is going on here? I wondered.

I finally reached Danny’s locker room, knocked two times on the door, and waited.
Few seconds later – he openned the door, and greated me warmly.
-“Hello Eric! Thanks for coming” He said, smiled, and hugged me suddenly.
I was shocked. What the hell is going on here? I thought again. But resisting Danny was useless, so I hugged him back.
-“Danny...” I said, adding –“Thanks for inviting me”.
-“You’re welcome, boy! Anytime, really....” Danny replied, and winked.
Is he drunk? Or is he on drugs? I wondered. I highly doubted it, but I couldn’t find another logical explantation to his behavior.
Danny noticed my look..., and probably – he guessed what I was about.
-“Alright Eric, I guess we have to do it... Let’s talk” He said, and sighed.
-“Let’s...” I said, nervously.

We were sitting on Danny’s sofa, quietly. Nobody talked.
I looked at Danny – waited for him to... say something. Danny looked at me – waited for me to... say something.
At the point when silence became simply intolerable, Danny said:
-“Eric, get if off your chest already!”
-“What? My shirt? I asked, in a sarcastic tone. That was something I learned from Danny.
He laughed, and responded:
-“That too!!! Haha... But I was actually thinking that you might have few questions to me, or am I wrong?”
No, Danny, you aren’t wrong. I am just an open book – No matter how hard I try to hide something, it is still written on my face. Sigh.
-“Yes... questions... basically... one... question...” I said, in a dead tone – I was scared to death of that conversation, and it’s impacts on me later.
Danny starred at me for few seconds, with worrying eyes, and sighed.
-“Eric... I’m so sorry, really, sorry! I’m sorry for everything, for all the pain I caused you... I....”
Tears were streaming on my face, as the picture of the last time we met before today came in my mind.
-“Eric....” Danny said again, -“Sorry, Eric”
-“It’s O.K.” I said, trying to calm him.
-“No it’s not” He said.
-“But... why? Danny, why?” I questioned him. Guess it was impossible not to ask this question.
-“I thought we were wrong” He said, and few tears appeared in his eyes. I have never seen Danny cry before.
-“Wrong?” I asked, sounding more like an echo.
He sighed, and said the longest speech I have ever heard of him:
-“Eric, when I met you – It was a love at first sight. I was dreaming about you. I was seeing your face, hearing your voice everytime I closed my eyes. I was obsessed with you. You were everything to me – the centre of my universe.
I stopped caring about the rest – my life, my carreer, my family, and... my girlfriend. I thought it was so wrong.
Besides, I knew things are the same for you... So, I thought we were wrong, our relationship was wrong... it went way too far, it was way too serious.”
-“Ah, I see...” I responded after a short pause, in a dead voice.
-“Eric... I’m sorry...”
-“Don’t be Danny, it’s your life – you can do whatever you want with it. Goodbye...” I said.
-“What?!” He said suddenly.

-“Don’t be sorry for anything, it’s not your fault. Danny, it’s your life – and you can feel free to do anything you want – don’t worry about me...”
-“I got that part, but...the last word...Goodbye?”
-“Yes, if we are wrong... and when you put things this way, I must say you are right. We’d better get over it now, before it gets too...late.”
Danny did not answer. Danny did not move. He just glared at me with shocking eyes. After few seconds, his shocked expression turned to be... a pain expression.
-“Danny, what’s wrong?”
-“Nothing... Eric, nothing...” He said, in a broken voice. I must admit, that before, I have never seen him in such mood.
-“Danny! Tell me, please” I demanded him in a worried tone.
We might be wrong, but it will not change my feelings for him. I’m still loving him.
He looked at me with hesistation for few seconds, then, Danny sighed – his expression showed nothing but confidence, and then, he finally spoke.
-“Eric, I said that I thought we were wrong” He repeated, slowly, putting emphasis at every single word.
What am I missing now? I wondered, trying to figure out – but failed.
-“Danny... I’m not the FBI, please, don’t speak in codes.”
He laughed.
-“Eric, I said that I thought we were wrong... not that I think we are wrong.” He said and laughed quietly, again. –“Simple english, pay more attention to the tenses, you know... grammar”.
-“Oh!” I said, and realised what he actually meant. Am I dreaming?
-“What were you doing during the English classes? Huh, Eric?” Danny said, in a sarcastic tone.
I laughed.

-“Eric, I am sorry for what happened. I was just being a total idiot, I am blonde after all, you know...” Danny apologized again, and laughed.
I laughed with him
-“Don’t worry, I have already forgiven you long time ago, Danny” I assured him.
-“Thanks boy.” He said, and continued after few seconds, -“Do you still love me, after all I have done to you? After all the pain I caused you?” He questined me.
-“Danny... the way I feel about you have never changed. I love you, and I will always do so.” I told him, -“The question should be wether or not your feelings for me are strong, and serious.”
-“Man, are you really asking that?” He said, and quickly added, -“Eric, I am the blond – so it is MY job to ask stupid questions, not yours. Oh, and by the way... Eric, I love you.”
-“Danny, are you sure it’s the right thing to do? You don’t have to pretend for my sake.” I asked him.
-“I don’t care if it is right or wrong, that doesn’t bother me anymore. I know what I am feeling. I know what you are feeling. Nothing matters besides it.” He said, -“Another silly question, manboy?” He added, and winked.
I smiled toward him.

In the first time during the last months I was happy.
In the first time during the last months I felt hope.
Suddenly, everything was so easy, so simple.
As if... what happened and ruined it... did not happen at all.

Back to the past then? I questioned myself.

Danny was looking deeply into my eyes, smiling. I couldn’t help myself but smiling back at him.

Danny is so handsome when he smiles, especially now.
His blue eyes shinned like stars, reflecting the sunset that burned within them.
His pink lips seemed to be so precious, so delicious, so kissable...
Danny raises my heartbeat when he smiles, the hell he does! I thought and smiled, like a geek.

-“Eric” Danny finally said, -“Eric... I... I love you” he added, while looking deep into my eyes with his hypnotizing blue eyes.
My head began to spin around, while my hearbeat went faster and faster – and my breathing was louder and louder.
Few tears streamed down my face. Those were tears of happiness and not pain.
Danny smiled at me, and touched my face softly.

-“Danny...” I finally menaged to say, after a long pause, - “Danny, I love you” I added, and kissed his lips – I could not resist more. He kissed me back.

I love him. He loves me. Danny was right, nothing matters besides that simple fact. Sigh.

Monday, August 15, 2011

IF ONLY YOU: Chapter No.12 - "Unite This Heart"

"IF ONLY YOU" Danny Saucedo and Eric Saade fanficion, written by Nika (me).

Please, do not repost it in any place without asking premission and crediting me & my page, thank you! This was written for your pure enjoyment, all events described here are purely fictional (unfortunately).

Chapter Twelve – “Unite This Heart”

When I got back to Sweden, I headed straight to Rix FM festival – I was scheduled to perform “Popular” alongside with my new single “Hearts In The Air” featuring my friend, rapper J-Son.

I was worried, nervous to death – I would say.
No – it did not have anything to do neither with the fact that it was my first appearance since the ESC, nor with the fact that I was worried about how people will react  to my new single. I did not thought of those.

It was... Danny, yes, again, it was Danny.
He was suppossed to perform there aswell – at the same day with me, and he was performing before me. Which means, I cannot escape – no matter how hard I want or/and try to.

I was walking backstage, all alone and nervous as hell. Then, I froze.
Danny was standing motionlessly, and quietly near the window, lying his body against the wall.
His eyes were vacantly starring at the floor, his face expression was something I could not decode, but he seemed tired, and a bit.... sick(?).
Danny payed me no mind, maybe he haven’t noticed at all – or maybe he pretended as if I wasn’t there.
Ignore him or not? Talk to him? I questioned myself, but I haven’t found the answer.
Then, he finally noticed me – or stopped ignoring me.
Danny looked my way, with a questioning expression – his eyes showed hesistation. But after few seconds, his expression changed – and showed desicion.

Danny came toward me, and stopped one metre away from me.
-“Hello Eric” he said, quietly – not smiling.
-“Danny, if you do not wish to talk to me – then don’t” I said, and continued –“I don’t want to force myself on you, you don’t ha...” He interrupted me.
-“But I want to” He said.
-“Well, fine then...” I said, in a dead tone. If that is what he really wants then... why not?
-“Or.... you don’t want to talk to me?” Danny questioned me.
-“Ehh, no Danny – I don’t mind” What was the use of running away from him now? The pain will not be worse.
He looked at me with attention, he was checking me out – like a doctor.
Aha!  Rating how insane I am from 1 (lowest) to 10 (highest)? I thought in a sarcastic way, but I wasn’t way far from the truth – I guess.

-“Eric, I think we could talk after the performance... it will be better, for the two of us” Danny said.
-“Yeah, you are right” The crowd doesn’t has to suffer.
-“See you after the show, good luck! Oh, and congratulation for your ESC appearance, you were amazing!” Danny said, and slightly smiled.
-“Thank you Danny, see you – goodluck aswell. Oh, and nice T-Shirt” I responded.
-“Thank you!” He said and laughed, -“Well, see you later, Eric” he added, turned around and walked away

-“Wait... Danny...!!!” I said, suddenly – when I remembered that I forgot to ask him something.
Danny stopped, and looked at me with coriousity and hope.
I ran toward him.
-“Are you alright? I mean... you look a bit sick...”
-“Yes, I am alright – I am just... tired” He said, well, no – he lied.
He looked sick, and it worried me a lot.
-“Get well soon.”  I said.
He laughed.
-“Thank you, boy. You are so... observe.” He told me.
-“Why lying?” I demanded him.
-“Did not wanted to... bother you with my problems.” Danny confessed and looked down. Strange, he really ment it I realised.
-“Oh, it doesn’t bother me.” I admited, and some tears went down my face. I love you Danny, I love you, I care! I wanted to shout out and kiss him. But I couldn’t.
He was so close to me now, and yet so far away.
I looked down, hoping he will not see me cry.
I did not wanted to worry him, I did not wanted him to see me cry, especially now – when he is sick.
-“Eric” Danny said. I looked at him.
For a minute, we were gazing at each other – and found ourselves lost in each others eyes.
-“Eric....” Danny repeated then, -“Don’t fall apart” Danny said, sighed, and pointed at  his chest – exactly where his heart is –“Unite this heart” he said, lookind deeply into my wet eyes, that were full of tears.
Then, he smiled at me, and suddenly – gave me a hug.
I hugged him back.

Costs what it costs but this moment is worth all the pain that might will follow it.
-“I will never let you go” Danny suddenly said, -“See you after the show in my locker room. I will be waiting for you there, boy.” He added and walked away.

Leaving my crying, shocked, but... ridiculously happy behind.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

IF ONLY YOU: Chapter No.11 - "On The Edge Of Glory"

"IF ONLY YOU" Danny Saucedo and Eric Saade fanficion, written by Nika (me).

Please, do not repost it in any place without asking premission and crediting me & my page, thank you! This was written for your pure enjoyment, all events described here are purely fictional (unfortunately).

Chapter Eleven – “On The Edge Of Glory”

I hated waiting, with all my heart, brain and soul.
Those.... thirty minutes, lasted so long. They were without a doubt, the longest thirty minutes of my life.

At some point, I stopped caring and counting points. Wether I finish first, second, or maybe...even third – it did not bother me.
All I wanted was it to be over, but there were like... how much? 23 countries to go? Well, I have already lost count.
Home sweet home I miss you I thought, and I thought about my family, my friends, my girlfriend, and... my country. Hopefully, the Swedish people will be statisfied with my performance and result.
So what? So what if I will not win? The second/ Third spot is... also fine?
Especially if one considers that it will be Sweden’s best result since... 1999. I though, but something interrupted me.

Oh, now Sweden’s points will be announced! I realised, and thought Wonder, who will be announcing them?
“.....Danny!” someone said, and shortly afterwards – Danny Saucedo appeared on the TV, wearing a T-Shirt with my picture and name on it.
What the fuck is going on here?! I whispered, hoping my dancers will not here it, as I fell down on the sofa. Luckily, nobody heard me. Yay?
I wasn’t neither paying attention to what he was saying, nor to what he was doing, just to... his face, his eyes, his lips...
It has been a while since I saw this face, it has been a while since I heard this voice.
Then he was gone.

I couldn’t think of anything else after that. The voting, the waiting – were meaningless to me. I forgot about home, family, and girlfriend.
Danny’s face filled up my mind.
How is he? How is his carreer? Does he....?  I wondered, but at some point I was not able to think about him anymore. It hurt way too much, which slightly surprised me.

I have spent the past weeks ignoring Danny’s existance as much as I could.
I haven’t thought of him, I haven’t talked about him.
I stopped dreaming about him. I got over him, absolutely...!!!
That was what I thought... until now.
Now, again, he crashed my world. All I have been doing for the past weeks was undone now. Oh, and some say “What is done cannot be undone” How ridiculous!
The love for Danny was back, his face was back in my mind.
Alongside with the pain and emptyness.

I ended up third in the end.
The weird was that I did not care at all.

When Molly saw me backstage, she got really worried.
-“Eric, it’s Sweden’s best result since 1999! You did an amazing job! You were the best, really! You deserved to win, but...” She was telling me, I interruped her.
-“Molly, it’s not that...” I began to say.
-“Ah, of course... I forgot Danny’s appearance, with the phenomenal T-Shirt” She said in sarcastic tone.
A Remainder of Danny’s name made me feel... pain.
In the past few weeks, I did not feel pain at all – since I haven’t thought about Danny and... I was busy, so now – it hurt more.
-“Sorry... Eric, I shouldn’t have said this” Molly said, ashamed of herself.
-“It’s not your fault” I said quietly, trying not to break infront of her.
-“But... What happened between you? Why you react like that to it?” Molly asked me.
Oh God, what will I say to her now? Well, I guess I brought this to myself – so now I have to deal with it, great, Eric, great!
-“Ohhh, he said that too."
Huh? Oh right... When she screamed at him on the phone.
-“Molly... Let’s just move on.” I said, when I couldn’t stand this silence, knowing that “move on” = utopia for me now.
-“Yeah, let’s” She said and smiled. I could tell she did not believed it aswell, but she very much wanted to.

Release me Danny, set my body free I thought to myself, and realised,
Danny cannot set me free – since I haven’t set myself free, but how do I do it? Or even better: Can I do it?
I guess no I sighed.

Monday, August 8, 2011

IF ONLY YOU: Chapter No.10 - "You're Out Of My Life"

"IF ONLY YOU" Danny Saucedo and Eric Saade fanficion, written by Nika (me).

Please, do not repost it in any place without asking premission and crediting me & my page, thank you! This was written for your pure enjoyment, all events described here are purely fictional (unfortunately).

Chapter Ten – “You’re Out Of My Life”

Question were floating in my mind as I drove my car.
I have decided to lock myself in my studio, again – with my tears.

I openned the door of my studio, turned the lights on, sat on the sofa, and let my thoughts fly away as tears were streaming down my face...

All this time, I was trying to escape the pain, to avoid the pain – Rather than face it, and try to get over it, like a normal, sane person should do.
But as a result, the pain had only gotten worse – it hurt me, and it hurt Molly.

Suddenly, I felt a strong need to... talk someone, to speak out.
But to whom? To Molly? To my Mom? To whom?
What hurts the most, is that I knew exactly the name of the only person who would have understood me, who would have helped me... but he is gone, carried away by the wind.
However, it will never change the way I feel... for him.
I’m screaming on top of the world, but I don’t think I can he heard by you... Danny. I thought and sighed.

I don’t know what had happened between us.
I don’t know what will happen with us.
I only know that he isn’t there, by my side anymore.
Oh, and he probably will never be there... I thought to myself.

-“Then why?” I asked myself suddenly.

Why do I keep living in the past? Why do I keep missing the present? Why do I keep ruining my future? Why? I asked myself.
-“Danny” I said, and sighed. The answer for everything that happened in the past months of my life is Danny.

But why?
I love him, that’s a fact.
He doesn’t love me, that’s also a fact.
Why I can’t, for God’s sake, forget him and move on?

-“Danny... Danny... please, set me free – release me, please.” I whispered, almost crying.
-“Release me, release my body, my soul... free me.” I whispered again.
It was useless.
Danny wasn’t here – and he will never be.
Danny did not care – and will never do.
I need ro release my self, to free myself – All alone.
Nobody in this planet will do it for me. I realised.

Get over him, Eric – you must do this. I ordered myself
It will do only good to you, and to Molly. I tried convincing myself
-“Just do this. Set your mind and body free.” I said.

Life goes on.
And I will be a total fool if I continue being like that.
Life goes on, time is running out.
And I will be a total fool if I will continue being like that.
Being stuck in the past, all in ruins.
I live only once – and not forever.
So, why not use my chance?
So, why not let it go?

-“Baby goodbye, Danny goodbye.”
I said and tears streamed down my face, again.
Daniel Gabriel Alessandro Saucedo Grzechowski – those are the last tears I am crying because of you.
You’re gone, you’re out of my life.
Life goes on, and I will carry on...

Saturday, August 6, 2011

IF ONLY YOU: Chapter No.9 - "Screamin' On Top Of The World"

"IF ONLY YOU" Danny Saucedo and Eric Saade fanficion, written by Nika (me).

Please, do not repost it in any place without asking premission and crediting me & my page, thank you! This was written for your pure enjoyment, all events described here are purely fictional (unfortunately). 

Chapter Nine – “Screamin’ On Top Of The World”

Days passed, weeks passed, months passed – the pain was still the same. Nothing had really changed.
Crazy rehearsing my number for the Eurovision. Spending hours in the studio with my friend, Jason – writing and recording music. Going home, and lying to Molly than I look the way I look; dead on my feet, lifeless and heartbroken because I am exhausted because of work.
She believed it, at least I thought she did.

I came back home, after I had finished the rehersals and the studio session.
When I entered home, I openned the door, and I heard that Molly was talking to someone from the Sallon, since there was no second voice – I guessed it was on the phone.
-“Danny, tell me, what the hell is wrong with him? I can’t stand it anymore!” Molly said.
What? What is wrong with who? What she can’t stand? Danny? What Danny? Was Molly talking to Danny? Why? A lot of unanswered questions were floating in my mind. “What the fuck is going on here?” I whispered to myself.

-“Don’t tell me you don’t know, I have a feeling you do. There is a reason while Eric’s face is full of pain whenever he hears your name! Don’t lie to me!” Molly replied to... Danny.
Then I understood everything. Really, Eric, who do you think you were fooling? Probably only yourself I thought.

-“What happened between you? Why aren’t you talking to each other anymore?” Molly demanded him on the phone, and added: -“I remember how you used to spend so much time together, and now... What happened? Did you guys fight?”
Molly wasn’t living in outer space as I thought, she noticed every little thing. She knew I was lying to her about my “lifeless” mood, and she guessed why – Danny, and she was damn right all the way long.
Lord, why am I the only person in this planet to be wrong?

-“Nothing happened? Then talk to Eric!” Molly screamed. This girl was screaming at Danny because of me, I don’t deserve it – she is really too good for me.

-“What do you mean ‘you can’t’, the hell you can! Danny! Please! I’m asking you as a friend.... as a cousin.... Eric is important to me, and I have a sense that what is going on with him, has something to do with you, yes, YOU!”
And I must say that her senses didn’t let her down, again.

-“Danny, please....” Molly said now, almost whispered, in a broken voice.
I felt a strong twitch of guilt, I was trying hard to not make her suffer, but she was suffering all the time. “I am so pathetic” I whispered to myself. Molly continued: -“Danny, I will never tell Eric you spoke to me, I swear you can trust me... I just want to help Eric” She added in a broken voice.


-“No, Danny! Wait... Danny no!” Molly said, and  threw the phone away – it landed on the ground, and survived somehow.
Then, she sat on the ground and started crying.

What should I do? I asked myself.

Go on – to Molly?
 Calm her, tell her I will improve – well, lie, because I will not.
This broken heart will not be fixed...
Tell her that I love her?
When I love someone else more.
Someone else who doesn’t care about me...
But if I will... I will have to explain her everything, everything about my relationship with Danny... I can’t, I can’t!

It was enough for me, I didn’t now what to do. The thoughts of Danny made every piece of my heart ache again, but this time it was 1 000th times stronger.
I wanted ro run, to escape. I wanted to be alone, on the edge of the word – on top of the world. All alone, completely by myself – me, myself and... my pain.

Molly... oh well, I’m going to hurt it her again now
The good part of it is that she doesn’t know I am here, not yet I thought, and added in my mind  But she will, If I keep on standing here... If Molly sees me now, she will find out everything – she is smart, it will take her 10 seconds exactly to understand what happened between me and Danny. She is way  more observe than I gave her credit for, furthermore – my heartbroken look says it all. “I have to go” I whispered to myself, and ran away back, from my own house to my own car.
I drove away as fast as I could.
Leaving everything behind.
Days passed, weeks passed, months passed – the pain was still the same. Nothing had really changed.
Crazy rehearsing my number for the Eurovision. Spending hours in the studio with my friend, Jason – writing and recording music. Going home, and lying to Molly than I look the way I look; dead on my feet, lifeless and heartbroken because I am exhausted because of work.
She believed it, at least I thought she did.

I came back home, after I had finished the rehersals and the studio session.
When I entered home, I openned the door, and I heard that Molly was talking to someone from the Sallon, since there was no second voice – I guessed it was on the phone.
-“Danny, tell me, what the hell is wrong with him? I can’t stand it anymore!” Molly said.
What? What is wrong with who? What she can’t stand? Danny? What Danny? Was Molly talking to Danny? Why? A lot of unanswered questions were floating in my mind. “What the fuck is going on here?” I whispered to myself.

-“Don’t tell me you don’t know, I have a feeling you do. There is a reason while Eric’s face is full of pain whenever he hears your name! Don’t lie to me!” Molly replied to... Danny.
Then I understood everything. Really, Eric, who do you think you were fooling? Probably only yourself I thought.

-“What happened between you? Why aren’t you talking to each other anymore?” Molly demanded him on the phone, and added: -“I remember how you used to spend so much time together, and now... What happened? Did you guys fight?”
Molly wasn’t living in outer space as I thought, she noticed every little thing. She knew I was lying to her about my “lifeless” mood, and she guessed why – Danny, and she was damn right all the way long.
Lord, why am I the only person in this planet to be wrong?

-“Nothing happened? The talk to Eric!” Molly screamed. This girl was screaming at Danny because of me, I don’t deserve it – she is really too good for me.

-“What do you mean ‘you can’t’, the hell you can! Danny! Please! I’m asking you as a friend.... as a cousin.... Eric is important to me, and I have a sense that what is going on with him, has something to do with you, yes, YOU!”
And I must say that her senses didn’t let her down, again.

-“Danny, please....” Molly said now, almost whispered, in a broken voice.
I felt a strong twitch of guilt, I was trying hard to not make her suffer, but she was suffering all the time. “I am so pathetic” I whispered to myself. Molly continued: -“Danny, I will never tell Eric you spoke to me, I swear you can trust me... I just want to help Eric” She added in a broken voice.


-“No, Danny! Wait... Danny no!” Molly said, and  threw the phone away – it landed on the ground, and survived somehow.
Then, she sat on the ground and started crying.

What should I do? I asked myself.

Go on – to Molly?
 Calm her, tell her I will improve – well, lie, because I will not.
This broken heart will not be fixed...
Tell her that I love her?
When I love someone else more.
Someone else who doesn’t care about me...
But if I will... I will have to explain her everything, everything about my relationship with Danny... I can’t, I can’t!

It was enough for me, I didn’t now what to do. The thoughts of Danny made every piece of my heart ache again, but this time it was 1 000th times stronger.
I wanted ro run, to escape. I wanted to be alone, on the edge of the word – on top of the world. All alone, completely by myself – me, myself and... my pain.

Molly... oh well, I’m going to hurt it her again now
The good part of it is that she doesn’t know I am here, not yet I thought, and added in my mind  But she will, If I keep on standing here... If Molly sees me now, she will find out everything – she is smart, it will take her 10 seconds exactly to understand what happened between me and Danny. She is way  more observe than I gave her credit for, furthermore – my heartbroken look says it all. “I have to go” I whispered to myself, and ran away back, from my own house to my own car.
I drove away as fast as I could.
Leaving everything behind.